
CRank: 5Score: 24480

While you may be right about casual gamers only, Move will also appeal to core gamers.

Kinect will be limited to casual games, and possibly core games that don't involve large environments (Boxing/Fighting, maybe Golf, etc.). Kinect requires CPU and memory resources from the console itself to do the full-body tracking that it does. You will NOT see a Kinect enabled Gears of War, etc...

While with Move, you still have to use CPU and memory on the console...

4980d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, the 360 and Wii will still advance, but not nearly to the same degree as the PS3 will.

The "un-necessary" hardware like the Cell processor, XDR RAM, and Blu-Ray are what will allow the PS3 to continue to evolve further than the competition.

The "exotic" hardware of the PS3 is just now being utilized to its full potential. With more to come apparently (after seeing Killzone 3, etc at E3).

I'm not saying that you w...

5093d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"He's a douche because he can keep the HDD while the company he chooses for the fixing does their job so no harm will be done on the HDD then when he gets his PS3 back he may just put it back on or transfer the data to a bigger HDD."

Having gone through this issue myself (80GB Motorstorm bundle model), I can say that keeping the hard drive ONLY works if you get your ORIGINAL unit back from repairs. If you take the hard drive out of one PS3 and put it into another PS3, ...

5264d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"there is a friend of mine has an iPhone that works on the verizon network. features are limited though..."

LOL... I hope you mean T-Mobile and not Verizon... I would be interested to see how "your friend" got a GSM/UMTS device to work on a CDMA/EVDO network considering the differences in how the device talks to the network, and the chipset/radio differences between the two VERY different network types.

5277d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hopefully this means that AT&T's exclusive deal with Apple is over, and other carriers (like T-Mobile) will finally "officially" get the iPhone.

I had AT&T service for a few years and had a good experience with their network, but their price is what caused me to switch away from them. I had a single line of service with a smartphone (Nokia E71x), and it was running me about $120/mo. for 900 anytime minutes, unlimited messaging, and unlimited data.


5277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I do agree that the PS3 is the better value, I know that the failure rate is higher than "less than 1%"

I had an 80GB Motorstorm bundle PS3 die on me about 6 months ago. My brother-in-law has a 40GB PS3 that is now experiencing Blu-Ray drive issues.

Although, I know several people that have been through at least 3 360's.

All three of the consoles have their share of hardware failures... Some more (much more) than others... ;-)

5396d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

If Sony were to offer a PS2 emulator on the Playstation Store (as long as the price was reasonable), I believe it would sell well.

I currently have a Motorstorm bundle 80GB PS3 (4 USB, card readers, GS chip), and I can say that PS2 games upscaled on a HDTV can be gorgeous... God of War 2 looks AMAZING upscaled to 1080p.

I believe that non-BC PS3 owners would be willing to pay a reasonable price ($40 USD or less) for the ability to experience their PS2 games in HD.

5402d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

From a business perspective, it makes WAY more sense to just print the code out on a receipt than to offer any kind of retail "package" of any sort.

Even with the PSN cards here in the US... There's the materials cost of the plastics in the card, the printing costs, the "scratch off" material covering the code, and the wholesale discount that they have to offer to allow retailers to make a profit off of selling them (otherwise, why would they bother?).

5404d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm with you on that one. Anytime a GOOD new IP comes out, I will buy it new. I like to support developers/teams that put out solid work, and not just a re-hash of previous efforts (like EA actually putting out a good new IP versus what they do with their sports games... $60 for a roster update... :-P)

5451d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To a degree I can agree with this article...

Nintendo has been known for missed opportunities with their consoles. Last gen, it was the GameCube ethernet adapter (which to my knowledge only worked with Mario Cart: Double Dash for LAN play), and the GameCube/GBA link (which once again only a handful of games like LoZ: Wind Waker and Four Swords Adventure took advantage of).

The GameCube had the hardware out there to allow for online play last gen, but the big N never...

5526d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the right video compression codec along with the right QoS setup, it could work...

And considering that you could use something like the nVidia Tesla HPC to handle the rendering output... Imagine true photo-realistic gaming... An NFL Football game looking like an ESPN broadcast.

I'm interested to see how this will pan out. It will be a while before home consoles can achieve photo-realistic rendering.

5548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, if the PSP2 launched with Gran Turismo Mobile it would make for a HUGE PSP2 launch... :-)

Although the current PSP could use a huge title like GT:M... Hopefully more will be announced @ E3.

5549d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"or maybe thye dont reveal games till there about 4,5 months from realese instead of 1 and half years or more like sony :p"

LOL... two words... Alan Wake :-)

5552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"But saying Wifi and Bluetooth are 8 years old isnt true."


Wi-Fi (IPA: /ˈwaɪfaɪ/) is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance, founded in 1999 as Wireless Internet Compatibility Alliance (WICA), comprising more than 300 companies, whose products are certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance, based on the IEEE 802.11 standards (also called Wireless LAN (WLAN) and Wi-Fi)....

5563d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Once the 45nm Cell CPU's and RSX chipsets go into production, it may be possible.

Like PirateThom said, the extra space is for airflow to aid in cooling. The smaller die size chips require less power and generate less heat than the original 90nm launch components.

I would be surprised if there was not a PS3 slim announced/leaked by the end of next year... ;-)

I would love to see the PS3 slim have an expansion slot to allow users to add hardware PS2 bac...

5564d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony will not give an official heads up on a price cut until the last minute. We'll more than likely see it leaked a little early from retail chain pricing info.

With the technology changes coming up very soon (45nm Cell + 65nm RSX) along with Blu-Ray drive components coming down in price, manufacturing costs can come down to the point where a price drop is feasible.

One thing to keep in mind is the increase in software sales that comes along with the increase of ha...

5564d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This one issue is why I will stick to Rock Band for music/rhythm games.

As soon as I heard that the DLC for the Guitar Hero games is not transferable, and Rock Band is... That sealed the deal.

I'll personally stick with the game that allows me to take my previously bought DLC into the new game. Otherwise, I feel like I'm just throwing my money away having to scrap my older DLC and buy new DLC for each new version of the game.

And yeah, Activision is mi...

5569d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL!!! +bubbles

5575d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

OH yeah... I can see myself jumping into some Killzone 2 multiplayer for at least a good year or so...

KZ2's online is as addictive as CoD4's was... Actually, the only thing that stopped me from playing CoD4 online WAS Killzone 2! :-)

See ya on PSN!

5575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely. UMD made sense back when the PSP launched (and 1GB MS Pro Duo's cost ~$200). But now that the prices on flash memory have come down significantly, I don't see why they can't be used to distribute games.

It would be interesting to see if any publishers start using MS Pro Duo's to distribute PSP games. Loading times off of the memory stick are SO much faster than the UMD drive...

5577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment