
CRank: 5Score: 21700

I am one of those players who are learning this. My k/d is probably 0.5 on there, and I think it’s absolutely great. I’d rather find ways to win against better players than to be coddled into thinking I’m good at something.

3d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Physical sales don’t tell us much anymore when people are just flat out guessing about the digital sales.

52d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess he just thought we'd have sense enough to know that 100s of hours of gameplay means that the game is huge. Also, he didn't have to play it for that many hours after he finished it. The fact he did and he's talking about it should say a lot about how fun it is, even if he ended up playing that long to get the full picture of what the game is... I guess I'm just "glass half full" about this kind of stuff...

278d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can’t stand cosmetic armor. I want to find armor pieces that look amazing together and build sets. Cosmetic armor is so fake and stupid and just a money grab.

369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It’s no wonder they’ve been having such a hard time pushing this through if they had the development teams handling the legal stuff. It would REALLY explain their situation on the exclusives, however, if they’ve been letting the lawyers develop the games…

384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Elden Ring is more accessible for players who aren't masochistic enough to enjoy Bloodborne to its fullest. I think what it lost in focus, it made up in mainstream appeal. I think it is a great balance to the Ubisoft games that turn a game into a checklist, and is the peak of open world design to date. I'm not saying it's perfect by any means, but its depth and scope is beyond what we've experienced so far. It stands to reason that it would need those a little of the focus of ...

791d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Any time one of these major console companies snatches up a major developer we shouldn’t be applauding it. It’s a win for Microsoft, but not for gamers in general (and definitely not for PS5 owners).

1350d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Is your argument that people who have to buy budget items don’t care if the item is inferior? I really don’t think that’s true. People don’t buy budget items because they don’t care, they buy them because they can’t afford the more expensive items, or because they don’t understand the difference.

1350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could see Series S being a popular price point for parents over the holiday, and more so if the parent has a Series X and wants to game with them (I have 4 kids, so I really, really get it). Also, anyone who has one is going to pine for the Series X, so I could see them replacing the series S with an X later on.

Personally, though, I don’t like it. I think there’s going to be a lot of compromise there on game fidelity, and no one wants to start of a new console gen thinki...

1353d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well, in the current climate, they missed an opportunity to include Black Panther as a main lead. That said, this game really isn’t the problem, it’s the stage that was already set by Marvel playing the profitability game. The fact is, whether we like it or not, humans tend to look up to protagonists who they share similarities with, and Marvel will cater to the largest demographic to increase the amount of money they can make.

Black Panther is cool enough in his own right ...

1374d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone I know who plays Star Citizen enjoys playing Star Citizen. Crowd funding, as a rule will either result in a game or disappointment. At least with this, I can have some fun playing while I wait and see if there’s ever a finished product. If it doesn’t pan out, than I paid for several years of an Alpha, which was fun even if it wasn’t finished.

Do I think that we need some results soon, yes. I think waiting until there is a pandemic to demand the results is lousy tim...

1404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Last article I read about this, Nomura talks about breaking it into smaller parts, and everyone assumes that this means that we’re going to get a slew of tiny FFVII games, and has a collective cow. Then we get one that explains that he is talking about spreading the work in smaller chunks across a larger number of teams to get it done faster, not releasing it in tiny chunks, and no one even comments to say, “Oops, we clearly misunderstood that.”

Of course, I don’t know why ...

1497d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im sorry you didn’t like it.

A lot of people agree with me, some who have never played the original, but I don’t expect everyone to agree. I tend to stay away from negative generalizations about the opinions of others. I don’t think it adds much to the conversation, and it’s kind of rude.

Anyway, I stand by what I said about it. One of my favorites of this console generation. Extremely fun and lovingly made. I will just have to come to terms with how inf...

1511d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played FFVII on the original PlayStation in 1998 and thought it was the greatest game I’d ever played at the time. It drew me in like nothing I’d played before.

This remake has done the same. It managed to take a classic and turn it into something fresh. The cinematic quality of the characters, music, and story all blends seamlessly with the gameplay. This was clearly a labor of love for the people at Square-Enix. I have not been this drawn in to a story since FFVII and F...

1512d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everything should be free, with no microtransactions. Then the gaming industry would be awesome.

In fact, the government should just develop the games, too and then roll those microtransactions into our tax bill...

1852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you get some enjoyment out of something, there's value there. $3000 is too much for a virtual spaceship though... those people are more interested in making sure the game succeeds than flying the ship.

At this point, the promise of the completed game is worth more to some than money. It is the dream game for the kids that grew up watching Star Wars. Some people will pay a lot for the chance to be a child again.

1853d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@cell989 It's unfinished, but there's a game there, so we can agree to disagree on that one.

@Longadog Defending it is easy. Some of us like it and can see the progress that's being made. Do I have an investment in it, sure, but I'd tell you if I didn't like it and it sucked. Here's a good example: I bought Atlas because I thought it looked cool. I didn't like it, and the experience kind of sucked.

1853d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


The disagrees clearly show that your opinion and experience have no meaning, and that everything you are saying and think about the game is wrong. SamPao, there is no free fly this week. It's a figment of our imagination.

Seriously, though, I completely agree with you, JackBNimble. The alpha is amazing to look at, and give a feeling of immersion and realistic simulation, even in its incomplete state, that I haven't se...

1853d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@jukins Too bad I can't stand Eve, and it plays nothing like Star Citizen. At least compare it to Elite Dangerous.

Also, I guess if I've been robbed, then I've been robbed by the makers of every game I've ever enjoyed. If this is being robbed, I guess I don't mind being robbed more often. I hope they continue robbing me for some time.

1853d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What does everyone expect backers to say? Do you expect us to say, "Oh yes, we hope it fails and that there's never a game." Do you expect us to say, "Oh, CIG sucks, and they should be shut down?"

I know that they've mismanaged money, but there's already more than a tech demo here, and it's closer to life-like realism in graphics than anything else on the market. The ships are beyond cool to use and to fly. Sure it's taking forever, b...

1853d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment