
CRank: 5Score: 19530

I'm pretty sure it was fake to an extent, but hell, the potential of Natal far outweighs any current offering in my opinion.However, i'm glad to see Sony fans are on the ball with regard to FAKES,after all they should know how to spot'em, Sony have given them enough practise!! :)

Yes, i'm also a Sony fan myself, but natal could really revolutionise gaming if it lives up to it's potential. If not,then it's just another toy.

5462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Possible, but i doubt 1080p is likely.60fps would be very nice and could make all the difference to the game.However,the more technical stuff going on in the game, the less likely it's going to be running at 60fps, never mind 1080p,don't you think?PS3 may have some -not many- native 1080p games, but nothing that requires great processing power.Even my favourite game of all -Wipeout HD - although running 1080p 60fps, it isn't really having to do much complex processing is it? I'm sure the gear...

5464d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

tired of this assumption that the graphics on the 360 have been surpassed by those of the PS3! Having both consoles, i simply do not agree with that assertion.KZ2, which is usually held up as proof positive,is in my opinion,a warning to the contrary.KZ2 took so long to develop, ate up so much money and resources and still does not live up to expectations - slow down,oh yes it does!!Floaty, almost uncontrollable movement.And graphics that being truly objective, may be slightly better than gear...

5513d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

given a choice between gears 2 and KZ2, i think I'd plump for the latter as well!

5527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't believe the PS3 is capable of running KZ2,properly anyway! Have you played it? In some areas, it's nothing short of crap.It can be painfully slow in some situations and that annoying,oh so annoying lag effect is just too much.And as for the online, forget,it just forget it.Programming in assembly as i did way back in the eight bit days, i truly believe i know why, that 'lag effect' exists, and if i'm right, it proves my case above.The 360, would almost certainly be able to give an imp...

5527d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

i would like to ask why so many people are so intent on defending what is, afterall, a very average FPS.
"Killzone 2 a vey average game,let it go!" But I know you won't :)

5544d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

say, what lag!? Dev's it's realism and it's there on purpose. I don't agree with either of those assertions.

5558d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i always wonder who thought it would be a good idea? Who wanted to make a game involving rape?

5573d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some like Street fighter just seem to live for ever,but RES has been and gone! Let it RIP.

5573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is nothing on PS3 -including KZ2,that greatly surpasses titles on the 360,doubtful there ever will be.Probably applies other way round as well.My opinion of course, but if people are gonna post such stupid articles, then i guess my opinion is just as valid as anyone elses here.Next pointless debate,please.

5573d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

no honestly, i don't. I do agree the PS3 d pad is better or should i say the 360 d pad is crap? Either way, it would be nice if there was a superior version, but i guess i'll just have to buy a decent controller and flip a coin for the version.

5576d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

guess this means i'll have to pay more for my legitimate copy of the game to help those poor devs make up the difference,because as we all know if there wasn't any pirating, games would be cheaper, wouldn't they?
Hold on,PS3 isn't hacked, so that means cheaper.... The people downloading this game aren't the only pirates!! Look's in the direction of the devs,publishers,in fact the whole industry..

5576d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and there are issues with it! Call it lag,blur,delayed reactions or weighty realism,it's all a matter of perception, but whatever you choose to call it, it's definitely there! Now, is it beneficial or detracting of the gameplay? Personally, i don't think it's intentional, but hey, maybe the devs will remove it and prove me wrong.And if some of you guys prefer to think it's a plus point, then who am i to argue, if that's your view, fine with me.I was up for buying this game, but the more i pla...

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i haven't posted any comment on the KZ2 demo, because i wanted to let the hype subside a bit first. However, since Edge have been bold enough to give there genuine review, i may as well have my two pence worth. I've played the demo at least half a dozen times now, this was to make sure my initial impressions where also my lasting impressions.Well,they are, and i gotta say i'm disappointed with KZ2!
Firstly,the opening sequence,that supposedly equals or betters the infamous E3 'movie'...

5581d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is,unfortunately,becoming less and less a 'safe' place to play games.Some of the things i have heard people say to one another are truly saddening and upsetting. This isn't a question of being sensitive or developing a 'thick skin', these slurs and insults are seriously devoid of any human sensitivity or intelligence! Of course, this says more about the perpetrators than the target, but such behaviour is very worrying.It seems the anonymity offered on live can release demons in people that ar...

5584d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as far as "pricing for the packs is"...

No thanks Capcom,to mess with an old EA slogan -if it's not in the game,it's not in the game!

5584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the PS3 and installs.Why? Well,let me give you an example. I downloaded the demo of fear2 for both my 360 and PS3,now this is not a which is best argument,but both demos are installed on their respective machines HDD,right? Well how come it take approx 8seconds to load the demo on my 360 and approx 30secs on my PS3 (times are taken from when the load bar appears on screen).My point i guess,is why does the PS3 seem to insist on so many mandatary installs if the same is not required on my ...

5586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

debatable wether Halo revolutionised, but it was,and still is to some degree, the greatest FPS to hit consoles. You can disagree all you like, but i played PC FPS's for years prior to Halo on the Xbox,and for me Halo is still one of my all time favs.You can also come up with lots of reasons why it sold so many copies, but maybe,just maybe, it really was that good.Forget graphics,forget story line,forget MP,for shear emersion this game rocks.A rare classic on any platform.For what it's worth,i...

5587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pleased they have decided to promote something!

5589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

score. play it and enjoy.

5590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment