
CRank: 5Score: 21700

I've got a PC. Yes, games look best on that.

Please stop bringing the PC into console comparisons. It's just a different animal completely. If you're going to start mentioning the PC, then you'd better start mentioning all the additional headaches it brings.

You don't have to upgrade hardware components on a 360 or PS3 (high end video cards cost as much or more than the consoles).

I don't get viruses on a console.

I don't get stupid Windows ...

5373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, the obvious fact is that the PS3 version does look better. There are nice improvements to textures and lighting in most areas, and in a lot of screenshots, the XBox 360 version doesn't even show shadows.

What this goes to show is that if enough time is spent working with either console version, you can end up with a pretty awesome looking game. I'd like to think that the PS3 is more capable, because that's what I own, but do I know so? No. Even with some of the awesome game...

5373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What does that have to do with anything?

If reliability was the only thing that mattered, we'd all be playing board games.

5376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interference can be a major pain for wireless g users. Every time I ran my microwave when I had my g router, it would make my internet connection unusable.

Given, not everyone is going to have this problem (suppose it depends on the devices causing interference, and the location of those devices), but wireless N is better, with regards to interference.

5376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see how they are "playing" 360 owners, unless you were allowed preorder AoC for the Xbox 360 and then they never delivered...

Funcom's mistake was that they didn't release for PC and 360 at the same time. It turned out that the game didn't do as well as they'd hoped, and now they probably are wondering whether a release for the 360 is financially viable.

And given the general negativity toward AoC, maybe they were doing 360 owners a favor. (I actual...

5380d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Fry Cry"?

Not a bad preview. highlights the good features. Might do well to point out a few faults, as well.

I think this Aion is poised to do quite well, maybe even as well as #2 in the US. I don't think WoW is touchable at this point, especially with a major expansion coming up...

5381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ gamer1111

They didn't make you buy the 20gb model, and you didn't have to buy an overpriced Sony brand hard drive to replace it...

20gb is still better than nothing, by the way.

5383d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly. This is a list of machines that make it possible for us to be gamers. What sort of comments were you expecting?

Everybody who disagrees with what is #1 is a fanboy? Of course people want their favorite console to be #1, because it IS #1 to them.

(Having said that, I DO think the NES deserves #1, and I never even owned one.)

5386d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to agree. I would argue that any one of your top four is deserving, in some way, of the top spot.

I have no clue how they justified placing the PS1 behind the Xbox 360. Look at the number of iconic series that had their start on the PS1. That console took gaming to a whole new level, as far as I'm concerned.

Taking pop culture and innovation into consideration, the Wii might be deserving of a slightly higher ranking, too... (not top 5, but higher than 10)(and...

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't even know what to say. The writer of this article believes that reliability comes down to preference.

Q. Which is more reliable?

A. Well, that depends on whether you want console A., which breaks down way more, or console B., which has a shorter warranty, but is much more reliable.

Q. Isn't that a warranty comparison? Is it relevant that the 3 year warranty came to be because of the number of problems?

A. Well, that depends on whethe...

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All Xbox/PS3 comparisons aside, this is a really lousy article that doesn't get its facts straight.

The only thing it is accomplishing is getting everyone riled up over nothing.

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crysis looks great, but I think it's borderline out of place to be considering PC games when talking about games that are "This gen".

When you're talking about consoles, it's easy to say which games can be included, but PCs can be upgraded... Does the release of each class of video card start a new generation? Processors? Hard drives? RAM?

I think if comparisons are going to be made, it should be PC vs. PC, and console vs. console.

Still, Crys...

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, I haven't seen anything that convinces me that Cryptic didn't just take Star Trek and cram it into stereotypical concept of what an mmorpg is.

They should be trying to create a brand new type of mmorpg that better fits the Star Trek universe. Looks like there will be way too much combat (especially ground combat... I never thought that being in an away team would be that cool).

Also, not enough effort to simulate captaining a ship. This external view isn't ...

5392d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. Some sort of warning before the jump, about the content on that page would have been nice. I mean, I don't think there are any doubts that a lot of kids are on this site.

And I'm sure there are many adults on here who don't care to see that either.

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I for one wouldn't accept Youtube videos as proof of anything.

Having said that, it was reported somewhere that Sony actually had to go with a slightly cheaper Blu-ray drive to reduce costs, which would explain slower load times on dvds/Blu-ray disks.

I would imagine that all of those mandatory installs would level the playing field, or better where some games are concerned, allowing the slim to have an edge when the data is loaded from the hard drive instead of the ...

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza 3: The Sands of Time...

Sorry. Couldn't help myself there.

That actually sounds like a nifty feature though...

5395d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have to say that I thought the reduction in power consumption was pretty impressive on the slim. Temp didn't go down, but I suppose that is to be expected, since the airflow can't be quite as good on such a slim system.

I think I saw that they are using a cheaper Blu-ray drive in these, however. That's not good. Would explain the slower loading times.

*Edited due to a high stupidity content...

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Modern Warfare 2 is a 360 exclusive?

5395d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

They're using the HeroEngine, by Simultronics. It's the same one that's being used on Hero's Journey. It supposedly allows devs to make changes to the game world in real time, as people are playing.

So versatility, and the capability to alter the game world as required trumps visuals here. Imagine devs being able to alter the game world in real time, based on what the players are doing...

5433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The person who wrote the article guesses that the GPU for the iPhone 3GS runs at 200 mHz, while the Anandtech article that he quotes estimates that it runs at 60 mHz, as it is an MBX-lite- meaning that it is running at a slower clock speed to conserve energy (battery life)

If that is the case, then his graphics power comparison is off by just a tad.

5472d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment