In school right now online later!!!


CRank: 5Score: 70790

Just about every one I know that games owns a 360. Just about every one I know with a HDTV 40" or larger has a 360 & PS3.

5362d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People have been waiting on a full GT game since before the PS3 launched.

How long should this take?

5363d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But this is clear evidence that the SONY fan is the easiest to bait.

5363d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

HHG is not hurting you

Keep it moving HHG F___k the haters!

5473d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Best $#!T on the net. _confirmed_

5473d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Every time there is a new announcement PS3 fans go get there cheese hats and fog horns. We all know you people are only one article away from boycotting this game engine.

Em looking forward to all the PS3 fans down playing this engine real soon. Then acting like PS3 exclusives are all they need. LMAO

5546d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just love how the regular PS3 defenders are here to push, "I Would not pay or online!!" BUll $#yt.

Just learn that you choice in games console may not be the same as the next gamer. You Ghoul Cajun, Chicken, GiantEnemyFlop, pippoppow, all should know this since chances are that you spent more cash for your PS3 up front in most cases. Add to that Blu rays are $25 each and games like R:FOM 1&2 are throw away games make up for the price of live any day.

5564d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@cyclindk I type how I like.

But all B.S. aside in this comparison the 360 version looks more crisp.

Nice joke...............I bet the PS3 version is locked @ 720p too. Over all we should expect a good game. I just don't see a reason to lie or pretend for the PS3 majority on the site. No telescope needed just my hazel 20 20's/

5565d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS3 version is jaggy as h@ll.

5565d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Are you people not sick of being set up with false hopes? The 360 has done what many critics said could not be done.(Beat Sony in a console war)

The PS3 is in last place. This console generation is coming to a close with in the next 1 or 2 years. Microsoft has set the bar for hard core games and Sony is strugling to keep up.

5581d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah this game needs more ads. This generation Sonys advertising has been lazy.

5582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is the glass half full or half empty?

5588d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Numbers don't lie do they.

5588d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you freaking serious?

5588d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

In a perfect world we would all just look a the numbers and see that they don't lie.

5588d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did the same question cross your mind about the PS2 last generation?

5588d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Reasons why:
Split screen CO OP

4 player online or system link CO OP

Best in class console online game play and community

Campaign and multi player replay and share network

Combat Items

Each Halo game released has sold over 5 million copies

I could keep going...but I also enjoy KZ2 just not as much as other shooters. EX: Half life series, Counter Strike, HALO 1,2,3, Gears 1,2, FEAR, COD 2,4, Ghost...

5589d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The controls to me were spot on. The KZ2 demo was not perfect but IMO it just was not any better than what other FPS have offered in the past. But over all a solid and enjoyable game.

5589d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

KZ2 is worth the buy. I'm aware the demo is only a taste of the over experience. I still think COD4 is better.

You think KZ2 is a 10/10 and I would never disagree with your opinion. My opinion is the game is way to over hyped for the limited amount out innovation KZ2 has to offer. Still KZ2 is a good game.

5589d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 still has to prove its self to be a classic. Bottom line to all of this is the games were made for our enjoyment.

5589d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment