
CRank: 5Score: 10360

Just quit it kingslayer. Everyone knows you've been a 360 fanboy from the jump, and your wall of text filled with nothing but 360 love proves just that.

"all the PS3 has going for it is exclusives. Even those don't do what Xbox 360 ones do."

Show me an exclusive that has pulled of what uncharted 2 has done for the gaming cant. THE ONLY THING that very few 360 (1 or 2) exclusives can do that ps3 ones can't is sell a lot. And thats typical when...

5322d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its best not to go to destructoid for anything sony related. All you'll get is negativity underneath the curtain of neutrality. They'll give obviously biased scores on good titles, and they've made pointless anecdotes against fanboys when in fact they fit the very same criteria in every single way.

5349d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5351d ago

I could be wrong though, cause I sure thought that they wouldn't get a perfect from the likes of eurogamer. Something tells me that the rest will stick to their old habits.

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't seen this many perfects since mgs4 and little big planet hit the stage. Whats going on here?! A ps3 only game with a PERFECT score? Huh?!

Jokes aside, Way to go sony. You better play your cards right and market this gem the way it should be!!!

5351d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know damn well that Gamesradar is not on that list.....

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Theres always gonna be some nitpicking asshurt idiots lowering the score simply for the sake of it being on a ps3 platform. believe it or not, there ARE some reviewers out there that are indeed console centric dolts. Shame really.

My bet is on Edge (Likely), Destructoid (Most definitely), Teletext gamecentral (assuredly), and Variety (slightly likely)

No higher than an 8.5, and it will go down from there

5351d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You could probably sense the pain they were enduring while writing out the 10. Ill bet the whole staff was in utter dismay. OH HOW DREADFUL!!

I kid...anywayz, good to know that people still give props to things they can't deny are awesome.

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and find that some there have already tried to spin this news into something anti-sony. How ridiculous.

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A fanboy that doesn't know simple reading comprehension, which is common among ignorant fanatics. The news of full emulation wasn't the only megaton, but also Dreamcast emulation, as well as a japanese import section, which is fully welcomed among the ps3 community who have tastes for titles solely in japan.

Obviously you didn't care to read the full segment, and just gave a good ol' generalization of the entire ps3 fanbase as if they're aren't any ps3 gamers that actually missed...

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps3 in fact has hit one million sales when it comes to rpgs, despite what its lacking. you forgot one rpg:

Tales of Vesperia came in at 237,000 units for the week, which in fact is its highest sales rate to date since its being released. Ps3 beat 360's year to date sales within the first day.

That puts ps3's sales quite over 1 million when it comes rpgs, and by the time the more "anticipated" titles get released (star ocean, final fantasy 13) its sales shou...

5359d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Really who made that statement? Because only a 360 fanboy can review a game, give nothing but negative points, and then try to us3 a 360 exclusive and its sales to make some nonexistant point.

5359d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because a person gets annoyed with a ridiculous article scrambled up for the sake of hits, doesn't automatically out them as a fanboy. Thats stupid talk. Whats upsetting is this trash being put out on a website that's supposedly strictly based for gaming news.

They're shouldn't be articles like this period, because all it does is state the obvious existence of a rabid fanbase that's in fact no better or worse than its opposites, yet because its written by so called "jou...

5360d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Now all we've got is Sh!t like this that websites give. Obviously they couldn't say anything negative about the sales, or the games anymore, so they resort to attacking the fanbase. No class whatsoever.

I thought this was news for gamers? this type of sh!t isn't news. Its trash from a garbage dump of a gaming website. Ugh.

Of course a 360 FANBOY would think that ps3 fans are the worst. Just as a ps3 FANBOY would think 360 fans are the worst You think they would thro...

5360d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant wait until they start releasing quality titles there besides Vesperia (which had its highest sales this week).

5360d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank goodness they banned your ass from the gamerzone solar. They must have done it for a reason.

if n4g knew what was good for them they would do the same for
MgsR the hd version

n4g would be so much a better place

5362d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can we get official numbers and facts and not this survey, sh!t?!
First watchdog in regards to ps3 and now this. Jeez.

5362d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. Nier replicant's titular character features a woman fused with a male demon making her an hermaphrodite which in my book seems wierd as hell. Though its proven that japanese have a huge fanbase for intersexual characters like these.

They get a macho redhead male, and we get a huge breasted transexual. Raises eyebrows.


They could have easily both catered to the fanbases of each console and made a pretty penny if they had just made this game multi-platform from the get-go, but its obvious that they decided to go the way of obvious greed and play into M$'s money for timed exclusitivity. And for what? The game didn't do spectacular in japan for the 360, and it sold like total Sh!t here in the states.

And now they want their japanese gamers to pay 90 damn dollars to play a game that should have bee...

5365d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you think they're gonna do it or not? For some reason I doubt it, though it would make up (hardly) for the loss of face.

5370d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment