
CRank: 5Score: 9520

Metroid's sales are impressive no doubt, but they frickin' should be! This is a huge Nintendo franchise that's been around since the mid-eighties, and Corruption is the first Metroid to see action on Nintendo's game starved Wii. Beating what is technically a new comer, that seems to be selling on good reviews and word of mouth alone is not something to yell about at the top of your lungs. On that note I'm glad to see both titles do well.

6124d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...on a system with very little games to choose from. Seriously, Resistance and Motorstorm are the two biggest games on PS3 bar none.

6124d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you guys note that it's a former employee? Also, it's funny as I'm sure developers make comments like this all of the time, but sites like this make mountains out of molehills. Anyway, Bizarre must be doing something right when Sony ads feature PGR3 screenshots lol.

6124d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I couldn't understand why Capcom chose to bring DMC4 over to 360, yet deny PS3 the original DR and LP. Anyway, since this is a rumor I wouldn't be suprised if M$ threw money at Capcom to at least keep Dead Rising 2 as a 360 exclusive or a timed exclusive. They seem to be pretty aggressive when it comes to getting big third party titles.

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Home has features I'm interested in, and some I'm not. While I'd rather be playing games than decorating my virtual apartment, there's no complaint because it's free. I don't believe that we should have to pay just to play online, and in all honesty, while LIVE is great at what it does, it should be a free service; especially when most game's achievements require online play to attain. Sure there's the $4 a month argument, but that's not the point. I buy the $50 subscription cards, and that's...

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

..they had the audacity to release a collectors edition. Seriously, if you're going to release a collectors edition, please be certain that your game doesn't suck.

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony had better drop the price of the console, at least to keep it in line with the current price point of $500. Actually they'd be better off dropping it further to at least $450 or even $399 with no pack in game, because if those Xbox 360 holiday bundles are anything to go by (free Marvel Alliance and Forza 2), M$ isn't playing around and is going for the throat.
Saints Row 2 is something I probably won't bother with. I did buy the first game, but found it to be way to juevenile fo...

6125d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Factor 5 releases a patch to allow regular dual analog controls I will seriously consider buying Lair.

6126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've seen a trailer and the screenshots looked pretty nice, but other than that I know very little about it. With Free Radical at the helm I expect it to be a pretty decent game.

6126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to get my hands on it.

6126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a matter of when those so called "innovative" (the most overused term in gaming) controls don't get the job done. I haven't had that much experience with six axis movement, but from what I have played it leaves a lot to be desired and is a far cry from the Wiimote.
Gaming is entertainment and an escape from real life. Who wants to fight with the controls on a game they just plunked $60 down for? Like I said in my original post, it would've benefitted the game to have a ...

6126d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As for hardware sales, both the 360 and PS3 are disappointing, but lets face it; they're both still out of the price range for the average gamer. No console with a retail price over $399 has sold a great deal, and even at the new price of $349 the 360 pro is still a little expensive. As for the Wii, that's selling just on the word of mouth among children and soccer moms. Only one of my kid's friends owned a GC, but after playing Wii at our house not only do the majority of their friends have ...

6126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This situation reminds me of Gun Valkyrie for the Xbox. A beautiful game with the worst controls I'd ever seen, yet there were those who forced themselves to contend with them and found some enjoyment in the game. Lair looks beautiful, and I'll probably rent it one day, but I simply cannot understand why Factor 5 didn't include dual analog controls?! At least offering another control option could've saved this game from the lousy reviews, and a sure flop in the sales dept.

6126d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

...until I saw the $399 price point. The included play and charge kit isn't enough to bump up the price by $50, so I'm guessing we're paying for the paintjob and the fact that it's a limited edition.

6130d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I'm angry with Sega for lying to me twice! VF5 was one of the key selling points for me getting a pS3 at launch, because after all, Sega said it wasn't coming to Xbox 360. Next thing you know, bam, it's now coming but won't have online play. Hey, whaddya know? It's now online! If I knew this was going to happen I'd have waited for the 360 version, but thanks for screwjob Sega! Thanks for all of the years of screwing your fans over. The least you can do now is patch the PS3 version ...

6133d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A couple of things here; First off, do you think for a moment that 2K games is going to look at these message boards and say, "Well, we can't release a PS3 version because the PS3 fans are dissing Bioshock"? Yeah, that'll happen alright. Next up, I'd like to remind you that the comments section is a place to voice your opinion on something. If you have such a problem with others speculating that a PS3 version will happen then maybe you should leave the N4G comments section alone. Yo...

6133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not when you've got proven developers like Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Polyphony Digital, The Ico team, Sucker Punch, etc making games for your system. Outside of Bungie and Lionhead the 360's got nothing developerwise.

6134d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

All of the neon lights surrounding the Mistwalker name, and "from the creator of Final Fantasy" moniker couldn't hide the fact that this game was developed by Artoon, one of the worst developers around (just look at their resume of crappy games). Anyway, claiming this to be Mistwalker's "Dragon Quest" is an insult to Dragon Quest.

6134d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some see it as a bragging stick, but personally I find them as a clever way to keep me playing games I'd normally have tossed aside after completing. Squeezing more mileage out of your games is a good thing in my eyes, and achievements are even a strong selling point for me when deciding between multiplatform releases.
Anyway it's a pleasure to see Nintendo outright copying the competition because in the eyes of Nintendo fanboys, they are the only company that innovates.

6134d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was hoping for better scores. A score of "7" certainly isn't bad, but some of the other scores I've seen haven't really instilled me with confidence in the final Heavenly Sword product. At $60 a pop I'm not going to take chances so this will now have to be a "rental" game, and I'll use the preorder money towards Ratchet, Drake, or something on another system. A shame as this was the PS3 game I wanted most.

6134d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment