
CRank: 5Score: 19410

I am sorry but this is too funny. A fanboy website crying about a 'fanboy' developer? Black kettles and all that.

If half these Sony fans spent less time BAAAWWWing and more time thinking rationally, more people might care.

5306d ago 22 agree42 disagreeView comment

You were straight in. I've seen blatant flamebait take a day to get through.

Besides, you're constantly repeating your 'little jokes' and it's tiresome. Just give it a rest and grow up. kthxbai.

5307d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Didn't take long, did it HOC?

If you were that insecure of Sony's status, why are you on here and not outside your local games store brandishing FUD?

Anyway, straight from the mouths of MS. They're the only ones with the statistics and, believe it or not, are probably the only unbiased source that has actually spoken about this.

5307d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ 1.5

Typical Sony Fanboy attitude.

That's it, just disregard all the points I made and say "BUT THAH EY3TOY FOR MAH P$2 CUN DO EEET!!!".

Congratulations. (And no, I'm not going to pay attention to your points. Not just because you ignored mine, but for the fact you think it is ME that is being played by a company.)

5307d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Aha, I'm sorry, but you're just fooling yourself. At least look at the track record of comments.

And to those that disagreed: why? Are you that far in denial you cannot realise that live offers more of an amazing service as both a media hub and games provider? The Sky implementation and the likes of Primetime! continue to bash Sony's PSN as they play catch up.

This is another example of companies realising the power of online services, just like they're realising the...

5307d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment


Cannot wait for the second, let alone third!

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Christ, do you Sony fans not understand yet?

PSEye can NOT do what Natal can. Go look at the specifications yourselves, they're not hard to find.

Why do you think that the PSEye needs the controller? It doesn't have the possibility of fully rendering a third plane nor the detail to register individual digits, facial recognition, the RAM to store all the information it gathers, etc, etc. This is more than just creative software.

5308d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

Sounds like it is at least similar to the first installment, therefore: AMAZING!!!

5308d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Got to love the 360. Nothing else comes close.

5308d ago 18 agree51 disagreeView comment

Way to pull numbers out of your arse.

Out of 700-800 odd Xbox 360 titles, something like 117, now 118 have sold more than 1 million.

Christ, Halo 3 has sold more than 10 million alone. Unlike PS3 gamers, Xbox 360 players buy games.

EDIT: More than 10% of XBL! Arcade games have sold greater than 1 million. Seriously, go troll elsewhere.

5309d ago 15 agree27 disagreeView comment

"Despite a few hiccups with the Zune software"

Durr durr durr.

lrn2rd. kthxbai.

5315d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

But NEITHER of you are anything but PS3 fanboys, so in the end your argument is null.

5315d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

"Despite a few hiccups with the Zune software"

Nothing to see here people.

5315d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment
5316d ago


Lost Odyssey looks better. Plus it had Sakaguchi and Nobuo.


Shame the reviewers only got the early builds for their review copies.

EASILY 10/10 RPG. The Dreams of 1000 Years were so emotionally wrenching it was unbelievable. One of my favourite RPGs EVER.

5316d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


Agreed. Xbox 360 version for me. MS will bring some amazing DLC, as per usual.

5317d ago 8 agree43 disagreeView comment

The PS3 version has seriously only just got online play for this?

I thought it was meant to be on par with Xbox Live? I guess not.

5319d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Considering Halo: ODST managed 2 million in its opening weekend and is a console exclusive, I'm kind of shocked at how low these numbers are. Add in the fact ODST is just an 'expansion' too ;). Same regions too.

ODST did drop off a little and managed 1.8 million sales in the UK + US in the month after, I expect this to be a steady mover.

EDIT: Does the PS3 version really not have online play yet? I thought it was now on par with Xbox Live? Guess not.

5319d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Any news on an EU release or is this US only?

5320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at my first comment:

Agree = 5 people with common sense
Disagree = 3 people with multiple accounts

Yay for the SDF!

5322d ago 6 agree48 disagreeView comment