Proud Irish Bastard


CRank: 5Score: 230630

They didn't even respect videogames, themselves, just a year or two ago. Just saying.
Is this a paid fluff piece? Konami has yet to actually prove anything to gamers. All we have is news pieces letting us know content is coming down the pipeline.

325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not finished. More worthwhile content than a lot of games sitting on Walmart store shelves.

325d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh no.
Yet another chance to see just how much content is to be had in this "scam" of a game.
Like always, though, the people making those comments won't have the hardware to play it, so they'll just continue their hate campaign.

325d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

When you've played almost all of them, and know you own more than half.

Most of these are pretty damn known games. Gaming Bolt is the definition of just making articles because articles.

325d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I think you're just trying to sneakily discount what those teams have been doing since their acquisition. It's actually been a lot, and everything put out from them has been quality. Then all three have games actively in development that should fit a "good RPG" being Avowed, Outer Worlds 2, and Starfield. Let alone the couple secret projects currently in the works. Pentiment, also, is most definitely an RPG.

326d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Obsidian released Outer Worlds, Grounded, Pentiment, DLC for Outer Worlds, helped with Wasteland 3, and are currently deep development with Avowed, Outer Worlds 2, and a known yet unannounced project believed to be Fallout related.

InXile released Wasteland 3, Wasteland Remaster, and Expansion for 3, and are in deep development for Clockwork Revolution. Along with assisting Obsidian on a number of projects.

Bethesda is Bethesda, so we really haven't g...

326d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I mean, they have Obsidian, InXile and Bethesda.

326d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

I legitimately loved Halo's switch to open world. They made traversal of the map entertaining, and everything involved just tied into the (what I consider) awesome gunplay.
The entire time I really felt the slow takeover of the map, and all the little steps forward felt satisfying.

I don't know what more people really want there, considering the setting and story. A handful of soldiers hunkered down on enemy territory; slowly trying to win the battle.

328d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment


Notice how Bioshock has puzzle elements, but we don't call it a puzzle game. Mafia had a racing segment, but nobody would compare it to Forza.

If a title has any sort of element that fits even the remote criteria of a certain genre, it's disingenuous to associate it with that genre.
Again, if I sold you a copy of Bioshock and told you it was a puzzle game, you'd go home and end up either highly confused, or genuinely annoyed. ...

328d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

People aren't arguing a Final Fantasy game is called Final Fantasy.
They're pointing out the route the series is taking, and just as many don't like it as do.

328d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

They're obviously doing amazingly well with the current formula, but games like Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are still my favorite in the series.
Would be a little disappointing if they're no longer interested in adhering to the classic way of things as well.

BoTW and Tears are great games, but I feel like it's time to return to the old ways next round.

328d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you're basically just a spectacle fighter, first and foremost, then just call yourself that. It's like jokingly arguing GTA San Andreas was an RPG because they had a couple skill trees in it, and you can get fat.

328d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Psychonauts 2 has been the studios most profitable release, despite being on Gamepass, and a third title is already open and on the table when the time comes.
They wanted to do a big, new IP release coming into the acquisition being they would have funding they wouldn't have otherwise. That was obviously greenlit.

328d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment


The simple fact that Playtonic - a studio comprised of ex-Rare devs of the 64 era - created a highly successful Kickstarter based purely off of what was a spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie with Yooka Laylee show me that announcing a legitimate Banjo 3 should be far more than viable today.
Hell, the Playtonic team actually said they'd do it if Microsoft allowed them.

Now we have so many new and throwback 3D platformers doing well. ...

328d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really only enjoyed 3 and 5.

330d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think they're well aware how successful Switch was and didn't want to sour the well and just go "welp, new generation". Buy all of your crap again.

330d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

God forbid the idea that people end up liking a game that you've never played, yourself, over the gane you want them to be excited about.

333d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


I mean, you called it out first and you're not wrong.
DmC definitely got the shaft, yet it was successful and a good game. The closest thing they ever released to be considered "mid" was Heavenly Sword.

334d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

JRPGs are barely RPGs in the sense of the D&D roots that basically started the genre in general.
Square just keeps dumbing down their releases year after year.

335d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Metrics for both games are missing here.
As far as I know it can be confirmed that it outsold Diablo 4 in the UK simply based on the metrics they're tracking FF's sales at.

They're not tracking the numbers for both titles. People are claiming it's obvious the sales for FF16 would be lower than 15 because it's not on multiple consoles, but that doesn't track with with overall sales of the game itself, being games sold on both PS5 and PS4 almo...

336d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment