
CRank: 5Score: 76440

You can play Rhapsody on the PSP now. just need CFW in order to play the PS1 copy. Valkyrie Profile. ..well there's Lenneth already. As far as CT well the same thing goes for that as it does for Rhapsody, but I get where you're coming from. Personally I was disappointed with the CT port, waited all this time and saw FF get many remakes and updates (some 3D) and CT gets this shoddy ass treatment?

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup MGS4 used prerendered cutscenes, it wasn't like I could you know INTERACT with them as if they were realtime. Oh I could you say? I could shake the controller and clear Snake's Octocam and sometimes alter the view? Why. ..that's just something you'd be able to do in a realtime cutscene, not some prerecordered video playing back. *Gasp* This revelation blows my mind!!

On a less sarcasm filled note, GG has met and exceeded expectations for this game. They delivered and that's ...

5618d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Welp that's what I was waiting for, I hate the hell out of the character design and the storyline will likely suck (as it did in the first 3) but the gameplay has always been ace. Sold.

5619d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahh 'Nids, the original Zerg. I can't wait until next month, looks like I'll be hooked on this for quite a while.

5620d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do I see the dumbest f*cking complaints levied against PS3 exclusive games yet everything else gets a free pass? Too much variety, glass doesn't shatter like the glass bottle I shot outside last night, too "gamey", levels are so linear I don't know where to go (WTF!?). The reaching is pathetic man.

5621d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dawn of War ruined me on other RTS, I just couldn't go back after playing that game. The only game that has stood up to it for me after its release was Company of Heroes and that's because it was also Relic (Homeworld rocks too) and it used some of the same principles from Dawn of War.

I'm an Eldar player and when I first saw the fight animations, I was hooked. DoWII is probably the reason I might not be playing Starcraft 2 anytime soon.

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 has Netflix integration in the form of PlayOn. You get a 14 day trial to see if you like it, then the program is 30 dorra after that. I was a beta tester for like 2 months and instantly bought it as soon as it was up, it's that good. Hulu, CBS (boo), Youtube, and ESPN streams are added as well without opening up the browser and it's all nicely integrated in the XMB.

5622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hah playing P4 on MY PS3, someone should have been informed before buying a model without BC. Or that someone shouldn't have waited so long, there's your precious price drop. I spent 600 on mine, I have a PS2 in it, you didn't and you don't. Sadly those are the breaks in this situation, but it's not like you can't find a BC model OR A PS2.

5622d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

That'll be like 15-20 hours for me then since I play like a obsessive compulsive in EVERY game. Victoly.

5622d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes pedos are using Home, PSN, LIVE (there's one that posts vids on Youtube saying he uses Halo 3), MySpace and any other online services. It's not new and they're sick f*cking bastards no matter what the venue, so I hope they get caught regardless. Really it boils down to parents watching what the hell their children are doing online.

But something tells me Gameplayer is using that sensational headline to suit their own needs and NOT to actually help people, and that's just dep...

5622d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Add the damn TVs and stereos for video and music streaming and you'll make more.

5622d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

She's just trying to get back into the spotlight somehow after realizing the most famous she has ever become was after going head to head with gamers. She's probably going to switch her career focus to this JUST because there are gamers and anti gamers who'll feed into it, she has ulterior motives trust me on that one.

5622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's what I'm waiting for, hell I'd spend 20 bucks on the TV itself and no more than 10 for the stereo. I REALLY want video streaming and music streaming would be a nifty bonus as well. Considering these things were promised in the past, I don't think I'm being unrealistic in my demands. Instead of adding the stupid clothes that nickel and dime people they should add the big ticket items that DO things.

5623d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Originally Bison/Dictator = Vega, Vega/Claw = Balrog, and Balrog/Boxer = M. Bison. It was changed because M. Bison stood for Mike Bison, which was supposed to be an homage to Mike Tyson. Capcom USA didn't want to get sued so they changed it to Balrog. They also thought Vega sounded too weak for who you know as M. Bison/Dictator so they changed his name as well. And Balrog/Claw was changed to Vega.

In Japan their names are still as they are, to slow down confusion, the SF communit...

5623d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a sad sad thing when I can look back at the old Street Fighter movie and be able to easily identify everyone as their ingame characters, as f*cked up as they looked. But this? This is just shame. Kristin was actually a decent casting choice, I'll even give you Michael Clarke Duncan as Rog, but Dictator/Bison? Fail!!

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That video is too full of win, coming from someone who actually remained a Rick Astley fan before Rickrolling started. This should be the new LBP commercial.

5623d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oooh I can't wait for the media to jump on this one and someone asks the golden question: "Why was a 6 year old playing Grand Theft Auto in the first place?".

5624d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Believe me I would if I could, I can't wait until the 20th of next month though I'm going to be living on SFIV.

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Capcom team is going to win.

5625d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Damn I just want that shell and to swap the insides since I love my 60gb system.

5625d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment