I ran really fast, and when I stopped, I discovered that socks have no traction.
CRank: 5Score: 15820

Well from what I understand console mods will be restricted from using licensed material while PC will be free range like usual.

3122d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean I agree that the game is awful with a horrible story and is just plain unfinished but that has nothing to do with it being multiplat. If it was a Sony exclusive it would have been just as bad.

3125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Kojima had a grudge against Hayter for probably arguing with him too many times (I know Hayter argued with him over things in MGS4). There was no reason to go and cast a Hollywood actor that would balloon the budget when you can get an experienced voice actor who's been with the series for years for infinitely cheaper. And Kojima seemed like he was in his "Screw everyone" mood like he was during MGS2 and 4's development.

3125d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummm DarXyde Snake is a clone of Big Boss, the one clone who most closely resembled him (to the point that Big Boss even compares Snake to himself in MGS4), and even had a similar smoking habit. Of course they'd sound similar.

I feel like I was the only person who picked up that Hayter was playing Big Boss as much more worn and gruff in Peace Walker (maybe that comes from binge playing the games in a row). It wasn't a bad performance, he was just doing a different ve...

3125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He voiced Big Boss in Ground Zeroes. The change wasn't meaningful.

3125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Yi Not just a voice actor, the one voice actor who has consistently been in the games and outside of Raiden always voiced the main character. Hayter defined Snake and has done the roles of Snake and Big Boss since 1998. He's pretty important. Even with the awful writing and lack of any meaningful dialogue Hayter being in the game would have improved it. Sutherland doesn't have any love for Metal Gear like Hayter does and his performance suffered.

3125d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep trying to play it after each update and it's always still broken. It's been 4 months and I have only been able to get to the part where you first fight the drones.

3125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just gonna save you time and money and tell you to not get the game. The first episode is fantastic and after that the drop off in quality is so severe you'll wonder what happened. I just finished episode 5 and it was a steaming pile of stupidity.

3133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly I would have loved a season 2 if the writing was as good as it was in episode 1. But even with a stupid cliffhanger ending that leaves the plot completely open I wouldn't want another season. It was painful enough to play through 4 bad episodes. And the way the story went was.... it was really just odd and had nothing to do with Borderlands.

3133d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

How did this game get good scores? I literally just finished the last episode and it was absolutely awful. It's as bad as The Pre Sequel (which is saying a lot). The only good episode was Zer0 Sum. I was bored to tears and pissed off playing episode 5.

3133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly I felt that MGS5 was the MGS4 of the Big Boss era. They're opposites in terms of cutscene:gameplay ratio but they both have that middle finger giving, self hating bitterness that Kojima is famous for when it comes to the MGS series. They both lacked the love and care that other games in the series have, noticably MGS3 and Peace Walker. Both are immensely unsatisfying and wrap up their respective plots in terrible ways.

3142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When people's only real defense of something is "You just don't get it" then you know it's terrible. I've had that line parroted at me so much. MGS5 isn't some super genius game that is so smart it flies over the head of us peasants. It's actually a really stupid game with the worst story (or lack there of) in the series. Saying that "You got it" doesn't mean your smarter than everyone else.

3142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or... people who don't like the outfit and think it's ridiculously stupid? And would rather have Quiet start in an outfit that matches the character she's supposed to be? Why does everyone freak and think that anyone who doesn't like her design is some crazy feminist? I'm a staunch anti feminist. I hate feminism. And I think this outfit is stupid.

3151d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well the mod is obviously for people who wanted to get this outfit for Quiet from the beginning without having to wait so long before you're able to develop it.

3151d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes the deeper meaning is "You were playing Big Boss! So you ARE Big Boss!! :D". It's just too meta to finish out the series. It skips out on giving you an actual ending to make a stupid thank you to fans that Kojima could have done in an actual message in the game, an easter egg, or a Tweet. It actually breaks canon to do this so no it doesn't make sense. It's everything wrong with the end of MGS2 but it lacks any of the plot or build up that game had.

3152d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Literally no one expected this game to give closure to later events. This was supposed to give closure to the Big Boss saga, completing his journey that started in MGS3. This game was advertised as the missing link to connect Peace Walker to Metal Gear 1. Where Big Boss finally loses his humanity and becomes the nuclear war waging psychopath of the original games.

But that doesn't happen. What happens is, at best, an unimportant side story. Peace Walker gave better closur...

3152d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Outside of a couple lines that sounded a bit SJW-y I agree with the point this guy makes about Quiet. The whole tone of the game is somber, yet Quiet is in contradiction with that. Her entire design conflicts even with the character we're presented with. It's just cheap fanservice weighing down a potentially great character (along with the sheer lack of character).

3152d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem with Quiet isn't that she's sexy. That's hardly the issue. The problem with her is how badly written she is. It's not all that surprising given how badly written everyone is in The Phantom Pain. Even Ocelot is boring and bland. Skull Face is the most flat villain the series has seen. Quiet is just another casualty in the bad writing.

There's no problem with a character being sexy, but how can we take Quiet seriously when the camera focuses on h...

3152d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"How dare someone not praise The Phantom Pain!"

3154d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure what you've seen but a lot of people complain about EA and Activision.

3156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment