
CRank: 5Score: 10360

Sony hasn't tricked anyone. You coming here saying a game will put a nail in the ps3's coffin like it will be the end of the ps3 is completely fanboyish. Unlike you and your xbot boys you'll never find me in the ps3 news area trolling around and about with bull. Yeah im sure the game will appeal to the lot but saying it will completely kill competition is dumb and stupid. If that was the case then I could go to the xbox360 forums and say some crap like "MGS4 is staying exclusive and is g...

6252d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes they are becoming more asinine. But hey hes not the only one out of the bunch.

6252d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 will no doubt be a great seller due to the rabid hype, but to say that sony is f'ed because of it is irrelevant. If anything, MS is f'ed if they don't try and throw out cash to kojima and square enix to get 2 best selling titles. Which has failed on MGS4's part so far with it staying exclusive. I don't see why crap like this is in the ps3 forum in the first place. How is it considered news for us ps3 fans? To hear some crap that "Ms has a game that will put it ahead!!" and?! ...

6252d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

To me that was a legitimate video and in no way did it downsize the competitors unlike the "how you killed your brand video" that praised nothing but the 360 and tried to downplay everything that the ps3 had to offer. Both systems have great potential and This video was level headed and on point. I didn't see any type of rabid fanboyism, and if you did, then its a crying shame.

6262d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

too bad. hehehe

6262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When its bad news about the ps3, they are all over it to the point of over exaggeration, but when its good news they are all "I dont give a damn it still sucks". Gaming is dead, and now its nothing but bullshite console loyalty. And its not just the xbots, its the sony trolls and the wii tards too. (but more often than not, I see the xbots) The console wars has gotten ridiculous.

6263d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

how the hell is that important news for ps3 owners to know that the 360 fans want something that the playstation has?! Oh Gee golly wow this is soooooooooooo informative!!! Its a surprise of the century that every ps3 owner who goes to the ps3 thread should know!!!

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Soon the only games the ps3 fans wont have are the games that say "only on xbox360" on it. All the rest are ripe for the taking and are begging to be plucked by the up and coming ps3 owners. Saints row, wardevil, enchanted arms, and ninja gaiden did. Whos to say what others dont?

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So why the hell is an xbox360 wishlist posted here? WTF? The news is getting MORE and MORE ridiculous by the day.

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I swear you guys will take ANYTHING make something out of nothing.

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is that what they meant when they decided to stop making games for the original xbox for people who didn't jump ship to the next gen console?? I thought Its all about choice right? Ps2 is way older than the xbox and still its got games being made for it.

Its pretty stupid how you xfools jump to conclusions about the ps3 when knowing full aware that the 360 was in the same ditch last year and the only reason you hardly heard anything was because there was no next-gen system co...

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just let those fools believe what they want to and you just keep doing what you do with the news, If they don't like you report, F*** them. At least you don't spin articles regardless of what the subject of the matter is into something negative which is what a LOT of these xfools do lately.

6265d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wait until the install base is good enough, then start releasing the good stuff. (hey that rhymed!)

6266d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

they have to rely on the ps2 because the ps3 is BLOWING at sales.

Ps3 is blowing?? Hrmm..well number one its been proven be selling at a faster rate than the 360 when it launched, It hit record sales in europe, most preordered console, fast record numbers sold, and its blowing? THE 360 in japan is whats blowing. Regardless of how many AAA's you throw out. ps3 doesnt even have any AAA titles yet and yet you xfools want to jump the gun. to make it even funnier, half of the fools ...

6266d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You heard MS fanboys from all round talking about how sony ate their words when they made up with immerson over rumble only to have what happen with microsoft??? Eh??

the elite which contains over all of what they said was un-necessary. This goes to show that not only what sony says comes back to bite themselves in the ass as most of you xbot fools made it seem. (not saying that you are one though.) They are not the only ones to insert their foot in the mouth.

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"hdmi not needed"
"ps3 only has shooters"
"hd-dvd is the consumer choice"
"the 360 loves you"

I wouldn't be suprised if the next thing I hear is that they'll be implementing blu-ray. OH how funny that would be.

Bladestar said
"Catch up on live and market place before you acuse someone else of trying to catch up."

Yeah, say that to a who has console thats been out not eve...

6266d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS3 sucks. completely.
Someone keeps tellin me... wait a year.. PS3 will shine...
We want good games now!!!!!

Funny how you xbot fools weren't saying that crap last year when the 360 was released and had games far from AAA released on them. You all had to wait just like how the ps3 fans do now. And if the ps3 sucks so bad as all you say it does, why has it hit record sales in europe? Don't ask that question because I wont even waste my time trying to converse with...

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do any of you know if sony was reponsible for writing that ad?

6268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I swear to god you fools will try your BEST to find some king of negatory spin and run with it. Grow the hell up. THEY ARE JUST GAMES

6268d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And whats funny is that who knows who took that picutre, and when that picture was taken? Just looking for some more revenue riiight?? Just a few days ago maxconsole reported that a ps3 launch was selling porn or something like that. Lol. truely.

6268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment