
CRank: 5Score: 53510

Totally agree

97d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This dude's a horrible Studio President. His ego got the better of him and Naughty Dog has nothing as a result. He focused too much on him and his own personal woke, liberal, political agenda. Gamers don't wanna go to church to be preached to, its why organized religion numbers are suffering, but wouldn't you know it, games do just that and gamers are ignorant to it.

Druckmann has focused only on what makes his name big, The Last of Us was a game that during the...

98d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

And there's still nothing to play on PS5. Look at how amazing PS1 was. How PS2 did it more and did it better. Look at how there was something always on tap for PS3! PlayStation 4 slowed down a lot but was really consumer friendly...... Then Jim Ryan took over and Herman Hulst came in and look at what we have. Devs aren't doing anything. I have this fancy new console and where is it? In a box in my closet while a PS4 standard and PS4 Pro sit under my TV each with 2TB HDDs and another e...

99d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

How in the world did South Park make it to a Nintendo console? Did you see in the Nintendo Presentation how they showed all this kiddie games and then comes an animated game..... South Park? Can you imagine a very uniformed parent seeing that and buying it for their kid thinking "Its Nintendo, they make great stuff for kids" only to find your kid playing that? There wasn't anything in the presentation that warned parents, there wasn't even an ESRB rating. I'm really surp...

99d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment


As consumers that buy games and hardware, how long are we going to allow this happen? We've lost jobs and have wondered what on earth we're going to do to survive, how we're going to feed our families and keep a roof over their head. You'd think that entertainment companies would be wise in their hiring process, and think about those kinds of things. What are we looking at long-term. But, it's always like: You're a piece of tissue p...

99d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment


This is an industry problem, Xbox are laying off their workforce too, and who does that effect? Everyone. Where are game designers gonna catch on? They don't, so where they work? Lowes, Walmart, McDonalds, janitorial and then what happens to those people? They're living on the street while game developers went from $65,000/yr to $28,000/yr and economy suffers and gets worse, crime goes up, government assistance goes up, because companies are smart...

99d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Brilliantly written article. Still, they blame Mattrick, which I don't anymore. He's one man in the many that killed the brand, they all were guilty and contributed INCLUDING PHIL SPENCER. HE WAS THE HEAD OF GAME STUDIOS AND WAS DOING LITTLE COASTING OFF THE SUCCESS OF 360. He had nothing going on. He's not the great Xbox Savior ...

100d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's a crap game. The idea when it was announced was interesting, but when you actually play it it really doesn't have much of anything to do with psychosis. I live with someone that suffers from psychosis and I don't see anything of it really. The gameplay is slow and clunky and the puzzles remind me, pretty much, of those wooden boards you'd have where you fit the wooden block shapes into them. And the tech..... I mean most of the screenshots you see pretty much tell it all,...

100d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Everybody wants a taste of the PlayStation sweet, sweet candy. They really didn't need to port anything to the PC but since they had, it's what's expected now. We knew in the PS3 era physical media would inevitably die and consoles weren't gonna be long after. Consoles didn't exist, it was all on PC. Consoles were a simpler and more comprehensive way of playing games that didn't require installs and complicated settings, but we knew consoles would inevitably die but, a...

100d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Gents, enjoy it while you can. This is the last Final Fantasy you'll be playing. At the rate it takes to develop games you're looking at a long time for likely anything from Sony. As well, I don't know if you're paying much attention to the Christian community but, in a world where there's a lot of disagreement, there really seems to be a common agreement that by their beliefs, we're gonna see some really bad things within the next couple of years and it all comes to a...

101d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

That would be smart, but makes too much sense. BUT, The Coalition is pretty much dead, without Rod Ferguson, there's nothing there. That was the point of that team was that he was heading it up but even Rod Ferguson turned down being the boss and head of his own studio making Microsoft money to go to Blizzard, and isn't it ironic, look where's he's at now. Cliff Blezinski offered to go back to work on Gears and Xbox (one of their biggest IPs) shut him down and told him no. Gea...

101d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What? Dude, sit down. The Show is on Xbox because Major League Baseball twisted Sonys arm or they'd pull the license, and then they'd be making no money from the game industry, Jim Ryan played that card wrong and should have called their bluff, but they were forced into it, a move they should have been made with EA and the NFL and NHL. 2K needs to be allowed to make sports games again, they're better at it, I digress, but watch it, dude. You're talking about third-party agreem...

101d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't they already try this with Horde mode in Gears of War? It just doesn't have the Starship Troopers, I guess, but when you're chasing after someone else and you're doing it to follow someone else, it generally doesn't work out as well because you're late to the party and where it's a part of Halo Infinite rather than a standalone game, its gonna be seen as just an afterthought to a game that's had problems. I'm no marketing genius but, there going it t...

101d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

senorfartcusion....... So what brings you to the house of Pachter?

102d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe. But this dude's losin it

102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Depends on if it wants to play in its own sandbox with consoles and claim it's territory or see what it can do against the Oculus and Vive. Less competition on consoles

103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Isn't gonna make you much more money, because you have the same number of subscribers that are playing the game for free. I very much doubt that PlayStation fans are gonna jump ship to Game Pass that's $14.99+ a month, why? Because they still have to pay for Xbox Live, in order to play it, and when Call of Duty is all they're gonna play, and they plan to play it for the year, what's $69.99 as a one time payment versus $14.99/mn. They're gonna have to buy an Xbox console th...

103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's what it takes to get a physical release? Sad.....

104d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Argh....... Not Limited Run........ What was wrong with IAm8Bit if we had to go this route?

104d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed, and I'm a HUGE PlayStation fan. I loved the PS3 while everyone else played on their breaking Xbox 360 consoles, I never senty PS3 in to fix it, but I have no clue why I need a PS5

104d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment