CRank: 5Score: 28960

Unreal failed on EVERY platform really. It was just NOT a big enough step up from UT2004 at all, and I'm really upset about that as it was my number one FPS for the longest time.

Best way to go is to release a title simultaneously. This exclusive timeframe BS only ends up hurting the sales of the title. Why do you think the PS3 edition of FFXIII was delayed?

5639d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I love VX's always negative spin. I could argue that a new IP selling over a million copies in a horribly overcrowded holiday season with BIG name sequels, on the system with the lowest install base is pretty damn awesome. Of course, VX doesn't care about that, his argument is simply with fanboys who said the game would kill the Xbox. See, VX isn't a gamer, he's a whiney little troll.

Also, LOL at people who think the best reviews are the ones that come out at or before a game's ...

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope you never play Search & Destroy in CoD then, because being able to tell your teammate where your opponent is totally kills the point of the mode.

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The haters catch wind of problems and then are relentless on telling as many people as possible. Sad people"

Unfortunate that his happens with a lot of games on many different systems. People seem to love to hate, which I really don't understand.

5639d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys can argue it... I'll just go enjoy GoW, DMC, AND NG. Since you know... they are different, and "better" is subjective in this case.

5639d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You realize the converse happens as well right?

PS3 is doomed.
PS3 is a sinking ship.
Can the PS3 be saved?

Blah blah blah yadda yadda.

5639d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually fool, it has nothing to do with the news content. It's no secret Sony is in dead last in console sales and needs a price drop to become more competitive. Derrrr.

Professional journalism as a whole is BS, against the PS3, Wii, AND 360. Of course, people are too busy with their little "my console versus yours" BS to really pay attention, but EVERY major site is gasp... biased, and has gasp! an agenda! OH NOES!

5639d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hahah, 1up is a joke.

They make 3 articles harping how the "new MGS" is probably on the 360, and go on and on to mention it.

Then Barnholt mentions in his editor's blog that "anyone who truly thought that the new MGS would be on the 360 was just setting themselves up for disappointment."

Proof right there that they play to the crowd in their stories.

5640d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment this where I bring up the oft overlooked Halo 3 target video that was made with "ingame assets"... yet at a resolution, framerate, and AA level that the final game doesn't even touch?


Moving on then...

In truth, I wish all 3 would keep their mouth shut and let the products speak for themselves. It's up to the talent of the dev above all else.

5640d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with a lot of what was said by all posters above. Strange how such a high profile release gets a free pass in this department. At the same time, Socom was an online ONLY game. Still, its no excuse in either case I feel.

Gears 1 competitive MP was just better I feel.

5640d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

In all fairness, 90% of the blame for the economic crisis is wall street and their BS, not the war (which I don't condone anyways).

5640d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

2D, HD sprites pretty please!

5640d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to ask you this...

If Lair was on the 360 and PS3, which financially makes sense... would that somehow make it a better game?

The flaw was in design itself, not simply the choice of console.

5640d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

A lot of this responsibility is going to be on the shoulders of the hardware developers to provide fast, easy, stable development environments to developers. I dont think it necessarily means we are going to go right to the point of reusing assets. (Funny, the game that reuses assets the most is the Castlevania series on the DS, not exactly an HD heavy title!)

5640d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Theory, thank you for replying. I edited my comment to better reflect my thoughts, as I wrote it out quickly.

The game development industry is a far more complex and intricate system than many people realize, and thinking that one dev should go down, or one DID go down, due to a single game is a major oversimplification.

For instance, the foolish people who think that the 360 or PS3 will be the next Dreamcast, when Sega had YEARS of issues that lead to its downfall, ...

5640d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Development time.
Staffing sizes.
Programmer knowledge.
Development kits and tools.

Many of these things are going to need to change and improve in the HD era. They are too bound by past console mentalities, and that is harming not only games in many, many cases, but it's harming the developers themselves.

5640d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well said Crab.

People (not necessarily anyone in this thread) disgust me with their propensity for blind cheerleading and slamming games and devs for no legitimate reason, instead resorting to squabbling over their fanboy wars when more important things like the state of our very industry are on the line.

@Disagrees - So we SHOULD celebrate a dev closing? Yeah, N4G is full of fools. Real smart guys.

5640d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Your bitterness and inadequacy shines through every pathetic post you make. It's really rather funny, keep it up.

I'm a GTA fan, and I'm not hating on anything. GTA4 was just a massive step back in content and fun for me.

5640d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Intelligent discussion? Here?

Nope. A few levelheaded posters like Fig make the site worth checking out though.

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know what... we can't even get 100% lag free/sync issue free GAMEPLAY on XBL or PSN, as P2P and even dedicated servers are hampered by our nation's online infrastructure. I find it hilarious that we pay a ton of subpar service compared to Europe (my friend in Norway pays less for his T1 line) and people expect DMD to take off? Really?

Howabout we fix the nation's online services and structure before we start using it as the platform for ... well, more!

5640d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment