
CRank: 5Score: 54450

Pete Hines is a such a wanker. I hate that man. He ruined the TES series with Oblivion.

Morrowind wasn't perfection when ti came to gaming but the backstory and environments truly did make you feel like an outlander, and some sequences of it were absolutely astounding. Ten times better than finding the Cloud Ruler Temple. Morrowind wasn't levelled and it was so difficult and complex. Oblivion forgot about lore in so many places and focused on 'gameplay' and the mainstream and t...

5955d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Talkign of when the market moves to Blu-Ray. It is stupid to assuem the future for the PS3 is completely peachy. 2009 sounds quiet at the moment, and in addition to that, when the market has transitioned to Blu-Ray, it would be naive to believe that the PS3 will be consistently the cheapest Blu-Ray player. It will porabably stay the cheapest media hub, featuring Blu-Ray.

5957d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This sounds harsh, and it is to all those Nintendo followers, but I am serious when I say, the Wii has become one of the playground fads. Like having a Furby, or Pokemon. Admittedly if it lasts as long as Pokemon then it truly was worthwhile, but I cannot see the Wii lasting long.

I think the fighting continues between 360 and PS3, because Wii is in a league of it's own, having opened up the market, to mainstream entertainment. Lots of sales, but also moves VERY fast. Much fast...

5957d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree Skaterboy.

I don't really like sayign that Nintendo won this generation(not becuase I don't like Nintendo). I actually think they did soemthign completely new and fantastic, and opened up ANOTHER makret for gaming. So in tersm fo casual/hardcore blah blah gamers, we will see with the 360 and PS3. But Wii, it's just deviated into anotehr amrket which is so clever. It's created the personal gamign market. VERY clever, and well doen to Nintendo.

Anotehr reao...

5959d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Damn, my country is just as blind as America!!!

Still 360's outsellign the PS3. It is American media influence for sure, as well as recent EU neglect by Sony.

Nevermind, 360's are way more popular here in England, but they seem to be a dying breed. Seriosuly thoguh, they were good while they lasted, as my friends all joekd abotu how I bought such an expensive console, and now theirs is becomign redundant.

5959d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crikey, yes that was intense malice wasn't it?

What a ridiculous thing when trying to stay rational.

Perhaps you misunderstood what I said (or not). I simply mean that this is in the first place, not a strong exclusive to boast (although that is most certainly a reason to boast it), but secodnly it is so early on in this very sparse year of games for the 360. Why would they announce it now? To bolster their current line-up? What will they have in the future? <...

5959d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pretty simple, answer. The 360's 2008 lineup is awful, and I can't believe they played this hand so early on in the year. They must be really confident about something, because otherwise, this is like their last available exclusive, and it's abysmal.

It looks, like one of those low budget computer animated kids programs. By the way, before I am blamed of being biased or something, I definitely think that Tool of Destruction was only good due to it's graphics. I believe personal...

5959d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agreed with this post, because for the most part Americans are very patriotic, and ignorant.

But with your post, I feel guilty, and you are completely right, I have many American friends who travel the world, on even for an internationally focused American Broadcasting company, so it really is a generalisation.

And to be honest, how big of you to admit that there is that vein of ignorance, or whatever you said. Well I am ure England (where I am) can be equally ...

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lots of people think the 360 has a less geeky and more mainstream appeal, ebcuase it's cheaper, but sicen the PLaystation Brand is recognised as fun, and well known I totally agree.

And I liek already said below, MS played their hand very fast, like within their 2nd year,a dn they didn't ahve enoguh frist party developers to be able to do that.

Whereas Sony has built up quite a team of develoeprs, and PS3 owners will reap the rewards of that.

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What about all these reports that PS3 is outselling the 360? IS that worldwide?

Because this is a different set of sales to what I have seen. PS3 is selling more in both Japan and Europe, and 360 is only selling more in US, as far as I know.

If this is specifically just the US sales numbers then really 360's numbers have taken a hit... or PS3's a rise either way, it's looking dark for 360.

It's Microsoft's own fault, they played their hand too fast...

5959d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think this will be the last time I reiterate this.

N4G wasn't spreading rumours, it was creating them. And not even N4G as a whole, just one user.

5960d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to say MK_Red, I completely agree. Someone reported it for me, I thought the report would be ignored and sure enough it was.
Although, it is partly the danger of allowing user submitted material. Especially when the submission is more of an article taken out of context, to misconstrue another point.

And Zhuk, I have seen examples in the past, but nowadays it seems PSU is very much one of the least biased places on the net, as I previously mentioned. All I can assu...

5960d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've got to say this site is respectable, as DavePSU said.

But many don't seem to be understanding that the blame can be squarely put on N4G here. There's no misunderstanding, or rivalry, false assumptions were stated as rumour on this site, so effectively starting the rumour here. N4G did not report on the rumours like PSU did, they infact manufactured it.

I would also like to say that without the help of PSU this rumour couldn't have been debunked as fast as it...

5960d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

No MK_Red

It was N4G this time that STARTED the rumour effectively. Thats different from reporting on/posting rumours.

And no problem DavePSU, if it weren't for the excellent PS3forums, I wouldn't have been able to get the news out. Many users there were very helpful, and I am a regular user myself.

5960d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was this site completely. I am the member they mention from the Team Ico Blog.

I love N4G tons aswell, it's bloody useful, but some of the contributors need to do their homework, rather than post assumption... it wasn't even a rumour.

And thanks to Cyrus for posting this update on the situation.

5960d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This has no relation to ICO3, only Shadow of the Colossus.

Whoever (I am assuming Rikitatsu) posted this on N4G, has caused a lot of confusion and strife across the net. And there was no real basis other than assumption to spread this. Maybe N4g should post a story about that. Thanks Crunchie101. I hadn't tried that yet.

5960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am a member of this blog and community, and this is not an announcement of ANY Team ICO game yet. It's something special for the blog only, that may produce something others would be interested in. It's something Official from Team ICO, but it isn't an announcement about the next game, it's a special feature. So stop spreading rumours N4G.

5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great tactics by MS again.

But like I have posted hundred of times, this game will not be selling anywhere near as well as the previous ones. Smaller user base, and generally excellent, but under the radar viral marketing campaign.

And I can safely say, that the people who will buy consoles for THIS game, will buy PS3's. Out of pure ignorance. And being new to the next gen, they won't use the Internet readily on their console, so Downloadable Content will be an ...

5962d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's right, despite wrestling beign crap, and this all beign pointless. TNA is defitnely the better game. But really the marketign is the thing and TnA isn't as cool for young'uns and neither is it as well amrketed. So sorry Kurt Angle, but your payout won't be that big for this game.

5962d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How do you own a launch?

Good job Microsoft. They seem not to realise that this "established Competitor" is just that, becuase it looks to the future (cell, Blu-Ray) rather than focusing on the past.

GTA IV I will be getting on PS3, but I am happy to get it there. All my friends with 360's only (and thats the majority of them) have said they won't get GTA IV. It's a dead franchise, now it is working on it's name alone and won't sell anythign like San An...

5962d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment