CRank: 5Score: 12360

The game is mostly trash, but I still bothered to finish the main campaign.
If your yet to try it, wait till it's 1/4 of it's original price and it's probably worth a look.

1063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering what the M1 is capable of, is anyone even remotely surprised?

1065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@The__Sage By your logic is something is taller than 16x9 such as 4x3 you'd be loosing the top and bottom?
There are different frame sizes for different type of media and stories and it all depends on the creative vibe people want to have as their project. PC games can adjust this also.
Cinema and Tv do this all the time, why can't games?

1065d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The problem is their rubbish Creation game engine and with Microsofts money they better move to a different/new one.
It's been like nearly two decades they have been working with that peasant's trash as a base and still can't get it right.

1067d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This would be sales from American troops stuck in Japan who want to play with their friends back home.
As some one who lives there, take my word, theres no games ordered to be stocked on shelves at the main retailers, let alone any advertising in sight. No real local interest.
BUT - Great progress for MS, and i do hope it means more locals wanna try the series X out, but reality is Japan is a mobile gaming market now - so those who do want their consoles will likely take th...

1073d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to play this 2 years after realise once all the bugs are fixed.

1075d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Here's an idea - big ass game studio's require top in class game designers and also intense crunch hours, maybe paying them this increase will help curb this somewhat or at least make them feel more their worth - because the designers are worth every penny.
Sure, I'd love for cheaper games - but as someone who also works in a creative industry - the pressure and energy going into this stuff, these designers need all the support they can get. It might make their 18 hour da...

1080d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

From that top blurb - gotta say, how do people forget Sony had crossplay with PC on many titles before other companies kicked up a stink about it?
Literally played with friends for years before Microsoft and Nintendo players were even aware they were missing out.

Edit: I'm aware the article mentions this somewhat - but how many of you will not bother to read it?

1086d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I honestly didn't care much for it's reveal or trailers but have had fun with roguelikes in the past. Decided to bite on launch and have been addicted since.
Other than the gameplay, you could argue it's the most immersive experience currently on the ps5 - the 3d audio and haptics really bring the games art direction into your home. Very addictive experience.

1117d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just want to clarify that long before Switch and Xbox cross-play was a think that kicked up a stink - Sony had crossplay with PC on a whole bunch of titles and no one seemed to give a shit. War Thunder and Rocket League good examples of this. FF online during ps3/ps4 had same vibes too.

Granted, I'm all for cross play across the board - but people having a complain need to level out and see where and why things were how they were.
There was cross-play, just t...

1118d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Game Pass could be something Sony and MLB agreed to together. The series has never been on a competing console system. Time to make up for lost time and get those fans in quick. Build the fan base, profit to come in future iterations.

1149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I could never finish this because it came out the same time as Bloodborne and just switching between the two combat systems killed me. Witcher's combat felt like a mobile game in comparison.
I know the story is amazing though so perhaps this update is the best time for me to jump in.

1152d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hop on any train and more than half are playing on their phones, sometimes a switch also.
Gatcha has a big history in Japan from everyone's childhood (those machines with small toys), so as it's ingrained in society, the companies must be making hella bucks.

Gotta agree the Genshin approach is ideal though.

1152d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perhaps not, but GoT as a new IP killed it - and bringing that era of Japan to the west in an already successful franchise should work now. Yakuza has a drastically larger following compared to 8 years ago when these games originally released.
There's gonna be a lot of fans who wanna get into this spin on the combat and minigames.

1154d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm surprised how well SeriesX/S is selling in Australia to be honest. I know that based on pre-orders PS was selling leaps and bounds quicker - so could be based on that lack of availability - but this is still great numbers.

1157d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bethesda games make amazing atmosphere, the worlds really draw in. But if Starfield and ES6 still use that same engine like the last few fallout games then I'm not going to hold my breath for anything great gameplay wise. Outdated buggy messes.
This MS money might finally mean they can ditch that antique tech and come into this gen (or ES6 at least) with something truly new. Very Exciting.

1158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would not be surprised if smash stayed as Sony don't see Nintendo as direct competition.
I hope Sony do keep Evo as multiplat for games that don't exist on Sony consoles, it's only fair for gamers and it's not like it won't expand Sony's advertising anyways.

1164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A mode so that Fi stops hand holding and giving you hints every 10 mins like you are 6 years old?

1165d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is a massive boost to Xbox, and should level the playfield a fair bit. If Playstation can manage to hold on to even close of an advantage as last gen I still see these games potentially moving over - but only if those number stay as abysmal as they were - which is really hard to see happening now.

1171d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

YESSSS. Day 1 for me!

1173d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment