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The PS4:

* Massive power advantage over the Xbox One - the crazy fast system RAM, the 50 percent more powerful graphics hardware, 2 gigs more system RAM to use for games, none of the Kinect garbage that is running all the time bogging down system performance

Microsoft knows just how huge the performance gap is between the PS4 and the Xbox One and is why they are frantically spouting the 'Cloud' BS.

* The massive...

4010d ago 41 agree16 disagreeView comment

"For the record, the Cell failed to live up"

Absolutely hilarious!

The best evidence one needs to see just how desperate the fanboy attempts spin the absolute graphical asskicking the PS3 powered by the amazing Cell+RSX architecture dished out to the poorly designed and weaker 360.

The PS3's graphics were so far beyond anything on the 360 that Xbox fans were reduced to frantically searching graphically mediocre multiplatform tit...

4014d ago 19 agree8 disagreeView comment


4014d ago 24 agree9 disagreeView comment

LOL, no...

Sony's use of Blu-Ray, in addition to the massive graphical power advantage of the Cell+RSX, lead to PS3 exclusives making 360 games look a generation behind in thanks to developers having 25 to 50 gigs of game data to work with compared to the tiny 6.7 gigs or so the 360 was gimped with.

And it enabled Sony to establish Blu-Ray as the defacto standard for all high definition movies and created a massive revenue stream from every new movie sold...

4014d ago 57 agree20 disagreeView comment

You just keep digging and digging yourself deeper and deeper.

No wonder you have gone seven years into this current console gen and don't have a clue about the most basic technology that goes into PS3 engines and why they crushed the weaker Xbox 360 hardware.

That page has overviews of how the incredible PS3 Killzone 2/3 engines were created. How the Cell and RSX working together on lighting, materials, physics, animation, etc.

Feel free ...

4014d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Here you go:


Now you can stop embarrassing yourself...

4014d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

"What's hilarious about that cloud aspect is that it sounds like a more grandiose version of what PS3's Cell processor already did. That being take some load off the RSX GPU so it can handle other tasks."

So you basically don't have a clue about about console graphics engine development...

It is mind boggling to see someone spout something so inane in 2014 after the PS3 crushed the 360 in graphics this gen.

4014d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ain't going to happen.

The Xbox One is a system that is:

* Massively weaker than the PS4

* Built from the core around an expensive peripheral that almost no one wants

* Designed around dreams of massive revenue from paid media services that make the console not viable for a large part of the world's console markets

* Already driven away huge numbers of developers and created hostility and animosity fr...

4014d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

'learned from their mistakes'?


How cute.

Companies that are dominating their market like Sony is with the PS3 don't need to 'learn from their mistakes'.

The PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4 are exactly the same winning gameplan by Sony:

* Bleding edge console hardware design backed by unmatched ability to cost reduce high end hardware over time

* Gigantic first party exclusive develope...

4014d ago 28 agree8 disagreeView comment


Microsoft's failure didn't just out of the blue start with the Xbox One fiasco. There isn't anything Microsoft has done with the Xbox One that hasn't been going for years with the Xbox 360:

* The mind boggling belief that gamers want the Kinect garbage and that it will turn the Xbox into a Wii type worldwide success.

* Shipping gimped hardware compared to the competition like the Xbox 360 and its PS2/Xbox era DVD drive and...

4014d ago 19 agree4 disagreeView comment

How can Sony with the top selling console in the world for the past three plus years have a 'comeback'?

Absolute dominance by Sony going all the way back to 1994 when they first entered the console market. Sony has had the top selling console worldwide non-stop for 20 years with the only exception of the three years the Wii fad was active.

And now with the PS4 Sony is going to extend their domination for seven more.

4014d ago 99 agree10 disagreeView comment


Give it a rest...

4014d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Way to make a complete fool of yourself:

Killzone reveal vs Killzone realtime PS3


4014d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

And beyond the horrible DRM problems the Xbox One, no one in their right mind would call a console 'futuristic' that:

* Looks like a ugly 1970s era VCR
* Is gigantic for what is inside the box
* Outdated and weak graphics hardware
* Still uses batteries for its controllers
* Has yet another giant external powerbrick

4015d ago 45 agree9 disagreeView comment

Which is absolutely mind boggling for a company like Microsoft and the Xbox 360 that came in last place to have too much hubris.

4015d ago 22 agree6 disagreeView comment

"Yea but Xbox One doesn't even work in all those countries"


* Microsoft didn't get a chance to rush their console out the door a year early in the US and Japan, year and a half early in Europe to pad out their installed base numbers

* Microsoft doesn't have the luxury of the Xbox 360's RRoD fiasco leading Xbox fans to buy on average 4-5 duplicate console hoping to finally find a model that doesn't overheat...

4015d ago 75 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Nothing new."

Just like Gears of War and the Xbox 360.

The infamous hilariously fake Gears of War screenshots were claimed to be 'taken from actual Xbox 360 hardware' by Microsoft:


When they were made by Epic on high end PCs running with game assets that were vastly more deta...

4015d ago 105 agree21 disagreeView comment

"there’s never really been daylight between the current flagship console and the Xbox 360"


The PS3 crushed the 360 in sales this gen despite:

* The 360 being rushed out the door a year early in the US and Japan and a year and a half early in Europe

* Being 200 dollars more expensive than the 360

* Tens of millions of duplicate 360s being sold over and over again to US and UK Xbox fans from the R...

4016d ago 16 agree11 disagreeView comment


The PS3 still has at least another five years of retail sales before it stops being sold. The PS2 had major AAA titles getting put out for it ten years into its retail sales life - years after both Nintendo and Microsoft had dropped support for their consoles.

The PS3 is around 80 million worldwide right now and it still hasn't dropped in price to 200 dollars. The PS2 sold some 80 million consoles after it hit the 200 dollar mark.


4016d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

There just isn't going to be much traction trying to get gamers to be mad about something the vast majority of them were going to pay for regardless of the online gaming requirements.

The amount of free stuff that you get from Playstation Plus easily makes up for the yearly cost.

4017d ago 156 agree28 disagreeView comment