CRank: 5Score: 940

And 360 sold only 350,000.....FF or Halo3 I guess FF had the bigger impact on hardware sales.

6078d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

they have already sold the 1,000 360s they had....hahahahahah..PSP and PS2 selling equals brand loyalty...There is a storm coming and nothing can touch the power of the PS3 at $400.....PLAY B3YOND

6078d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Are this idiots are always going to find something negative to say about Sony...I rather have a reliable console and one that doesnt' have 33 percent failure rate than BC.....I rather have games that cater to every genre, not just FPS...I rather have the best studio working on real nextgen games...SONY STUDIO...Play B3yond

6078d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like Sony said before, when they did research they found out BC wasn't as important as xbots and the media want you to think. It's a nice feature to have but I think price is 10x more important when you are trying to offer the latest graphics. Sony did the right move to lower the price, it's stupid to complain about a $400 PS3. I rather keep the wifi($100), blu ray player($200), 40gb($100) instead of BC...I rather play spider blu ray movie and play ps2 games on my ps2...Smart move by sony get...

6078d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And this game is just gorgeous, I'm watching it on my 1080p screen and can't beleave this games is going to look that good on my screen..This game has the best graphics to date,period...It reminds me of the first time I played gears of war , but Uncharted just have so much color and the animation is so fluid. I see why G4TV gave it E3 game of the show. Simply incredible

6078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

KillZone2 was shown behind doors, so it wasn't eligible for best graphic award..Get you facts straight..How many awards did Halo3 win? Halo3 was indevelopment longer and it doesn't even run in HD..What the hell is 640p24fps..And by the way COD4 looks better on PS3 and just like every PS3 exclusive looks years ahead of anything on 360...Go watch Uncharted and see what a real nextgen game really looks like. You idiots act like you are blind and the only games you want to compare are EA games..C...

6078d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbots so how are do outdated graphics coming onlong...must suck to buy a nextgen system that can't display HD...If killzon2 doesnt' interest you why don't you go play some PC ports

6078d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ninja gaiden is not a system seller and Gearsofwar2 and alan wake are on phuck you idiot...Uncharted makes all 360 games look like xbox1 games...Oh I forgot they do run at 640p24fps so they are lastgen..

6078d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

that's so lastgen...I think even the wii displays games at 640p

6078d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

That would mean it's current 10 million owners will be left out in the cold because new games will not be compatible with the more powerful wii. I dont' think wii owners are the type that are going to go out and buy another wii after spending $250. I just don't see sony releasing a new console even if nitty or M$ release one that early...I think Sony was preasured into releasing PS3 because of HDTV and blu ray other wise I think Sony could of been okay releasing PS3 this year. But now that's ...

6078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's the xbots way....You don't have to pay for xbox live, you don't have to buy HDDVD, you don't have to buy wifi, you don't have buy HDMI, you don't have to buy Harddrive, you don't have to buy wireless controller it's only optional if you later want to get them, M$ doesn't forces their fans by giving us options. Can you got get any more pathetic...Next XBOX M$ is going to charge you guys by hour to play video games and you will still have the same answer, M$ is not forcing you to pay.....T...

6079d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

That's the only one that's big...The other stuff it's not worth $55 dollars...I want to send invites to my freinds...achievements never cared when I had my 360, chat room maybe once or twice....I rather have servers, I like the lobby system on PS3 games better. I like server created rooms, I like custom rooms more than any feature...I like to get on and start playing multiplayer, not a big fan of chats...That's what is for and it's free..I hate the host system on xbox live with ...

6079d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the only feature that is missing on PSN to send invites to friends that are not playing the same game.....Sony is finally making moves...

6079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh it's just xbots crying because they don't have anything negative to say about was funny a couple months back all the negative post about Killzone2 A.I. on a demo and then Halo3 turn out to have the stupidest A.I. on any nextgen console. LOL!!!!

6079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it was the xbots trying to put it down, but the game got praise by reveiwers and alot of sights compare it to gears of war, rember it was always a draw.

6079d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

The get away, 8 days, Killzone2, GT5, GTA5, FF13, FFVS, MGS, LBP, RFOM2.......I think Sony might have a system seller in there somewhere, what do you guys think? Play B3yond

6079d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

There has never been an over rated game as halo...I don't need scores to tell me a game is good ,I'm capable of making my own decision..I'm not even going to go why halo3 sucks, but that's besides the point...RFOM is a great game and any FPS fan should definitely try it out. 720p60fps should be an incredible nextgen experiance

6079d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to see it at 60fps. Insomniac already confirm all future titles are 60fps. I don't think it will release this soon though, Maybe spring09. I definitely can't wait and still the best FPS on the nextgen consoles until COD4 comes out. My only complaint I hope they change the health system and make it like COD

6079d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought the game looked good, but after the video, I was like damn that games looks awsome. Uncharted by far is the best looking game to date. Crysis looks good but, put crysis on 3rd person veiw and I bet uncharted looks better....

6079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see RROD in every 360 game, tooo

6079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment