CRank: 5Score: 2140

"This is vgcharts"

So...completely ignore everything your wrote.

The PS3 is closing in on 85 million worldwide sales and has another five years or so of sales before Sony stops manufacturing it.

It's will pass the Wii in worldwide installed base without question. The only question is how far into the 100 millions will the PS3 reach.

3757d ago 19 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Xbox one is over prob over 4.5 mil units WW by now."

I don't even know how someone could post something so absurd.

The Xbox One was at 3 million sold and 3.9 million shipped at the end of 2013. It sold only 140k in the US and some tiny amount in Europe in January.

The Xbox One isn't anywhere near 4.5 million. It isn't even near 4 million.

3757d ago 71 agree16 disagreeView comment

"Oh and with a lying killzone trailer at E3 that took the PS4 to live up to."

I love it when someone makes a fool out of themselves with that lie.

Killzone reveal trailer vs PS real time:


Nailed it.

Thank you for reminding everyone just how powerful the PS3 graphics hardwa...

3757d ago 12 agree14 disagreeView comment

"i believe ms will turn things around like sony did with the ps3."

The PS3 has outsold the Xbox 360 every single year its been on the market including the very first.

So, yeah, LOL...

3757d ago 35 agree19 disagreeView comment

"Titanfall is not going to magically close at gap of 3 million, regardless of how manufactured hype for Xbox One this multiplatform game gets."


The PS4 is selling over a million consoles a month right now and is over 6 million worldwide now.

Microsoft has obviously been silent since 2014 about sales numbers but with only 140k consoles in the US and a tiny number in Europe the Xbox is either already at half the installed base of...

3757d ago 45 agree19 disagreeView comment

Every time there are staff changes at a game company every recruiter in the world starts madly making phone calls and emails 'reaching out' to the employees.

It is bizarre that this guy from Microsoft would tweet about it.

Just makes himself look lame for trying to make something out of what is absolutely ordinary in the game industry.

3760d ago 84 agree75 disagreeView comment

With the single exception of the three years or so the Wii craze was going on...

Sony's Playstation consoles have been the top selling consoles in the world non-stop since 1994 - when they first entered the market. That is a 20 year reign as the king of the console market. The PS4 is going to extend that reign to 27 years unless something absolutely gigantic happens to the console market over the next few years.

The PS1 sold some 105 million consoles.

3760d ago 32 agree14 disagreeView comment

"Meh, it's an alright game"

Pretty much how I felt about the first game a long time ago. Was really surprised to see the new game getting so much hype.

3761d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why did Sony need any boost?

The PS3 has been the top selling console in the world for the past three years or so. And the PS4 before the Japan launch was already the fastest selling console in history.

Once Microsoft dumps the Xbox division Sony will have Nintendo to compete with. That seems like a perfect world for the console market.

3761d ago 55 agree11 disagreeView comment

I would say it is a bit better than not bad. 3rd biggest opening for a console in Japan.

The PS4 was over 5.3 million back on Feb. 8th. The worldwide totals now stand at:

5.3+ million worldwide
322k first two days in Japan
Before Japan the PS4 was selling about 200k a week worldwide. It's been two weeks since the official 5.3+ number from Sony.

That should put the PS4 at 5.3+ million + 322k + 400k to bring it to just over ...

3761d ago 111 agree7 disagreeView comment

"Amazon bid to buy the Xbox brand"

Amazon isn't looking to buy the Xbox brand. They are looking to pick up the Xbox division pieces for cheap. They don't care about the Xbox.

3762d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Will Microsoft go the Way of Nintendo as Sony Soars Amongst Next Gen Consoles?"

Of course not.

Nintendo is wildly successful in the gaming handheld market and they have a very large first party developer array back with huge numbers of massive tens of million selling franchises.

Microsoft has none of that. When Microsoft dumps the Xbox or sells off the pieces of the Xbox division it will go back to focusing on PC gaming.

3762d ago 63 agree21 disagreeView comment

The massive sales the PS2 had in the second half of its life is something people love to pretend didn't happen and that the PS2 sold 150+ million consoles in its first six or seven years.

The PS3 is long overdue for a price cut and it is selling roughly the same as the Xbox One right now. It has huge sales left in it over the next four, five, or even six years as it works its way down to its final lowest price.

The PS2 had complete backwards compatibility...

3762d ago 22 agree2 disagreeView comment

We know exactly how the Xbox One will compete:

* MisterX will go right along spewing delusion crap about 'secret Xbox One graphical power' because that is what a large number of Xbox fans want to believe. There is a market for it. No different than the Xbox fan at vgchartz who puts out the hilariously fake inflated Xbox 'sales numbers'

* Xbox fans at Lens of Truth/Digital Foundry/etc will continue to desperately seek any possible tiny graphica...

3762d ago 27 agree6 disagreeView comment

"the only way he can escape is to accept reality"

Not going to happen.

There are still Dreamcast fans some fifteen years later who are just as pathetically delusional as MisterX.

3762d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't really followed the pros and cons of the new Vita since I have the original and love it and have no reason to buy the new one.

Dragon's Crown looks unbelievably gorgeous on my Vita's OLED screen. That single game turned me into an instant OLED fanboy.

Maybe it looks just as good on the new model's screen. I can't say having not seen the new model in person or if the screen alone is worth making a choice over.

3763d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There really was no greater screwup by Sony last gen than the way they just let Microsoft demand third party developers gimp the PS3 versions of multiplatform games.

Here you have PS3 exclusives absolutely destroying 360 exclusives in graphics with Killzone 2, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, etc. and all that amazing engineering that went into the PS3 was wasted last gen thanks to Sony's inaction.

3763d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't know anyone who suggested it would.

X looks to be an amazing game to have on the Wii. Absolutely loved the previous Wii Monolith game and can't wait for X.

In my opinion, Nintendo needs to come to grips with the fact that they once again made a console that was designed with their own first party developers in mind and stop making half-heated efforts to pad out the Wii U's third party support.

If they are able to, come out...

3763d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

Just like in the US:

Out of stock everywhere:

The PS4 is selling at about 900k a month right now even with it being out of stock almost everywhere. The addition of Japan should at least bring that up to a million a month.

Seven million by the end of March looks like a certainty.

3763d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Not the final blow just yet"

Definitely not the final blow coming from Sony and the PS4. Sony is just getting started.

The real story about the PS4 and the Xbox One is just how unable Microsoft is able to counter Sony's complete domination of the start of this gen.

Even if the price of the Xbox One was only 299 it would still be overpriced for the abysmal graphics performance compared to the PS4 and the fact that the core compo...

3764d ago 27 agree9 disagreeView comment