
CRank: 5Score: 149270

$165.00 in Canada for the Ultimate Edition which comes with Battlefield Premium... That's more than half the cost of a 500GB Xbox One, which comes with a free game. That's way too much money for a game. How long before we're at $200.00 for a game? It's not like we're buying hardware or something tangible... it's a frick'n game!

2846d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They've needed to repeat themselves over and over again, because it would seem that a majority of millennials have the attention span of a gold fish.

2846d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

One other thing that I forgot to mention, is that most of the big game publishers, and also the platform holders like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, are all publicly traded companies. This means that they must reach certain profit targets to please their share holders. Black Ops 3 raked in over $1 Billion dollars in sales after two months on the market if I remember correctly. It's all about making big money.

As for your comment:

"@dk andbattle a...

2846d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only way it takes CoD back to it's roots, is by including CoD4, otherwise, it's Black Ops 3 in space.

2847d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not to mention that only half of the games available are included in your subscription fee, while all the others must be rented at an extra charge and for a limited amount of play time....pretty dumb if you ask me.

2847d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol not a chance! You can download UE4 and CryEngine 3 for free, with royalties only being paid after you make a certain amount of profit. Almost anyone out there can make a game these days. The newer game engines have made it easier than it's ever been to develop a video game, and platform holders like Steam, Xbox and PlayStation have made it easier than it's ever been to get a game to market. And on top of that, social media like Twitter and Facebook, and video streaming sites like ...

2847d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

The closer it releases to the Scorpio's launch with it's rumored 4 Tflops of power, the better for Skorpio. If it releases in the Spring, then I think that would be advantageous for Skorpio, since the Skorpio will outclass the Neo at every turn, including native 4K gaming, cross-play with PC and backwards compatibility with Xbox 360 and Xbox One games. Frankly, it's not even a contest!

2847d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree that the PS4 Neo will be competing against the Xbox One S, but I don't think that's what Sony thought that Microsoft would be releasing this summer. Sony is in a hard situation, since the Xbox One S, while being essentially the same as the Xbox One, has 4K video playback and 4K upscaling for games, just like the PS4 Neo will be capable of performing, albeit with much more processing power.

Sony is now forced to release their new more powerful console, agains...

2847d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


Do you really think Sony will release 3 consoles within 5 years(PS4, PS Neo and PS5)? That will not happen, I can guarantee you that. People who go out and buy a Neo or a PS4 Slim, are not going to buy a PS5 two years or a year and a half after the Neo launches.

If they do release the PS5 in 2 years or less, the adoption rate will be nothing like it has been for the PS4, and I would think that Sony would be alienating their customers by coming o...

2847d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Battlefield 1: WWI provided a ‘treasure chest to take from’, says DICE"

What he's probably referring to is people's wallets....

2847d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


I agree that its been the indie devs that have kept the Vita going, and thats the problem. If you want to play indie games, just use your phone.

2848d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why anyone would buy another Sony handheld after the lack of first party support on the Vita and the psp to a lesser degree is beyond me. Flush your money down the toilet one more time people!

2848d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I grew up with the NES, Atari 2600, Sega Master System, Colecovision, Intellivision, Sega Genesis, Turbo Graphic 16, and SNES, and I agree that the NES is the greatest console of all time. Most people I knew, kept playing their NES right up until the PS1 released.

The games were so addictive and they were just pure fun. Many of the games were couch co-op, and it was something common, that everyone sat around and played with their friends. The great thing about the NES was ...

2848d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony has not done anywhere near as well on the First Party front this gen as they did last gen. Not to mention that they shut down Zipper Interactive and Evolution Studios, both of which had some great first party games under their belts. Zipper did flame out after the PS2 though, which was a real piss-off for me.

Killzone Shadow Fall sucks compared to Killzone 2 and Killzone 3. Many people that I've spoke to also say that as good as Uncharted 4 is, it's nowhere ne...

2848d ago 11 agree22 disagreeView comment

Too bad it's a streaming service.... Game streaming eats up 3-4 times as much bandwidth as YouTube or Netflix, and only half of the games available on PS Now are included with the subscription, while the other half you will still need to rent if you want to play them, pretty stupid.

2850d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment


Where the hell do you people get this stuff from? We do pay income tax, and our healthcare is not only paid for with tax dollars, but in my Province/state, we pay a monthly premium to the government for healthcare.....on top of all the taxes we already pay. I think you people are watching too much disinformation on CNN and Msnbc. Not to mention the nonsense that Michael Moore puts out there about Canada. Theyre pushing a Liberal left wing agenda in the US medi...

2850d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment


Healthcare isn't free here in Canada, we pay for it through our taxes. Here in British Columbia, we also pay a monthly premium for our healthcare to the government, which ranges between $65 - $100+ depending on your income. Don't believe the hype coming from your left wing liberal media in the USA.

2850d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Call of Duty has been released yearly for almost 10 years, and so it's only natural that gamers would get burned out on the series. I played CoD like crazy, but took a break after Black Ops 1, and didn't buy MW3, Black Ops 2 or Ghosts. I did buy Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3, but I found that I got really bored with Black Ops 3 very quickly, and I didn't like the single player campaign too much.

Also, the huge amount of time that it took Treyarch to introduce...

2851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, Microsoft has already said that they're aiming for 4K 60 fps. There was an interview on TIC podcast, where Albert Penello confirmed this.

2851d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Scorpio is a full leap into 'native' 4K gaming with 6 Tflops of processing power. The reason why Neo is a bad idea, or somewhat of a waste, it that it's a half-measure, that while it will have more processing power over the PS4 and Xbox One S, it will only be able to upscale games to 4K resolution, which is exactly what the Xbox One S already does.

Microsoft didn't have to spend much in R&D to build the Xbox One S, because it's essentially the same ...

2851d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment