
CRank: 5Score: 24480

Well... There are still small companies that are still running Windows 95/98 (I know since I make GOOD money every time one of these dinosaurs croaks, and I get called to bring it back to life...)

I know of MAJOR companies that are still running Windows NT 3.5/4.0 Servers. Once again, GREAT money for resuscitating a dinosaur...

You will always have stragglers that try to hold on to the older OS'es. I guess you could say that it's their comfort zone...


5600d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol... Just like the number of replacement 360's sold to people that got banned from Live? Or the number of replacement 360's sold to people that had modded consoles die on them?

That argument can go either way...

5602d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


5602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that CoD4 could have kept going strong with expansions. But the only problem with that is that it segregates the online community (those with the DLC, and those that don't have the DLC).

I was seriously hoping for another map pack or some other expansion for CoD4, but apparently Activision is wanting to make Call of Duty a yearly installment series... :-P

5603d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What??? The liquid-smooth framerate is one of the things that I LOVED about CoD4 (and CoD:WaW).

What would be ideal is better graphics and KEEP the 60fps frame rate. I have no doubts that Infinity Ward will deliver. :-)

5603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I'd love to know why this is getting disagrees, he's correct - intel's CURRENT "gpus" are crappy onboard things that have about as much power as a tomato. Their new, discreet (read: A separate card you plug into your PC, like any decent graphics card out there) GPU is designed to compete with the latest stuff from nVidia and ATI, so it's going to be leaps and bounds better than anything Intel currently has."

Becuase Larrabee is not Intel's first venture into ...

5603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly... If for nothing else it would make backward compatibility effortless by expanding the current architecture (PowerXCell 16i, GeForce 9800 chipset, 2GB XDR, 768MB GDDR3/4), as well as GREATLY help developers provide top-notch launch titles while allowing for PLENTY of future potential.

The only console maker to follow this type of model from one generation to another was Nintendo, and it actually worked out well for them... :-)

I really hope Sony doesn't go...

5603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL... "True 3D" games have existed since the 8-bit gaming days.

How quickly we forget the Sega Master System, and the LCD shutter 3D glasses.

Or for that matter, the Virtual Boy (okay, Virtual Boy SUCKED, but it was stereoscopic 3D).

Yet another Wii shovelware title for me to ignore.. :-P

5603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dead Space could potentially work out on the Wii... Kinda like Resident Evil 4. I thought that the Wii version of RE4 was the best by far...

Although I STILL wish that Nintendo had packed more power into the Wii. I would have loved to have seen a version of Dead Space using the Wii controls, but with PS3/360 caliber graphics...

This could be interesting, and I'm tempted to rent it when it comes out just to check it out.

5604d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This just means that Microsoft has the chance to fix this flaw before the retail product ships.

I can see where they are coming from in reducing the number of UAC prompts, but FFS let the user know when the UAC settings are being modified... UAC settings changes should always prompt the user. That shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish.

I've been using Windows 7 Beta 1 since it first became available, and other than a few gripes (which I have sent in as feedback)...

5605d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

ROFL!!!! Too true... :-)

5606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL!!! Other than MMORPG's, and a handful of successful PC titles here and there, the PC gaming scene is ALREADY DEAD...

And to think that you consider PC gaming a big enough market to cause major financial issues if it went away is just mind-blowing...

Let's face it... at LEAST a good 80% of PC's sold WORLD-WIDE are FAR from "gaming rigs". Back in the late 90's I knew plenty of PC gamers (ahhh, the fond memories of LAN Parties... ;-), but now I hardly ...

5607d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"If God didnt care about Microsoft, then Apple would be market leader right now."


Besides, if you take a look into the "playbook" that Microsoft bases their business practices on, it appears more written by Satan than God... ;-)

Last I checked, God is pretty generous (open-source), where Satan/Lucifer is all about greed (closed-source)... :-)

5607d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Personally, Sony still has a lot of catching up to do before I can confidently lay down hundreds of dollars for them."

LOL... But yet you will plunk down hundreds of dollars for a console that is NOTORIOUS for hardware issues... Hmmmm...

The only thing that the PS3 needs now is a price drop, and you will see MANY more converts...

I started out this gen of consoles with the PS3 (resisted all of my buddies trying to talk me into getting a 360...

5607d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah... That was a pretty bad translation job on that page...

I would not be surprised to see the PS4 using a PowerXCell series CPU (improved double-precision performance, and up to 32 SPE cores), more RAM, and a better graphics chipset.

After the huge amounts of money Sony invested in the PS3 architecture, I don't see them scrapping it and going with something all new (and causing the learning curve issue with developers all over again).

Technology has...

5610d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"on the other hand linux is absalute garbage and hard to use"

N00b... :-)

5613d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"an lets be honest, the PS3 seems like it wasn't made with online gaming in mind, but they just threw an Ethernet port in because its the right thing to do."

OOOOOkay... then why was PSN up and running @ launch? The only current-gen console I can think of that was NOT made with online gaming in mind is the Wii... It took over a year for ANY online game to come out for the Wii, while the PS3 had online titles from day ONE...

"look how there was no un...

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After seeing almost two decades of Nintendo completely owning the handheld market, it's good to see that the PSP can actually survive competing with a Nintendo handheld.

Here's to seeing a multi-touch capable PSP2 sometime in the future!

5620d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This could be awesome if applied to carrying video signals...

Imagine having a PC/Laptop/console where the only cable involved is the power cable (although wireless power has been talked about lately... ;-).

This is some cool tech that has some sweet possibilities...

5623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Sales are UP year-over-year and Sony is quickly approaching profits on PS3 hardware sold. If the business is doing well (which I would say it is), then what is wrong with being happy?

Granted, the PS3 is not dominating like analysts and fanboys alike were hyping before release, and the PS3 may CURRENTLY be in 3'rd place in the "console wars"... But all things considered (ridiculous launch prices, STILL the most expensive console on the market, economic downtu...

5623d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment