
CRank: 5Score: 56540


Every so often, perhaps once in a month of Sundays, a comment comes along that is so eloquent and concise that we must question why its author only has one bubble to spread his or her genius and balanced reasoning around for all to experience and cherish.

Yours was not one of those comments.

3592d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment


You're looking for something that isn't there, and stirring a pot that doesn't need you to stir it.

3592d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


I think you've said what I meant more than I could. I guess that I don't mean that most guys online are evil - it's that most girls (and others) have experienced this kind of behavior, making it seem like a lot more people are doing it. But still - nobody should have to deal with it.

3596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is the greatest thing I've ever seen. Based Naughty Dog.

3596d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment


I agree that gaming journalism has been in the toilet for a while, with certain exceptions. However, even though many YouTube personalities are independent, they are still motivated by hits - especially with monetization in play. Eventually, they'll turn into the same thing that written journalists have become. As you said, the fall has given rise to another group.

3596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I disagree when you say that most men aren't guilty of this. Any time I see a girl in an online room, things happen. Sometimes it's flirting/being cutesy. Sometimes its friend requests from strangers. Sometimes it's "hey girl, are you single?" Sometimes it's "yo, you got nudes?" Sometimes it's "go cook me dinner, bitch." But the fact is, women are treated differently than men in online gaming.

The fr...

3596d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for Sarah Jessica Parker looking like foot.

3596d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Eddie Cibrian

3596d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


I have three real life female friends who game. Two of them changed their gamertags to gender neutral names to avoid being harassed and stalked, and all three of them no longer use their microphones online because of the crap they deal with if they happen to do something as horrible as talking. Sure, saying that EVERY guy does it to them and other girls is wrong, but so is denying that there is a significant problem.

3596d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Please don't take Marked for Death away!!!!

3597d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


If you want to pretend that there is not a problem, please continue. You're the one who has to be known as the typical white male oblivious to any problems that are not his own. I'll bet that if you were around at the time, slavery, the holocaust, and voter disenfranchisement would have been things that you hated hearing complaints about.

But hey - at least you can (by your own estimation) pass critical thinking at any university.

3597d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


"The horse has turned into a zombie, kept "alive" by secret sauce."

I haven't seen Secret Saucers recently, minus one or two in the occasional article. Are you really trying to claim it's still a widespread issue?

3597d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

So, to sum up your "advice":

1. Being threatened that you are going to be raped or murdered is just a feeling. Feelings are invalid.

2. Actually, being threatened because you are a woman is fine because you are graciously allowed to report it to the FBI.

3. Be afraid to voice your opinions, because you will be threatened even more once people read or hear them.

4. "Being an adult" means taking crap that y...

3597d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

From the article: "Women in the industry are told by men what is valid for us to feel. The conversations tend not to recognize the reality of the situation, and the very real threats that can occur at gaming events or in our day-to-day lives. We’re told it doesn’t matter, to grow a thicker skin, and that men go through the same thing."

From the comments:

"Guess what, if you want to be equal gender-wise, part of that is not crying but but I'...

3597d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

What kinda made me mad, and I'm not sure if it was a glitch or what, is that on Xbox One, I could only chat with my party (who were still downloading) if I kept the party app snapped on my screen. The second I unsnapped, I got muted and couldn't hear them. It didn't boot me out or anything - it just cut my communications. When I resnapped, it was like I never left.

Hopefully it was a glitch, but if it's intentional, I think it's a horrible idea.

3597d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


"some people despite all facts of reality do not believe so...therefore the horse is not dead."

Some people still believe that the earth is flat. I don't see twenty articles a day reminding us that it is a sphere.

It isn't about quelling the minority, no matter how vocal or numerous they are - it is about continuous rubbing of perceived superiority into the faces of those who chose to buy a different console. Tha...

3597d ago 8 agree21 disagreeView comment


It's pretty sad if that gives you pleasure.

3597d ago 8 agree21 disagreeView comment


"always said the PS4 will have many more advantages other than resolution."

You mean more weapons for you to beat the dead horse with?

3597d ago 38 agree51 disagreeView comment

People were less douchey during the Cold War and didn't hide behind internet anonymity.

3598d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I like the Share Button. I wish we had something like it on Xbox for screenshots and such.

3598d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment