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My main issue is the lack of new stuff, and the lack of info on 2021 games. What exactly is Scorn? And what about all the pre-rendered/in-engine stuff we’ve alreadg seen? What do Perfect Dark, Fable, Hellblade 2, Everwild, or Avowed even look like? If just one or two of those were shown it would have been a good -> great E3

1080d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

I have a hard time believing even those that don't want a Series X wouldn't buy up that stock BELOW msrp and resell it on ebay for $700

1095d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's too early to say. The xbox one outpaced the 360 for a while too, even with all the controversy it had for its first year. The 360 did have supply issues at launch as well, and it was overall just less common for people to run out and buy a new console at full MSRP in 2005 the way they do now.

That isn't to say the Series is selling badly though, i personally see it outselling the xbox one.

1099d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Theres been two since the movie, the reboot tie in and this new one.

It isnt just the jokes that were edgy. There were multiple rated T Ratchet games. Ratchet and Clank had more of a buddy cop dynamic where they brushed against each other with conflicted personalities. Now theyre just cutesy best friends without any friction or any dynamic at all. The music and aesthetics are also just less edgy. Just my personal opinion, but the older games had more character.

1102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ratchet and Clank used to be so much edgier. The new games look and play great, but where did the whimsical Pixar tone come from? I get they needed to sell a movie but why did it stick lol

1102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears multiplayer has such a high skill ceiling and is so unwelcoming but i love that about it. Feels like a slice of old school shooters. Even the pervasive trash talk is there.

1104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully this trims the fat off both of their E3’s. Way too much fluff

1105d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because its news. The S is easily the least selling console WW between PS5, PS5 digital, X and S. So for it to be number one anywhere is notable and demands more scrutiny as to why thats the case, no?

1105d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I doubt they manufacture as many S as X. I think the S is popular in India because it is the cheapest entry into next gen and something like Gamepass could appeal to them over 60 dollar releases. I feel like the S was made with markets like this in mind.

1105d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

This. I dont think its fair to compare either console to its predecessor at this point. Ps4 had supply issues up til March after release iirc. Xbox One never had supply problems past the first Christmas season but Series X continues to be hard to find.

1106d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

The switch started off with a bang but it feels like the last big title was Animal Crossing, which itself felt like it took a while agter FE Three Houses. Pandemic mustve hit them hard

1111d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

Edit: My mistake, i totally misunderstood what you guys were talking about

I actually don't disagree with Gamepass in principle, if it was more geared towards Xbox exclusives + older games from other publishers I wouldn't have as much a fear of it. But when a game like Outriders ends up day 1 on gamepass, that makes me fear for where we're going.

1114d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it any surprise? Nintendo profits off their hardware easily and their software sells like wildfire. They don't have a beefy subscription service

It does demonstrate how much MS makes off of Gamepass and Live despite little first party output and slow hardware sales since like 2017.

Sony is the only one here making money off of prolific first party output and popular subscriptions.

1118d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

I would buy a Series X if I could find one. I haven't been able to for months on end. Can't even find their new wireless headset either. It feels like their supply problem is even worse than Sony's, it's hard to tell how it compares to previous consoles because of that.

I am optimistic about the console's future, but I'll readily admit the PS5 has all the momentum. I think the Series X/S will do better than the xbox one though.

1119d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Me and my friends like to drink beer and play Smash and Mario Kart. I have to assume we arent the only ones.

1119d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


But they won't sit on that money forever, it will go towards more development, more studios, pay raises and bonuses. Besides, that's just for big studios, it is evident that indie studios in particular will benefit from this more than anyone.

In the 360 days, it flopped in Japan, but the console has a large amount of Japanese exclusives from small studios. Mostly shmups and visual novels. The reason business was sustainable and even attra...

1120d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I've been watching my friend play Prey on a Series S and it's like night and day compared to my One X

1121d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thats the one im least worried about. Bayonetta 3 was announced at the beginning of its development and Kamiya has been assuring us that development is going well, they just arent ready to show much. Platinum cranks games out without issue, historically.

Meanwhile Prime 4 was rebuilt completely midway through development and Retro isn’t known for their speedy development. Game will be great though

1123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The millions in R&D already done going back to likely 2017 to conceptualize this purported Switch Pro = they have to put something on the market ASAP.

1129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


He is. Yes i know there is a plot twist, but just because Comstock is Booker doesn’t make him a compelling villain.

The problem with the twist redeeming the game is that the twist falls apart under its own logic. Why does killing Booker in this one instance kill off Comstock in all the other timelines?

I finished the game and initially liked the story as a whole, but the more i thought about it the less sense it made. Eve...

1143d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment