I ran really fast, and when I stopped, I discovered that socks have no traction.
CRank: 5Score: 15820


Please tell me this is sarcasm

3184d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah. The game also lingers on pseudo philosophical rambling for no reason. Characters go on and on and on about nothing relevant (one of the things that led to the bloated cutscenes). EVA goes on a monologue about light and shadow, Ocelot just monologues practically every time he's onscreen. And none of it really matters. When Volgin went on a tirade about the Philosophers it was relevant to the plot. When The Boss explains her scar and the concept of how the times change who your ene...

3185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A LOT of reasons.

One of the main reasons the game is bad is because of the really weak story. It was obvious Kojima had this grand vision of trekking across the globe to different locations but all it ended up doing was fragmenting the story. The story itself goes on a retcon spree that basically contradicts literally every other game in the series. Things like Zero and Paramedic being super evil and super sweet and kind Paramedic somehow being the super despicable Dr. Clar...

3185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not just the cut content. Everything about this game feels unfinished. The story is the blandest in the series, with no real bosses. Skullface feels half baked. Quiet is the most interesting character in the game by lack of anything better. Most of the plot points are lazily explained in tapes in what feels like an afterthought or left unexplained. The entire story is unfulfilling. Even as bad as MGS4 was it at least provided a conclusion. This game just exists.


3186d ago 20 agree16 disagreeView comment

Same here. The story in this game is just awful. I knew it was going to be bad but actually seeing what Kojima did I'm actually shocked.

3186d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's not mentioned in the story. It's just in an obscure tape. Which is a pretty stupid way to mention that he died. If I remember correctly that's the only time Amanda is referenced as well.

3186d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Gardenia that's a mute point when BB was voiced by Sutherland in Ground Zeroes and even at the end of The Phantom Pain.

3187d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with a lot of the points except about the ending twist. The ending twist was something I expected, but the way it was done was the absolute worst way to could be. It's not even clever. It's just a kick in the nuts from Kojima making fun of everyone for expecting the game to be what we expected and what it was explicitly advertised as.

This game didn't need a twist like that. It's very securely stuck in a period of time where we already pretty much kne...

3188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@KillerResistance debatable

3188d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment


That's something that I didn't get either. It's somewhat implied that Big Boss just sat in the hospital for the whole time, which makes no sense because he's literally drawn to war. It's something that made him similar to Solid Snake. They're both drawn to conflict, the difference was that Snake fought for a good cause while BB fought for the hell of it. I can't believe that BB would just sit in a hospital for 9 years just to w...

3190d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's the hype speaking. I had a friend who kept talking to me about how awesome Watchdogs was for about a week then he said it sucked. A lot of people let excitement get in the way of seeing things for what they are. All the hype MGS5 had going for it is dying down so criticisms are now being allowed (even if some people want to squash them). On top of the fact that too many places gave the game a 10/10 because it was so hyped.

3190d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Metal Gear has always balanced goofy and sometimes humorous elements with serious elements. MGS3 is the best example of this. This is a game where a man has to kill the woman who trained him, and is someone he utterly respects. He because so disillusioned after killing her that it sets him on the path to become a mass murdering monster.

This is also the game where you can run around in a duck patterned costume while wearing a crocodile hat. You can call up your support to ha...

3190d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

But a well designed game can still be rewarding because it has replayability. I've play MGS3 7 times, each time clocking in around 16-20 hours. So on a conservative estimate I've put over a hundred hours into the game. I've played Resident Evil 4 multiple times and each time was rewarding.

So it's not like a game with a shorter run time won't be able to entertain you for much longer than that. I'd take a 10 hour game I can play 10 times than a 100 game...

3190d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What. MGS3 is easily the one of the best games in the series, and arguably is THE best. And with the MGS3D port the gameplay was updated so that's not outdated. I'd say it has the best story in the franchise.

MGS4 was definitely the weakest game. The story was the worst even if the gameplay was improved. 2 was technically sound but too much focus on being a mindscrew messed up the story. I am a big fan of the series and MGS4 is really bad. MGS1 has aged in terms of gr...

3190d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

MGS4 had ridiculously long cutscenes, some going up to 45 minutes, with very little gameplay in between. It's not that it had a reasonable amount of cutscenes and people complained. The game was called Movie Gear Solid for a reason.

MGS5 has so few cutscenes that unless you manage to find the specific tapes that have critical plot points you're going to be completely lost. It has plenty of gameplay. I regularly see people say that they put hundreds of hours into the g...

3190d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes I'm sure that it's our choice that Kojima made the camera focus on her boobs and butt every time she was on screen. It was entirely out choice to have Quiet dance in the rain and stretch out seductively even when she's sitting in a helicopter.

It seems like the only person you don't want to have to have responsibility is Kojima. Because it was HIM who made Quiet do all that. And I DON'T want to look at her sexually. I want to see her like I've see...

3190d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I thought this was a terrible episode. Not as bad as episode 2 but certainly the most baffling one. It rarely had any funny jokes (a problem every episode after the first one has had) and was full of absurd padding and completely nonsensical plot points. I can't be the only person who was confused and a little bothered by the whole fake gunfight that was just a really bad joke stretched out too far. The writing of the game has been awful past the first episode and I'm prepping for dis...

3191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay but I've never heard of Crying Freeman. You can't pull some manga I (and I'm sure others) haven't heard of and compare it to a mainstream AAA game that's well known.

Guess what, Crying Freeman sounds pretty dumb. I'm not going to defend something ridiculous like that, and to assume that I would just because of some double standard I'm supposedly supporting is equally ridiculous. Quiet's design is stupid and it has nothing to do with her b...

3192d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Here's why that doesn't work. As Jim pointed out the camera ALWAYS goes to her cleavage and her butt, and she in multiple instances moves or dances provocatively for no reason. A deconstruction does not fall prey to the exact same issues it's trying to deconstruct, because then it fails to be a deconstruction.

If this was a real deconstruction on that type of exploitation then it would just be left at people in game talking about it. But you also have to remember...

3192d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Miley Cyrus says hi

3192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment