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Sony To Get its Own "Gears of War" like I.P. from Epic

Half way through this podcast hosted by they touch base on the Sony & Epic deal. It is stated that Epic and Sony might be working on a PS3 game that deals with the Gears of War universe not necessarily Gears of War 2. The deal that Sony and Epic signed was a multi-part deal, so there could be other things besides the UT3 exclusivity deal.

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Xbrainer6168d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
This story is not confirmed in any way shape or form, is a hoax
anonymous6168d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
SilvaSurfa6169d ago (Edited 6169d ago )

But what the heck. Whats the point of "open forum" if you cant state your opinion. That being said. Fanboys have your way with my bubbles. But you won't you change my beliefs. /End Rant

The problem starts here. Only because under normal circumstances this would be a great thing to non-fanboy or fanatic gamers. But instead its going to be a triple decker backlash sandwich. Only because of two noble statements that were rode into enternity. The first one being.

"PS3 cannot do Gears of war in its current state."

The truth be told this statement was misquoted by fanboys of the Xbox in such a horrible way. In all actuallity all that was being said by epic is. They would have to re write the U.E. Code or optimize it to run on the PS3. They didnt actually mean The PS3 console was incapable of doing Gears of War at all.

Then their is this:

"We pushed the 360 to the limits," Gears of War QA manager Preston Thorne told Siliconera at last night's Hollywood launch party. While obviously an inflammatory remark, there could be some truth to the statement. After all, it was Epic that allegedly convinced Microsoft to bump up Xbox 360's RAM to 512 MB -- and Epic still maintains that 256 MB would not be enough to run Gears in its current state.

EDIT: I am by no means saying PS3 is getting Gears. Im just showing the change of events. How it went from "PS3 cant do gears" to PS3 is getting its own rendition not to mention PS3 is running the Unreal Engine very well. If you add 2 and 2 together you get. PS3 will have a Gears of War like I.P. and it will run smoother than Gears. I dont see how this is an insult to Xbox fans. Its a huge hooray to any gamer. A game that will be similar to Gears but run better. That is awesome. Especially if you own a PS3. Now you have that to look forward to along with KZ2,UT3,Haze 3 other blockbuster shooters.

Omegasyde6169d ago (Edited 6169d ago )

Great opinion piece with no clear showing of fanboyism.

You deserve a bubble(s).

I however disagree to a point. As far as Epic saying,"they pushed the 360 to the limit", I find that hard to believe. A counter example would be when Final Fantasy X and GT4 developers said they pushed the ps2 to its limit last generation. That of coarse wasn't true and many better looking games came out later.

The same can for the 360 now, but of coarse there isn't any better looking games than Gears right now. You also have to consider that Gears of way came out in November 06, about a year later from the launch. Factor is that the 360 is only about 2 years old.

Truth be told as well. Many developers have stated that the ease of programming code for the 360 will be also be part of its achilles. Since developers like to save cost(Ex port a PC game over) , they won't go the extra mile and show any graphical differance from the PC. This is where MS will burn themselves, since the developers aren't going the extra mile to take advantage of the 360 hardware. Copy and Paste. Repackage, add achievements, call it a day.

The same goes for 360->PS3 ports at the moment since developers won't bother with the time or learn the architecture of the the ps3.

Epic basically went off the specs of the 360, compared the RAM useage w/ PC and stated they couldn't do much better. The 360 still has a few tricks,(Bioshock) to show what its capable of. I just think Epic wanted to created a "Best game of the ps3", like they did for MS.

If they Manage, they will be the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be.

Hayabusa 1176168d ago (Edited 6168d ago )

While I'm not saying you are a fanboy, but your "triple backlash" does sound somewhat biased.

You say people were wrong to say "Gears cannot be done on the PS3 in it's current state". Aand quite rightly so. I had no idea how much detail the PS3 could handle, but after seeing unreal 3, it was pretty obvious that the PS3 could also handle those kind of graphics.

But then, about the comment on "Gears of War pushes the 360 to the limit" you say it could be true. Yet, I think this comment is just as untrue as the other. I remember Tecmo saying DOA 4 pushed the 360 to limit. All devs keep repeating these lines. "This game can only be done on the X console", "this game pushes hardware to limit", e.t.c. And then what happens? It ends up on another console. Another game comes out that looks even better. I believe the PS3 could run Gears. And regardless of whether or not the PS3 is more powerfull than the 360/vise versa, I believe both consoles have alot more to show us than Gears of War.

Thank you for stating your opinion none-the-less.

JsonHenry6168d ago

I have ONE question - How is it that UT3 is an exclusive? The 360 and the PC both are getting the game. Just the Xbox 360 version is coming about 4-6 months later. (and the devs said the game looks "slightly better" on the 360 so far)

The ONE thing I am giving Sony mad brownie points for though - MODS MODS MODS coming the PS3!! Most people will never use them, but the option being there is massive steps forward for a console. I prefer my 360 so far, but Sony is making some darn good steps forward IMO.

i Shank u6168d ago

hell yea man, mods are sic, always cool to see what people make. no 360 Mods hurts, add to that the PS3 version lets you use keyboard and mouse, and I know im waiting to get my PS3 for this game. and I like to play on 360 damnit

clownfacemcgee6168d ago

You said Haze 3. Lol, it's the first iteration of the game. But I don't understand the comment. Epic said that Gears was pushing the 360 to it's limits. Then Tecmo says DOA4 was also doing the same thing according to Hayabusa 117. But PS3 devs are saying the opposite. Evolution (who made Motorstorm) claimed they are using 10% if I recall. Naughty Dog (who are making Uncharted: Drake's Fortune) said the game will use 40%-50% of the PS3's power by the time they're done with it.

I don't know if there's any truth to these statements, but it's interesting to see the different ways devs react to the systems. Some say they're just touching it, to hype the system. Others say they're pushing it to the limits to hype the game. I would think hyping the game would be more to their advantage, but I don't know. Mybe, if you need people to buy the system (i.e. PS3) you might want to hype the system. I just think this shows how they're all full of 5hit.

risk6168d ago

pushing the system id different ways maybe. i havent played doa4 or gears but maybe they are different ways of pushing it doa4 is a fighting game and maybe they were pushing high detail textures with a huge level with independant physics, and gears pushed it in the gameplay with textures but didnt have too many players on screen at once, and not too much of a view to see i dunno i never played both games but thats the only thing i can think of.

Raptors6168d ago

Excellent comments. Bubble for you...

sony fan6168d ago

"WE DON't BUY EXCLUSIVES" Then they jump all over Epics nuts to get UT3 to be. Then they bust out their wallet for a gears wannabe exclusive. Who can still have confidence in sony after all the crap they feed people? And they are not only paying for an exclusive and copying MS but they are also admitting how the PS3 does not have any games that come close to what the xbox has. Can us sony fans be any more pathetic?

zantetsuken6168d ago

Mark Rein said UT3 was running better on PS3, than Gears was running on 360.

Silvanos6168d ago

"WE DON't BUY EXCLUSIVES" Then they jump all over Epics nuts to get UT3 to be. Then they bust out their wallet for a gears wannabe exclusive. Who can still have confidence in sony after all the crap they feed people? And they are not only paying for an exclusive and copying MS but they are also admitting how the PS3 does not have any games that come close to what the xbox has. Can us sony fans be any more pathetic?"

You sound like you need a hug.

risk6168d ago

nobody hugs smelly people...dont you know? ;p

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SuperSaiyan46169d ago (Edited 6169d ago )

Gears of War and all that is affliated with Gears of War is under licence with EPIC and Microsoft Games Studios, its like allowing HALO wars to come to the PS3 its HALO - a registered name and or trademark of Bungie and Microsoft Game Studios.

There cannot and will not be ANY Gears Of War affliated game unless they change the name completely or something.

EDIT: Hey silvasurfa EPIC never said Gears of war was pushing the 360 to its limits, Cliffy B actually said they had only touched the surface of what the 360 can do in an interview just after its release.

What they did say was how they were using all 3 cores and all 6 threads in the 360 so making full use of the power available in what they can do at the time.

Some people need to READ better.

SilvaSurfa6169d ago

"We pushed the 360 to the limits," Gears of War QA manager Preston Thorne told Siliconera at last night's Hollywood launch party. While obviously an inflammatory remark, there could be some truth to the statement. After all, it was Epic that allegedly convinced Microsoft to bump up Xbox 360's RAM to 512 MB -- and Epic still maintains that 256 MB would not be enough to run Gears in its current state.

You cant make that up.

xbox360migs6169d ago

OXM magazine recentley played UT3 on the 360 using the enhanced unreal engine since GOW a year ago and this is what they had to say...

"The play test kicked off inside (and out) a giant wheel-shaped space station. What struck us like a bolt of lightening seeking out a hairdryer was that the already staggering Unreal Engine 3 - so impressive in Gears of War - had been tweaked to even greater levels of visual excellent and performance."

Is it not possible for improvement after a year has passed or are we going to dwell on year old quotes and flame.

tonsoffun6168d ago

I was under the impression that MS held the liscence for the first two gears of war games, but not the gears of war universe - so theoretically, they could release a gears type game set in that universe, as long as it does not include any of the main characters from gears.

Cook1eMan6168d ago

I for one agree that this is not likely at all to happen. Why in the hell would microsoft let their newest biggest franchise slip from the hands.(My opinion, from whats been shown halo is done) I'm really confident and saying that microsft will open up their wallets and give epic what they want to keep the game exclusive.

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CrazzyMan6169d ago (Edited 6168d ago )


p.s. anyone to help return my 4th bubble back? thnx. =)

Hayabusa 1176168d ago (Edited 6168d ago )

Because they're gamers as well.

@ shank

I agree with you. I hope it pushes Microsoft to be alot more open about extra content.

i Shank u6168d ago

Dont act all crazy. man. ^like what he^ said , we're all gamers.

I could careless if Gears goes to Ps3 and all I play is 360. Honestly I kind of hope Epic f*cks them over because how they treat epic over releasing content and $hite.

techie6168d ago

Some of you people are very strange. Agreeing and disagreeing with my confused face. Read into it much, non?

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nomad1176169d ago

just a game like gears you know a killer app don't be so stupid stupid

incubus51876165d ago

i totally agree with you a gears of war title for ps3 will be awesome

Bloodmask6169d ago (Edited 6169d ago )

If you state Gears of War pushed the Xbox360 to its limits how come he said this in his interview................

Cliffy B declares in an interview that:

"I think we've only scratched the surface of what we can do with the 360. There's far more potential down the road to do more stuff. As amazing as I think Gears is, I think we'll definitely push it much further"
----------------------------- --
I don't think you should bash N4G and say you will take your opinion elseware. When you are the one being the fanboy.

SilvaSurfa6169d ago

I never said that. You did. Read what I said before mis quoting me. And if you want to know where I got it from then read my response to super saiyan 4. Thanks

Bloodmask6169d ago (Edited 6169d ago )

Then their is the "Gears of War pushed the Xbox360 to its limits". Now this one is really going to hurt Xbox fanboys because. If this game pushed the Xbox to its limits last year and PS3 is running the same engine this game was built on but better. Then what does that say about PS3?

Don't lie

I'm happy that Epic is going to release a new IP for PS3 but you just turned this into a bashing session. Grow up.

drtysouf216168d ago (Edited 6168d ago )

and now ladies and gentlemen take a look at this

see how he changed his also

He called me desperate, truly sad and pathetic yet look at
what he was doing himself. Don't let him fool you he is
the biggest anti Sony person on this site just look at his old
comments all his submitted stories and all the sony hating articles
he posts that end up in the failed section. Here's a funny one
he tried to post

if you notice those screen shots they say press L2 on one of them
which clearly lets you know they are PS3 shots taken from the PS3 section of IGN.

MikeGdaGod6168d ago

good find, i especially like the last link

u nailed his @ss

TheMART-sucksdick6168d ago

Now everybody calm down!!! I'm betting 300 comments.

Anyone else?

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Tech Focus - Motion Blur: Is It Good For Gaming Graphics?

Opinion is divided on this one for sure! Is motion blur good for gaming? Why do developers include it?

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Community2169d ago
TheOptimist2170d ago

I hate any game that has motion blur and the first thing I do is switch off the motion blur in games. It just makes me nauseous.

XentaJones2169d ago

motion blur makes me sick... so its off.

OpenGL2169d ago

I agree with Alex here, many implementations are terrible but when it is done right it improves the experience.

2169d ago
TheSplooge2169d ago

I always turn it off. Along with depth of field.

Mr_Wilson2169d ago

Those plus vignetting, chromatic aberration, and film grain.

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Someone made an unofficial fan Unreal Engine Donkey Kong Country game & is available for download

A Tribute To Donkey Kong features 12 levels, 200+ 3D models, 20+ characters with 120+ animations, 1000+ new game assets, 400+ textures, 30+ particles effects and over 3000 lines of code.

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getbacktogaming2295d ago (Edited 2295d ago )

Isn't this old news!? As cool as this is it has been released since 2014.


Let’s be Honest, DOOM Looks like the Best First Person Shooter We’ve Seen in Ages

Alex from GamersFTW writes:

“In all seriousness though, I feel like DOOM’s success will be measured by how much the game has to offer. Graphically it’s looking spectacular, and I’m sure the latest multiplayer trailer caught all of our attention. Personally, the game is beginning to remind me of those late nights playing Unreal Tournament 3, which is totally a good thing. This, in addition to the promise of user-generated content, is making DOOM look like the best first-person shooter I’ve seen in ages.”

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Shillmeister3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

The campaign looks brilliant, like a true nostalgia trip to the original DOOM titles of old! The multiplayer equally looks like a trip down memory lane to fast-paced and frantic arena games a-la Quake, and honestly the MP REALLY makes me want to the get game at launch to capitalise on the hype. Problem is I'm not overly fussed with multiplayer typically in games, they can get weary after a while, and buying a game solely for its MP is risky - especially on console - as it's heavily dependant on the community!

Rock to my left, hard place to my right..

EDIT: On the MP note, does anyone know if it'll have bots available, similar to Unreal Tournament 3? I still give that a quick play time to time with bots (and all the mad mutators).

c00lvilKid693000d ago

I’m exactly the same, usually multiplayer games are of no interest to me. But DOOM has sparked my curiosity, especially as someone who used to enjoy multiplayer first person shooters like Quake/Unreal. Totally understand your concerns about it being heavily dependant on the community, too. Which is just another reason they should include bots, in case the numbers need to be made up. I’m hoping the community will be good, considering the creative freedoms they’re handing over with the SnapMap thing.

3000d ago
esmittystud1013000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Its basically a "console" ahead, in terms of graphics, of another shooter called Homefront thats getting ready to release. LOL

wakeNbake3000d ago

Well thats just a low budget turd, no comparison at all.

mezati993000d ago

i am gonna have to agree with this

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