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CRank: 5Score: 70790

All of that footage you saw for MG was CGI. And none of it was on final hardware so get smart dude. Every body knows that if you were to compare the 2 games Splinter Cell will win due to haw realistic it is and MG will win because of nostalgia.

6568d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360($400.00) 2 extra joysticks not counting the one in the box so 3 total ($100.00) 2 games ($120.00) and one year of Xbox live ($50.00) = ($670.00) before tax.

PS3 ($600.00) 3x joysticks ($100.00) 2 games ($120.00) = ($820.00) before tax.

A difference of $150.00 for a weaker game console that plays great movies. LOL

Most parents will see PS3 on their kids x-mas list and say f ()ck PS3. Just look at it realistically. The average consumer not fans boys ...

6568d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know there will be shortages. It's only 5 months from launch and developers still do not have beta dev. kits. It will take 4-8 weeks for packaging and a month for distribution. From the news we are getting Sony still dose not seem to be sure about final PS3 specs or components ("made to order PC") And if you check the stock market their stocks are down and they are selling at $ per share and are only up .02us in 30 days and that is a 5% increase in 30 days.They were negative ...

6568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes!, Sony is supposed to make me happy that is the point behind a video game console. I can tell you did not understand the post because of your ignorant response. I am a gamer not a Sony hater. I can tell you are a defender of Sony so just do what my post says get a PS3 and have as much fun as you do when you try to be an @ss. Last point do not be so disrespectful in the future.

6568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you like the way that Sony is handling the PS3 get one. If you are skeptical do your research to make an educated decision. If you are going to buy a PS3 no matter what do that. They (Sony) will need people like you. But if this just dose not sit right with you do not buy one. Me personally I am looking for a reason but I cannot find one. I own a 360 and it dose every thing the PS3 can or could do except play HD movies. I don’t care about HD DVD or Blue Ray. If I had a choice I would go wi...

6568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I know your not dumb man. I just call things like I see them. I'm not trying to be anti Sony or anything like that. But you knew this article would attract this kind of attention. You should have known some one would want proof. This article is a bone thrown to the hungriest dogs in the video game junkyard PS3 fan boys. Outlaw you just helped them own themselves again.

6568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this is funny because there is no real links or sources for this article. It is just a few paragraphs of info with no support. I kind of think it is OUTLAWS way of showing love to the depressed PS3 fan out there. Please add a link that proves the source more reliable. And we all know that more reliable sources have posted otherwise and with prof to back op the down grades made to the PS3.

6568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I saw an article on here about 2 weeks ago about PS3 being dead in the water. I think that is were PS3fan got that term from. Personally I see blue ray failing mainly due to cost. If it were at a competitive price point I would say other wise but Sony is gouging. It dose not matter how much support one has over the other, it will come down to where the consumer is spending ultimately. All of the studios that back Blue Ray will move over to HD DVD if that is where the consumers moneys is. It w...

6568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Toshiba did the same thing to with HD-DVD the movies were out before the hardware too. Don’t get it twisted I am not defending Sony or anything like that. I’m simply pointing out a fact. I may get the HD-DVD add on for my 360 but I am in no rush, even for PS3 or Blue Ray.

6570d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is really cool about this is it will be a good way to gage how many people will be early adapters to blue ray. It could also be a clue into how they plan to launch the PS3.

6570d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You did not even read my post with a true understanding of the words I typed. I said During Development they (“developers”) would have to load the game on four dvd’s. and blue ray is space saving meaning >the use of one disc<. Games are already 25 – 40 during DEVLOPMENT. : ^ \ Man you just tried to hard for nothing.

6570d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are funny ;^)

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ps2 is $110.00 right now. And that has nothing to do with the topic at hand get real. The PS2 is popular but it is still not a good buy for the educated consumer unless you really love it.

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love video games. It really dose not matter what console but when a company is turning people into monsters like PS3lord. It is little scary man. It is almost like idol worship. I’m seeing a trend of 360 hate. I almost want to say PS3 idol worshipers have an excuse for their animosity due to the delays but it is a toy at the end of the day there is no excuse for this level of ignorance.

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BR is an awesome piece of tech. Don’t get me wrong but dev. need a console in your living room to make cash. Dev. do not care what format a game is on they want to make money. If PS3 is a failure due to Blue Ray they (Sony) will simply move back to DVD 9. You do not need research to use common sense. Dev. Like Blue Ray in the development process because it is space saving. When Oblivion was being developed it was on 4 DVD 9’s but after it was completed it was compressed to 5 gigs. Sorry Xbugt...

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360($400.00) 2 extra joysticks not counting the one in the box so 3 total ($100.00) 2 games ($120.00) and one year of Xbox live ($50.00) = ($670.00) before tax.

PS3 ($600.00) 3x joysticks ($100.00) 2 games ($120.00) = ($820.00) before tax.

A difference of $150.00 for a weaker game console that plays great movies. LOL

Most parents will see PS3 on their kids x-mas list and say f ()ck PS3. Just look at it realistically. The average consumer not ...

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360($400.00) 2 extra joysticks not counting the one in the box so 3 total ($100.00) 2 games ($120.00) and one year of Xbox live ($50.00) = ($670.00) before tax.

PS3 ($600.00) 3x joysticks ($100.00) 2 games ($120.00) = ($820.00) before tax.

A difference of $150.00 for a weaker game console that plays great movies. LOL

Most parents will see PS3 on their kids x-mas list and say f ()ck PS3. Just look at it realistically. The average consumer not ...

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every time I come to this web site you are always talking krap. Just look at you name it has an Xbox slur in it. Every time you post it is disrespectful. You are one of the biggest reason why others think its O.K. to bash the 360 and cause flame wars.

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You just say that because that is what PS3 fans are doing today. The is no real good news about the PS3 other than Sony is woorking on it.

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of the kids who post pro Sony here do not really realize how detailed production, distribution, and cost of the services offered for online gaming are. I realize that most of the Sony fan base still probably believes that Santa clause is real too. So it would not be hard to deceive them, and as you can see it is working and Sony is happy with that. I talked to some kids who have never played a 360 anywhere or seen one but they are convinced that it will blow up. Why do they believe this?...

6571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment