CRank: 5Score: 2140

"Well, you don't have to rely on ONE game when you've got a dozen."

It really is hilarious to listen to.

Sony's Playstation consoles have been the top selling console in the world going all the way back to 1994 with the sole exception of the three to four years the Wii fad was in full force. And the current Playstation console is absolutely crushing the competition in sales.

Fanboys try to claim Sony has no 'system s...

3768d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's amazing about the 5 million number it is most likely an undercount of where the PS4 is in sales as of today.

The PS4 was at 4.2 million back at the end of 2013. 5 million would mean Sony has sold only 800k PS4s in a month and a half. Sony is reported to be manufacturing 1.4 million PS4s a month.

That means that Sony has most likely manufactured close to two million more PS4s since the 4.2 million number. Taking away the Japan launch units, the PS4 ...

3769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"PS1 Over 100 mil
ps2 over 160 mil
ps3 over 81 mil
ps4 knocking on the doors of the wii-u for life time sells"

Sony's absolute dominance of the console market is staggering when you look back.

Sony has been then top selling console worldwide since 1994 when the first entered the market - with the sole exception of the 3-3.5 years the Wii craze was going on.

The PS3 is selling at a slightly slower rate tha...

3769d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Wow, it sold twice as much? That gap keeps widening."

Yes. And that while Sony is stocking up most likely a million or so PS4s for the Japan launch in a couple weeks.

The PS4 was at 4.2 million at the end of 2013. And Sony is reported to be manufacturing 1.4 million a month. It's been six weeks since 2013.

That would put the PS4 already at or near 6 million before the Japan launch. And most likely over 7 million a week or two a...

3771d ago 42 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep, the PS4 being 'supply constrained' is just an 'excuse'

PS4 out of stock almost everywhere:

Xbox One in stock everywhere:


3771d ago 54 agree7 disagreeView comment

"dont get why"

Because there isn't a price cut. No prices have changed for any PS4 versions in stores anywhere in the UK. Just an Xbox 360 fanboy yarbie1000 playing stupid games.

They keep trying to get people to fall for the ridiculous idea that the PS4 would get a price when it is sold out essentially everywhere. This is the third or fourth time this stupid fake price cut has been posted here on N4G.

3771d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

A major difference with the PS4 and the PS3 is Sony did a bad job of letting Microsoft force third party developers to gimp PS3 versions of multi-platform titles down to 360 level graphics.

Sony isn't letting Microsoft get away with that crap this gen.

3771d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The PS2 sold 80 million more console AFTER it dropped to 200 dollars in the second half of its life."

This is something I am absolutely astonished that so many people are ignorant of.

The PS3 still has yet to have the same price cuts down to 200 and 150 and even 99 dollars where the PS2 sold an additional 80 million or so consoles.

105, 110, 115 million - whatever the final PS3 installed base number will be it is going to be easily...

3771d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

A rambling and completely worthless two pages of text.

3774d ago 13 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yes, if you take the fake sales numbers the little Xbox fan who runs vgchartz made up and average them over the time since launch you get the averages of fake sales numbers...

Meanwhile back in reality...

3774d ago 71 agree19 disagreeView comment


The little kid, ioi, who was banned from neogaf years ago for making up fake numbers to try to inflate Xbox 360 sales is still at it.

So pathetic.

3774d ago 31 agree6 disagreeView comment

And in addition to the ones you listed, for me amazing RPGs like Persona 4 Golden and the incredible graphics and replayability of Killzone: Mercenary for me.

Absolutely love Hot Shots Golf - still play that even though it came out long ago.

Also PSN games PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate and Malicious Rebirth.

The only thing I'm every worried about with my Vita is if I remembered to charge it I have so much to play on it.

3774d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes, it is a bizarre thing to try to claim.

The value of PS+ isn't something up for debate. It's simple math:

The value of the discounts and free games >>> the yearly fee.

End of story. There is nothing to debate.

3775d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

It certainly has grown in the number of things you get for the price. However, from the very start PS+ has been awesome even if it never grew beyond its initial state.

From the very start you got more out of PS+ than you payed in every year in discounts and free games.

3775d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sums up the bungling of the Metroid franchise by Nintendo perfectly.

3776d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You really can't have any other reaction this something this detached from reality.

In the past Pachter was just a random dumb 'analyst' who said idiotic things that made anyone who even casually follows the console market chuckle and move on.

But Pachter appears to be having a very embarrassingly public fanboy meltdown.

3776d ago 114 agree6 disagreeView comment

"I think it's too soon to talk about power advantage"

It most certainly is not.

The PS4 is going to graphically crush the Xbox One just like the PS3 graphically crushed the Xbox 360.

End of story.

Any further talk is bitter fanboy tears.

If you desperately want to believe the Xbox One will ever put out PS4 level graphics just get over it now. Tonight in your Halo jammies have a good long cry int...

3778d ago 33 agree43 disagreeView comment

Sony is reportedly making about 1.4 million a PS4s a month. That is about 350k a week. It's been about five weeks since Sony reported selling 4.2 million PS4s. That puts the PS4 right about six million this week. Over six million next week.

3779d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

How the can people be dumb enough to believe that some dumb little kid running a website is doing global retail tracking...

You just have the to laugh at the staggering stupidity of anyone who visit such a site.

The most hilarious part of the dimwitted Xbox fan, ioi, who makes up the fake sales numbers on vgchartz is he makes up fakes numbers that are 'accurate' all the way down to single digits because he thinks that makes them look more 'legitim...

3779d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment



Vgchartz is fake sales site run by a 20 year old hardcore Xbox fan who was permabanned years ago from the neogaf forums for trying to pretend he had real access to retail sales data in order to try to inflate Xbox 360 sales numbers.

3779d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment