
CRank: 5Score: 7760

whats with everyone and metacritic these days it does rate the overall game, not just graphics (which uncharted does rival and some aspects look better than gears and bioshock)

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

pro sony and microsoft people will be here soon enough saying the same thing like "week in and week out xbox 360 continues to prove its dominance as the ultimate gaming experience with its unrivaled technology and features such as xbox live" if that rings a bell to anyone

then you'll have "xbox rox who needs the world ps3 is a failed console after one year lolz"

and well have the " the big guns are coming lbp, kz2, mgs4, ffxiii, home, re...

5976d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it was kinda refreshing to have something different, not just total special effects where they show the monster every went to the old days of picking and choosing were to show the cloves monster build up suspense, and the point of view of not knowing what the hell is going on, staying in the mindset and essentially the movie ending on a i still dont know anything type of deal

and when i saw the cloves monster i thought of resistance right away, i even say to my friends...

5977d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i generally dont like games that have monthly fees, because i usually will not play a game for like a few months like oblivion then get back into it, so why would i play a game where i have to pay the fee when im not playing it..if this game is free im buying it, if its a fee then no a chance

5978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isnt that what you just really need anything to do just straight playback, do you need it to make you coffee or wash your car too?

5978d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

gears had a story?..thats a new one to me, i dont hink u can reply on epic for a story, resistance had a better gears had much better compared to a launch title.. multiplayer is pretty much a wash if you liked the 4v4 action or the big team battle, and it sold so well (gears) cause 360 fans were craving for that one game to hold them off for halo

5982d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

since your so in love with gamrankings and metacritic and over 90% trash, lets just say that gears of war 2 got like an 82% and didnt really sell that well, would you still go around saying its AAA blah blah blah, then you would have to readjust what you consider what AAA is, one of the most over used phrases this generation

5982d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

you bots are predictable to these msg4 a moth to the flame or like a 360 and rrod

5984d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

i hope it sells like half the userbase at the time of arrival (i.e 10 mil user 5-6 mil sold) i really want this game to be top tier and be remember when were in the playstation 5 and xbox 500's and nintendo whatever's

5984d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope that kz2 and r2 dont come out in the same month..then most gamers will be torn between the two, they should release kz2 in august and r2 in november mixed in with some lbp in september and something in october probably gt 5, and hopefully ff13 in december and bam you got the holiday season on lockdown

5984d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

he had a good idea saying if they could get the ratchet and clank team to create a would also be cool to get hideo kojima to make a metal gear level, and recreate metal gear rex, huge possibilites, like capcom making a resident evil level and zombie sackboys

5984d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is like the 20th ""ps3 owns in 2008" "ps3 will have a breakout year in 2008" "why sony will rock the sox of people in 2008" blah blah, im a ps3 fan, but this is gettin annoying, wait till the end and have a "i told you so" post

5989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i bought 22 ps3 games this year...looks like ill at least be doubling that this year

5994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think because games like gears and saints row and bioshock tailor more to the n.a audience guns, shooting monsters, blowing up stuff... etc. thats why resistence faired well, and games lair, heavenly sword didnt fair so well, but i think over time they'll have respectable numbers (at least heavenly sword), and uncharted will probably end up selling well because of word of mouth, and once more people get there christmas money

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

alright zhuk, i dont think mgs 2 substance counts..but how it can return to microsoft if it never started there...if anything you should say nintendo....i swear go back to school and read a book, and stop playing games forever

6003d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think its about that time for zhuk/mart/lawman to add there two cents in...

but even if kz 2 is fantastic there will always be people to talk it down , and compare it to halo, so i see more of it can do everything right but still not get the respect

6004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow are probably the most pitiful idiotic person pretty much fail at life dont you..going completely off topic in regards to sales stats..and uncharted...uncharted in a little big planet story wtf...youve probably never played uncharted so you can say any ps3 game is a rental..even if say bioshock was ps3 only youd probably say ehh its only a rental..


6007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah truly cannot wait for this game, it will set the world on fire...

but i wonder how long before somebody says.."cant wait to play this on my 360"

6010d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i expect it to go multiplat along with mass effect by 2009

6011d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

they should release a high profile game as sort of a warning shot..say to the consumers..hey you havent seen anything yet, the best are still to come...or something like that

6013d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment