
CRank: 5Score: 43820

Yep, its a shame that the Ps3 has a ridiculous amount of excellent games(Heavy Rain, Yakuza 3, FF13 and God of War 3) coming out in the next month and no hardware to sell... Get your act together Sony.

5209d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No big loss. Those scenes were kind of funky anyway. This expansion better be hefty though for the $40 pricetag (even on PC) that they are asking. I'm mean its only $10 less the original game on PC for just an expansion.

5210d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Plenty of people care about the used sale value. Cuz guess what? $20 is better then nothing which is what this game will be worth. And just because Gamestop will give you $20 for Mass Effect 2 doesn't mean you can't sell it on ebay for $40.

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope Sony learns from this when sales of the game bomb. This is more of an attack on the secondary market then piracy. They basically made the resale value of this game worthless. And I'm pretty sure it will effect new sales on it.

5211d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game will show up on PS3 once MS's timed exclusive on it runs out. That's why Bioware doesn't comment on it the same way 2k didn't comment about a PS3 version of Bioshock. MS makes them sign a NDA for the free dough. Anyone see those NFL playoff games with "sponsored by Mass Effect 2". That's what EA is getting out of the timed exclusive deal, a buttload of advertising money from MS. The same way Square Enix got the money for the "sponsored by FF13" at the nba all...

5211d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's a good game but I think a 96 average is too high. If anything its a dumb down version of the first game which I thought was better. Now it feels like a buggy version of Gears Of War with dialog trees. But maybe people like that. Then they wonder why there isn't any innovation in the industry. Personally, I enjoyed the first Mass Effect and Dragon Age more then Mass Effect 2.

5213d ago 10 agree16 disagreeView comment

Remedy owns the Alan Wake IP. Look at all the idiots giving disagrees to the people that are stating a fact.

Taken from the bottom of the Alan Wake page at

"Alan Wake and Remedy are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Remedy Entertainment Ltd."

5214d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

What the hell kind of "special edition" bundle is this? Looks like MS is just trying to get rid of some old pro system stock. Ghetto, really ghetto...

5215d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the sale results have more to do with just about every retailer selling 360's under retail or throwing in $25 and $50 gift certs with every purchase then it does with Mass Effect 2. But hey if MS can afford it good for them I guess.

5216d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


1. Quoting VGchartz over the actual company numbers is just stupid.
2. Don't know whats up with that 2nd link you put up. Even the source they cited (number 8) states the same thing I've posted.

"Microsoft said that it sold about 4.4 million Xbox 360 units in the second quarter and a total of about 5.4 million during the company's first half of the fiscal year. Since the 360's launch in November 2005, 10.4 million units have been sold (as was prev...

5223d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Do you kids just make up whatever numbers you want? End of 2k6 according to MS they shipped 10.4 million consoles. At the end of 2k6 Sony said they shipped 1.2 million PS3 consoles. The original lead was about 9 million consoles. Here's some links to actual numbers provided by company spokespeople not the random crap you guys spew out. 5th paragraph

5223d ago 31 agree3 disagreeView comment

The problem was the lack of directions. Just because you lucked into doing it right makes you special huh? BTW calling something game of the year in January is just stupid. Kids these days...

5232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have found bing and google to be the same search wise. Both are flooded with sites that use keywords to spam the hell out of search engines and make it hard to find something relevant. But I love the bing cashback program. Has saved me about $1500 in 2 years of shopping.

5238d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

@3.1 The same can be said about console games. Except they cost $10 more per game and run at a lower res. But I guess only 85% of the stuff on it is multiplat...

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well its using 8 cores but only at 28%. People with good 4 core systems should be fine.

5241d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really? If a company offered you millions of dollars to make a game multiplat and you would say no out of a retarded sense of loyalty? And what loyalty does ANY 3rd party publisher have to Sony? All Sony does or any platform holder for that matter is take a cut of the profits for the right to publish on their platform. Grow up and get a clue. BTW money can buy loyalty and respect.

5243d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It is what it is. Honestly, how many people would say no if MS drove a giant truck full of cash, dumped it on your lawn and said make a version of your game for the 360. Kojima is probably the only one so far to say no to MS's moneybag even under extreme pressure from Konami and for that I applaud him. But hell I admit I'd take the cash in a heart beat.

5243d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The notion that quad cores don't do anything for gaming has come and gone. Look at anandtech's review of the i5 661. The i5 750 clocked at 2.66ghz beat the I5 661 clocked at 3.33ghz in all 8 games they tested. Some by only a hair but blew it away in others. And remember the i5 is clocked 667mhz slower.

5248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the value of the ati cards but honestly their drivers are horrible. I'd be willing to pay a little more for an nvida card over an equal ati one just because they are less of a hassle.

5249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of you people are real morons. There's 1.3 billion people in China and they all hate the Japanese right? I'm sure there is some resentment from the older generation but from the younger generation? Get a clue... In case some of you idiots have forgotten (or even sadder never learned) the US was at war with Japan as well. Does that mean everyone in the US hates Japan and vice versa?

5250d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment