
CRank: 10Score: 81890

It's simple. You download the APK on the internet. Put it in your android and install. On the market, it will show Install but you are not allow to update through the store. It will pop a message saying the app is not purchased.

If you install something through let say Amazon AppStore, you get the same result.

So the market recognize when something is installed even if it's not purchased through the store.

Not a single cent was paid f...

4485d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

FIFA 12 on the PSVita retail is $40. FIFA 12 on PS3 is $60 retail.

Tell me how that cost more than the PS3 version?

4485d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

The games are not overpriced. They are priced at what the market sees fit. Look at the price of most 3DS game. They retail at $40.

The only game that's priced higher than $40 is Uncharted which acts as the exception rather than the rule. So to say it's overpriced is to say decent handheld games in general are overpriced.

My only disappointment with the PSVita is the battery life. It feels shorter than my 3DS.

4485d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Question: Would gamers rather this DLC remained exclusive to those who purchase the CE? or available to all gamers including those who chose not to get the CE?

It could have very well be one of those DLC only for CE such as Batman AC Penguin's Lounge.

4485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got the Wifi/3G for cheap. But even without the deal, I would have gotten the Wifi/3G (only after they announced the bundle). Without the bundle, I probably wouldn't have.

I was planning to get either a 8GB or 16Gb from the start. So that's at least $30. The free game is Stardust Delta Bundle. So it cancels out the $15 you need to pay for the first month data. That gives me 1 month of data free. So, even if I paid retail price. I'm paying around what I would hav...

4485d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It certainly is great and worth it. My only knock is the battery life. I'm not sure if I'm having too much fun with Hot Shot Golf or it really is the battery but it does not seem to last as long as the 3DS (with 3D off, 3D seems to take away from my gaming experience).

4485d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I feel HSG should be on that list. It doesn't exactly show off the touchscreen or rear touch feature but it looks damn nice on the Vita. Most importantly, as addicting as all the previous title, which is insanely addicting.

4485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as quality titles are being made, it's not a big deal if it's not beating or coming close to 3DS sales.

I'm interested to see how Time Traveler will do considering it will be out on PSP, PSVita and 3DS. If it's coming to the US, I will surely get it for PSVita.

4485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find this funny. So often, I hear the common complain that Collector Edition aren't really special anymore because it's often just a bunch of DLC, none of the special physical goods and how they aren't limited anymore. Thus making CE and LE pointless.

So they focus a bit more on the physical goods, and made it limited. Now, it's a big mess and we should all be angry face at Biowares and EA because they finally did right by the name CE.


4487d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

For any man to say that, they must lack balls.

4489d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Preorder but still has not shipped out yet. I might not receive it until Thursday or later.

4490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love it so far. Can't wait for the full game. Hopefully the multiplayer mode won't become broken by DLCs.

4492d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a high end android phone but I can't game on that for more than 10 minutes. Anything more than that becomes absolute frustration not because the games are difficult but because touchscreen controls just don't have the same feedback as physical controls. Some missions on GTA3 are just horrible because trying to steer using a touchscreen is just crap.

I have the 3DS and I will be getting the Vita. Long live proper handheld gaming!

4492d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

To be fair, there were a lot of hate on the 3DS. Most of the hate were on how it's expensive, upgraded DS, 3D is pointless, no games, no 2nd analog, and no games.

4492d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because you're not buying either it doesn't make your opinions objective.

I have the 3DS. I have a high end smartphone. I have tried and already preorder the 3G Vita. If anything, I say my opinion is more objective than yours as I actually own/tried all that is being compared.

1) The Vita is not too little too late. It has an extremely beautiful screen, the colors are vibrant. The touch screen is extremely responsive, the touch pad on the back is...

4498d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want this game but HSG will do for now. Backlog way too big already.

4498d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I preorder the 3G Launch Bundle from Lockerz for $240. Also, Target has a $20 GC when you preorder with them.

4499d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The series started on the 360, it's not surprising if many get the 360 version especially when carrying their Shepard over.

4499d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I got to say is that the PSVita is a device best advertise by word of mouth/trying it.

The device is a beauty that words can't describe. It just feels right.

(The only knock I have is that the analog stick could a slightly lower but that's just me)

4499d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, because every marketing and promoter from this day forth shall only use words such as just good, decent, a bit better, and so on. Use words that are more indifferent. Use words that doesn't hype.

Maybe it isn't revolutionary in some people's eye but it certainly is for others. We all have different definition of revolutionary.

I don't think the first iPhone or iPad were revolutionary. But there are those who disagree and swear that I am w...

4499d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment