
CRank: 5Score: 19530

Even more morons in here!

4807d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

George Hotz,admire his actions or loathe them, cannot and should not,be made legally responsible for the morality of others.Posting of the key may be considered extremely irresponsible,but illegal? I doubt it! Large corporations such as Sony have, for a number of years now,believed they are entitled to create their own laws with regards to 'Terms and conditions' Large and powerful they may be,but law makers they should not be.It's time for the pendelum to swing in favour of the co...

4864d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The genie is out of the bottle and you can't get it back in, no matter how hard you try.For every lock,there is a key!

4962d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some are saying Edge is biased in favour of 360.Well, it could just be that, overall, they consider 360 games to be better! I respect Edge far more than most sites or mags, they at least have some integrity in my opinion.Whatever,there's no doubt that Halo reach is a quality title, just how good a game I'm not prepared to say until I complete it.Although, unlike many supporters of Halo on this site, I don't think Bungie are particularly good devs.In common with previous Halo title...

4983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you guys defending large corporations that have no interest in anything beyond their profit margins.When will some people realise, that it's the likes of MS and Sony that are the biggest pirates of all! Here's an example of what I mean. We are constantly told the reason for high software prices is largely due to piracy,right? So,if the playstation three hasn't been hacked until now, why have we been we paying high prices for software since it's release? MS'console has been...

4996d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

how many people on this site work for Sony!! If you don't,then you should, judging by some of the pro Sony comments! What utter nonsense some of you guys talk. You are aware Sony and MS are some of the biggest pirates on the planet,right? Please,please buy one of our products they say.Then, when we do, they're quite happy to tell us when,where and how we can use the product that we have just paid hundreds of pounds for! Oh, and if we do something they don't like,then well,we'l...

5011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When it's available, buy it! This is quite simply the best game this gen.As for not getting ME1,don't worry, it really doesn't matter. I didn't initally buy ME! because of all the technical glitches reported at the time.However, when ME2 came along I purchased, and man, it's awesome.It is that good it made me want to buy ME1 despite all it's shortcomings! This is the only game I've played through more than once since the original Halo. I own both consoles, so there...

5015d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When it's available, buy it! This is quite simply the best game this gen.As for not getting ME1,don't worry, it really doesn't matter. I didn't initally buy ME! because of all the technical glitches reported at the time.However, when ME2 came along I purchased, and man, it's awesome.It is that good it made me want to buy ME1 despite all it's shortcomings! This is the only game I've played through more than once since the original Halo. I own both consoles, so there...

5015d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hell,it's the game of this generation,so far! For me,nothing comes close. WOHD was always my Fav,until ME2 appeared. Sure, I enjoyed playing UC2, it looks nice,plays nice, but in the end it's only just short of being an interactive movie.In my opinion,there's only a handful of top class games this gen,and ME2 leads these elite few titles, by quite a margin.

5030d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but I could be!

5047d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're damn right,they don't,not to gamers anyway.However,they can be informative.For instance,what consecutive sets of figure do show,is there is likely going to be no clear winner this generation.I think that is a reasonable assumption to make, don't you? And if it is, then you have to admit that MS will be more pleased with that, than Sony.

5047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not until 360 gets BBC i player,anyway. Not being funny,but that's probably the best feature of my PS3! Excluding some excellent games,of course.

5047d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's in Europe too! It's also probably, the second biggest games market. So, does anyone know the figures?

5047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Predicts, or states the obvious? Whichever you choose, it is likely the case.And I can't wait.

5055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are a cool idea, but for me,they're just too damn difficult! Especially, the platinums of which I have a grand total of - none!! It's not that I'm a noob at gaming or anything, it's just my days of extreme effort on completing video games are in the distant past - I just don't have the concentration anymore! And just because I can't get platinums doesn't make me less of a person anyway, does it? Well,whatever, I'm gonna start a campaign for a 'Moneys worth&...

5059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and ask yourself if you think the business model is sound.To me, if - or rather when- games goes episodic, what will that mean for gamers? Maybe,it could be that gamers get to try out, initially for free,larger 'demo' style first episodes.If that's the case, then I'm all for it. It'll certainly save me shelling out Forty quid only to be bored of the game in an hour wishing I hadn't purchased.I guess from the dev's POV the payback is that by offering episodic conten...

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is whatever people will pay. MS think it's £129. I doubt that figure is plucked out of thin air. Personally, if they find a way to adapt it to FPS style games effectively, then for me, it's a purchase at £129. If it remains for the casuals then, I'll pass.

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is,in my opinion,warranted.We should all feel that sense of unease when we are about to be ripped off!It's that gut instinct that warns us against something that would otherwise seem like a good idea,but in reality,isn't. Essentially,along with XBLive, we are being asked to part with money for stuff that's of no real value to anyone.Only difference is, with XBLive we have to pay the subscription in order to get the one thing that is of value -online gaming.Everything else is just ...

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess for many, this is a good deal. For some though,the idea of early demos or 'free themes & avatar stuff' isn't of any interest whatsoever.I mean, c'mon who actually buys that crap anyway? No,as long as onlining gaming remains free, I'm happy as is. But hey, each to their own. You pay's your money...... as they say.

5070d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

and I like it that way.In all honesty, I tend to alternate between which is my favourite console depending on the game I'm playing the most at any given time.Recently, it's easily 360 and ME2, for me, blowing away anything else this gen. Before that, it was PS3 and WOHD, another game head and shoulders above the majority out there.All highly subjective, of course. Still, I do tend to ignore the comments from gamers with only one console,since half the story, isn't the full story is it? I don'...

5124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment