
CRank: 5Score: 7760

you said Sony copies everybody what about Microsoft's motion sensor controller i guess to you that innovative, weren't there articles about xbox having its own version of mii's. Its not only Sony who does loser..and psn games have minimal lag, not as much as 360

but your not even going to respond so everybody can call you dumb, idiot, senseless all they want

5828d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you sir are an idiot, thats the dumbest thing ive heard all week, i cant believe people believe this console war is a way of life

5828d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

telling you all the same people who said mgs is a custcene are the ones who want it the most, just let the ps3 have this as a exclusive, you know all of you would be crying if gears was rumored to be coming on a playstation console, now your joyous that star ocean is exclusive for now and resi 5 might be timed

greedy bastards

5829d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

and microsoft fans take jabs at sony fans for not support a developer that smacks around its fan base i.e. capcom

but im sure tomorrow there will be an article with the title "the 360 game your ps3 can never ever do" or something like that

5829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow jvillan you must have Microsoft and master chiefs/Marcus fenix Johnson so far up your @ss your gonna have to start wearing depends dude

just chill out you have nothing intelligent to say so you should just shut up and go play 360...if your momma hasn't taken it away and told you to go to sleep

5837d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ the dude..if that was your attempt at a sarcastic joke, then you failed miserably

just because somebody doesn't think they will like these games you bash them gears/halo or just because its exclusive to 360 isnt the end all be all of gaming or there not a true gamer.

5838d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

now theres a chance although slim the insomniac might make a game for 360, and your all for it

last month you probably said insomniac are garbage or something like that

and 360 fans say ps3 fans flip flop a lot

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if your trying to make a correct point, drake didnt have an install, do your homework first

5845d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

will it really matter, its not like ps3 has gotten bad press before. for the longest time its 360 can do no wrong while the ps3 just cant buy good the shoes on the other foot

5850d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is too funny all i see is laughing as i scroll ill laugh and grow fat too

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHALLOLZOLZOLZOZ LALMROLAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAH MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!111!1 !!!1. Now those xbox fans are saying metacritic is no good, since they cant base ps3 games off that since ninja gaiden a supposed AAA title got demoted. but ill probably still get the game becuase i really like the first one..anyway back to the laughing


5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dont know why im replying to you, but take that goty crap away not all the games are out, and if gears 2 will win ill be shocked to be honest, i dont think it will change a whole lot to merit best game of the year, all its doing is tweaking and just adding to multiplayer

5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well if final fantasy XIII drops to 30th thats something to be worried about...when was the last time sega made a really great game

5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so butterfinger..if ninja gaiden sells 100 000 in its first week will you consider that a flop too

or to anybody who loves the whole metacritic sales to determine if its a AAA title, does that mean its not since its around 8 on metacritic?

5850d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

now i believe people cannot say the ps3 copied the wii for motion control..if this is real, its the same damn controller just more oval than square

5857d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ pshyco360..that's because they intentionally dumb it down genius.. the the geow2 trailer..the AI wasn't that smart either they just stood around being shot at getting there neck snapped waiting to be is the finally product going to be like that, of course not

thats why its a demo for both games(kz2), to show off, to "demonstrate" no wonder fanboys..of all systems get a bad rep, such morons

5859d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

so bigger better online= 5v5? epic (no pun intended) fail, i was hoping 8v8 at least, vehicles wouldnt work online for this game..but more modes would be nice

5864d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

there will be blood had some oscar nominations attached to never know the first video game based movie to win best picture of the year metal gear solid...sounds fitting

but i would like to see guillermo del torro, even someone like ridley scott, or whoever did casino royale just to throw some names out there

5864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yo super its actually yell through the "mic" not mike unless you meant yelling through a person?

5865d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

true it appears as if its a 360 its fine that its delayed, but if its a sony game it gets bashed to high heaven delaystaion this, wait beyond that

and thats why i absolutely hat the term triple gets thrown around to much now that it has no meaning anymore

5865d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is great, hope non fans of mgs would be interested enough to get this game

especially since everybody who thinks there a "gamer" only believes in metacritic and sales to determine if its a great game or not

this is the first great review and with all hyped games, pretty soon the first "bad" review will come along

5866d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment