
CRank: 5Score: 53510

Oh brother...... It's like a balloon filling with helium. He's got nothing new to say. Naughty Dog went from being a studio of numerous developers to being about him and what HE does. Bruce Straley was the co-creator of The Last of Us, and he left--I think for the same reason Christophe Balestra left and since then, Naughty Dog haven't been the same. PlayStation is incredibly woke, as all businesses seem to be these days, ignorant to what's really going on sacrificing the grea...

1d 6h ago 29 agree19 disagreeView comment


4d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree. Console gaming is unique. The current state of gaming is trash, WORST CONSOLE GENERATION IN GAMING HISTORY, and we don't want to lose Console gaming to PC. We just need to get rid of all the mobile gaming aspects out. Once those business models leaked into the console business, it began to decline. There's PC gaming, console gaming, and mobile gaming, the three should NEVER mix. Keep Console Gaming (and physical media) alive!

4d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah..... But port the predicessors to PC to make you question why you even has a console in the first place

5d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't see how. We're on the eve of PS5 Pro and nothing. Everything is still possible on PS4 Pro and PS4, HECK XBOX ONE is still being developed for. This statement is a publicity stunt, a desperate statement made to try and sell Hellblade 2 to save Xbox as they're about to pull a Sega. I trust this statement as much as I trust Xbox, Phil Spencer, Aaron "Executive Fanboy" Greenberg, and newly added to the list Sarah "Word Salad" Bond

11d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hmmm. It's gonna be hard to trust any Xbox reviews these days with all the Xbox drama. With the Xbox brand on the chopping block and what we saw with Tango Gameworks and Arkane, is desperate attempts to keep it alive and to what extent? Are they gonna talk up and fake reviews as an attempt just to keep the Xbox brand alive. People just don't seem to understand it's not Xbox and PlayStation only. Without Xbox, there's still Nintendo, PlayStation, and Valve in the PC space. Ther...

15d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's not gonna be the case when Xbox folds, then revenue on PlayStation consoles will go way up

17d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

There ya go. You're all seeing it.

Sarah Bond is a Microsoft publicity stunt. It's a woke state and within that woke state operates a liberal corporation. Sarah Bond is Xbox (and thus Microsoft) saying: Look how inclusive we all are, in order to buy everyone off. It's smoke and mirrors.

What in Sarah Bonds resume qualifies her for this kind of work? There's nothing. Look over in the other camp at PlayStation. Shu Yoshida is credited as a P...

21d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

And finally, this is also what happens when you drop $69 billion on a buyout. It didn't play out as well as they thought it would and Call of Duty wasn't the cash cow they wanted so to get that money back. It's a good thing Shinji Makami got out when he did, he saw this coming

27d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This also means we're apparently done getting new IP because it's just too risky, it must be so, so we're gonna continue to get the same stuff, same IPs and reboots and remakes because they're safe...... That's something I've always had an issue with Nintendo over is they're reliance on Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Pokemon. Its really rare for Nintendo to branch out. Splatoon was a rare occurrence, and Bayonetta is SEGA but Nintendo snapped it up so the competition c...

27d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox buys up studios so they can shut them down to keep PlayStation or Nintendo from touching them because PlayStation and Nintendo can produce gold, and Xbox can only take a dumb in a box and make it guaranteed

27d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably because console gamers are waiting for physical copies of the game. Physical Media will always win over and push sales

33d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

If consoles sales have been consistent, then perhaps, but I haven't heard anything otherwise. We also know that Xbox (Microsoft) haven't been reporting numbers as they so proudly did, when they were "winning" against the PS3, during that era so, we assume PlayStation are doing very well or perhaps destroying Xbox sales, but we don't really know as Xbox are trying to preserve their image and not seem, perhaps, too weak.

My point is, without knowing any ...

40d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Given there's a gaming site making a big fuss about the Sony acquisition of Paramount and how that's going to affect Halo, being an Xbox IP, this rumor mill craps gotta stop. Who hires people like this? All Microsoft has to do is move the series to a different distributer. Xbox isn't limited just to Paramount and can go wherever they want just like Cobra Kai. If Sony does end up acquiring Paramount doesn't mean anything like they're implying.

Seriously, ...

45d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It just goes to show, if you're patient enough, anything is possible. It's a team that has potential. Sony could've really benefited from acquiring them, if I were CEO of SIE, I wouldve

47d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think Pinkman and Kena are really the same thing. At the end of the day though, Ember Labs has a really talented animation team, but as game designers they're lacking. It was a really pretty game but, man was it frustrating! Areas you thought you could go but we're blocked off, poor level design, probably what Hellblade II is gonna end up being

47d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Microsoft began buying timed exclusives and timed DLC starting with GTA IV back on Xbox 360. This didn't used to be a practice until then. I don't ever recall this being a thing

47d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Naughty Dogs about to fall. Neil Druckmanns ego has gotten the better of him and it's put a choke collar on the dog. Naughty Dog, also, hasn't been able to stay out of the woke/political game going after a small audience that's stirring up the bigger audience they should have more interest in, and Druckmann knows better. His upbringing has taught him doing the right thing brings success and going against what you know is right leaves one to themself.

It's gr...

56d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So..... What is he playing?

56d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe. But, right now Nintendo, whose bread and butter is this industry unlike Sony who just goes back to making video and audio equipment with an end-to-end ecosystem and Sony Pictures or Microsoft that goes back to making business software and I guess the other competitor in the ring nobody seems to notice, ever, Valve, Gabe Newell has a ton of money to retire on and the PC will continue on anyway. If Nintendo, who hinges on this industry as their bread and butter, who Sony and Microsoft ob...

57d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment