CRank: 5Score: 7400

The 360 was also the first to hit 1 unit sold in North America!

Holy crap!
I just did some research, and apparently the 360 was also the first to hit 100 units sold!
Thats great news!

Wait a minute....the 360 had sold 7 million units prior to the Wii and PS3 even being available....I guess the console war is over eh? LOL.

5863d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't buy a PS3.

Just keep sending your 360 back to MicroSoft.

5863d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

is that they've made stupid decisions with most of their key properties:

Enough with the extra characters, spin-offs, and attempts at writing a story. Nobody played Sonic 1-3 for the fantastic story. How about simply making a solid platoformer with tight controls and decent level design?

The whole reason the original Shining Force games were great was because you were innovating the grid based tactics combat when nobody...

5863d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

was when the Hooker said she "knew something was up" when the kid opted to play Halo instead of getting his freak on. LOL, as if a 13 year old kid with a credit card, hotel room, and box of oreas wasn't enough of a tip-off.

Silly hooker, trix aren't for kids. (sorry, couldn't help myself)

5863d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funniest thing I've read in a long time, thanks for that article.

Bubbles up!

5863d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been a proud PlayStation gamer for over a decade now, but I'm not blind enough not to notice that MicroSoft and Nintendo have some superb exclusives.

I agree with you in principal that MS would try hard to keep "Mass Effect" exclusive, but it may not be their choice; EA likes going multiplat because they make money doing so. EA now controls BioWare, and with the PS3's install base now growing at a faster rate than 360's, I'm wondering if BioWare's games will go mul...

5863d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Keep in mind that spiffy warranty was nowhere to be found in 2006 when that first batch of 360s were bricking at a 30+% clip and MS was denying there were any problems. Had there not been such a hoopla over the RRoD, Microsoft never would have offered that warranty.

Also, how cozy are you with that warranty now that the system will be hitting the 3 year mark this fall and many people will be out of warranty within 6-10 months? That 3 year warranty ain't going to look any better i...

5863d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is my system of choice, but lets give the 360's games credit when its due; "Mass Effect" is a fantastic game. I would own a copy if it were available on PS3, as it honestly remains the one 360 title I'm jealous of.

Lets also keep in mind that "Mass Effect 2" coming to the PS3 is purely just unconfirmed subjecture at this point.

Personally speaking, I'd love to see "Mass Effect" come to the PS3, but only if its going to come in it...

5863d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm guessing since they finished the second one.

5864d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So now that "Killzone 2" looks every bit as good as "Gears 2", and "Metal Gear Solid 4" is looking better than "Ninja Gaiden II", and Alan Wake has been delayed......

"BANJO 3" is going to be the saving grace of the 360!?!?

LOL, enjoy your exclusive :)

5864d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my honest pesonal opinion the 360 has NEVER had a better lineup than PS3.

Maybe its just me, but I find "Halo3", "Gears", "BioShock" and "Mass Effect" to be very similar games; all sci-fi games with shooter combat.
What if I want something more than Sci-Fi shooters?
What if I want better variety?

I owned a PlayStation because it offered the best variety of games.
I owned a PlayStation2 because it offered th...

5864d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

Skrew the RROD, I couldn't care less if your 360 is working or not.

So the 360 is a better "games" console eh?

Can I get "Metal Gear Solid 4" on 360?
Can I get "Final Fantasy XIII" on 360?
Can I get "Gran Turismo 5" on 360?
Can I get "God of War 3" on 360?
Can I get "SOCOM" on 360?
Can I get "Little Big Planet" on 360?
Can I get "Suikoden VI" on 360? <...

5864d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did Sony "drop the ball"?

You own a PS3, therefore:
- you have reliable hardware
- you have the system with this gen's optimal disc space
- you have the loads of features the Wii and 360 don't offer
- you have the industry's best upcoming game lineup
- you have a free BluRay player

Don't hate Sony just because they took their time to offer continued PS2 support and win the format war first.

5864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's off crying in a corner, with JASON-360.

5865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, agreed man, and much respect.

Hope you didn't think I was trying to disagree with you, just adding to it :)

5865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL, yeah, like you're still playing "Perfect Dark Zero" and "Kameo".

The 360 launched 16 months prior to the PS3, which is the only reason it released its big titles earlier. And that coveted 360 exclusive lineup in 2007 still didn't prevent the 360 from being outsold by both its competitors. FACT.

5865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No offence, but you don't seem to know what you're talking about.

Look at the games you mentioned: "Gears", "BioShock", "Halo3", "Mass Effect".......What have you got if I don't want to play a Sci-Fi based game with shooter combat?

The PSone offered more quality and variety than N64.
The PS2 offered more quality and variety than Xbox or NGC.
The PS3 is well on its way to maintaining that pattern.

5865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Launching prior to the Wii and PS3 didn't pay off however:

- they've already been surpased by the Wii
- they've been outsold by the PS3 since early 2007
- they're panicking to add PS3/Wii features to the 360

And that magical 3 year warranty doesn't seem so comforting now that the the system will be heading into year 3 and many owners are going to be out of warranty in the next 4-8 months with a system notorious for bricking.

5865d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

On top of the PS3 outselling the 360 worldwide since 2007.....

They've also been selling a tone of PSPs and the PS2 is still going.

The Sony brand is alive and well.

5865d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony sold 127 million and counting PS2's.

The 360 has only sold 19 million in its 2.5 years on market.

Obviously those 100+ million PS2 owners didn't run out an buy 360s, and its absurd to pretend like they're not potential PS3 owners who will upgrade at some point.

5867d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment