I eat stickers all the time


CRank: 5Score: 47750

Hahahaha... yeah, ok "PLAYING MY WII U.....Its kinda coool"

3598d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I agree... no idea why people whine about GTA IV on PC so much. The biggest issue was Games for Windows. Once you "sidestepped" that, it ran perfectly. Even with mods and without an ultra-powerful PC.

3598d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd love to know if v3.0 will overcome the Steam patching issue... it would be awesome if this worked with a fresh, fully updated install of GTA IV instead of forcing you to roll-back the current version, delete all of the other mods, and rebuild the library from there. Between that and Games for Windows - it's not worth the headache from my POV.

GTA V on the other hand...

3608d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Expect yet another downgrade by the time the game is actually released... those screenshots were simply too good to be true.

3612d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

YES! Rainbow 6 is back!

3613d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fingers crossed this is much better than Doom 3... or the ultra-linear-hallway-based-fla shlight-sim as I liked to call it.

3613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ken Moss has a strong background... and track record. It's really up to EA at this point, will they give him what he needs or not?

If every decision is grounded in pure dollars and cents, EA won't give him the autonomy he needs to make a big impact.

If EA agrees to take a short-term hit and tells Moss to "Do whatever you need to do to win our customers back and make our MP games seamless"... that could make a big difference.

3616d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't start with this $hit please...

I don't need to listen to another barrage of pixel counting "downgrade" conspiracies.

3616d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just bought AC4 after skipping Revelations and AC3... I'll use YouTube to fill in the gaps, but AC:R and AC3 seemed like way too much of the same after Brotherhood.

AC4 looks unique enough and I want to be prepared for Unity. High hopes for this one.

3616d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would have agreed with this statement 4-5+ years ago... driver issues, glitches, tweaks, patches, hardware conflicts, etc...

But now? Since Windows 7 + Steam, it has been a more seamless experience than consoles. I have a harder time navigating the settings menus and tweaking options on my Xbox than I do setting up the config file for a new PC game.

Maybe that's just me.

The annoyance of PC gaming from the past drove me to consoles; ...

3616d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

They certainly weren't ready to announce it, but, the details are still unclear... not a full leak, just a peak behind the curtain to see what's coming.

Fully replay support + mod support would be an incredible announcement.

GTX 880 combo w/ GTA V in late 2014 would be even better.

3617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You certainly are entitled to your opinion, but to equate SAMP to the technological achievements of GTA:Online and its future seems a like a pretty far reach.

The heists aren't out. Neither is the casino. Mission editor. Replay editor. And everything else they will likely add into GTA:Online until GTA VI is released and brings a whole new city into GTA:Online.

I've got faith in R* - GTA:Online alone is worth $60, and it was free. But this is merely ...

3617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because of the "Social Club TV" news - a new function of the social club that could* show live streams (i.e. Twitch); but will at least act as a library for recorded/edited videos.

The original method of promoting/posting videos was very limiting. Opening something like this up with a strong UI and potentially supporting mods could be huge.

3617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again, an issue with the software and need to innovate/improve. Has nothing to do with "PC elitism".

It's tough to find a PC game I can't max out... and my rig isn't even that cutting edge/powerful/expensive.

But I still have an XBox One. They both serve their purpose.

3619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry, this whole concept is pure garbage. While the self described "Feminist Illuminati" who wrote it is certainly entitled to her opinion, she is spawning more of the same shallow bickering she claims to stand against.

Simply pouring gasoline over the console vs. console and PC vs. console rivalries.

Nothing stands to be gained by puffing out your chest and proclaiming your preferred system. PC elitists, PS4 elitists and Xbox One elitists are al...

3619d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hope you invested in Ubisoft stocks! That's a lot of loot to plunk down...

If I had a dedicated theater room, I'd be guilty of the same purchases.

3627d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My, my, my... I did not realize that 4k monitors w/ G Sync were inbound: http://www.engadget.com/201...

This will pair nicely with the GTX 880... [drooling]

Sorry to the non-GTA fans, but, all I can think of is how insane a modded 4k version of GTA V would look on this.

3628d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm in an even more extreme spot, one of my rigs is using a 660 Ti... I'd love to go SLI or 780... but, rumors around the manufacturing cost reduction lead me to believe that some of the 880 variants will be the same price or cheaper than 780's!

Now... if a (mod-friendly) GTA V + GTX 880 bundle is announced... buckle up and get your credit card ready!

So, as much as I don't want to wait, I'd kick myself if I didn't.

3628d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep. There is no comparison. Sleeping Dogs was good. I'd buy the sequel day 1. But GTA V blows it so far out of the water it's scary.

3628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't something need to be anticipated to make it a disappointment? How could anyone see the preview/video/images of this in advance and think "Yeah, that's going to be awesome!" unless you are Michael Bay or a 9 year old.

I'd be less disappointed by farting into my office chair and smelling the seat for 20 minutes.

3629d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment