CRank: 5Score: 940

Price was the biggest factor holding the PS3 back.....Sony is a hard manufacture and will continue to cut price more drasticaly than M$. M$ has had their 2 big IP gears of war and Halo3 and Sony has not release one title of that magnitude...Let's wait and see when Gt5, MGS, FF13 comes out and see where SOny stands.....if MGS and FF can't move any PS3 i don't know what else will.

6077d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I sold my 360 because it's a piece of crap. I bought a PS3 because it has all the games I want to play, plain and simple...It stupid for people to fight..PS3 fans know the ps3 is more powerful and all you have do is look at titles like RandC, Uncharted, Kz2,FF13 and see for yourself....I'm happy with the ps3 and it's game and that's all that matter...xbots are not happy with their 360 that's why their are always comparing numbers and multiplatform games and not real 1st party games like UNCHA...

6077d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because Halo3, HL2, Quake wars just got released within 2 weeks ago...I dont know if you're serious are just being stupid...

PS3 I've been playing Heavenly sword, RFOM, Warhawk, loco roco, lair...rachet and clank get's release next week and eye of judgement comes out next week as well...

6077d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's stupid....selling 10 million consoles is no big feat, even the dreamcast sold 10 million consoles. Both NES and 360 have launch there big hitters Gears of War, halo3, zelda, metroprime and Sony hasn't release not one yet....GT5, FF13, FFvs, MGS,KZ2 let's wait and see after those come out if you feel the same way.....You can't declare a winner on 10million consoles sold, wait til next year and see what happens. Remember even the gamecube sold 20 mil and xbox sold 24 mil...SOny didn't be...

6077d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

360's are selling the US, not Japan...You come in here an expect a Japanese base company to publish a game on a console that sells 5,000 consoles a month and going down in Japan...All the real system sellers are coming from Japan. Just look what FF did for the PSP 1 million units sold in 2 weeks, not even the almighty Halo could do that and it sold 5 million copies. What do you think is going to happen when FF gets release in US and UK...Bloodmask you do the math

6077d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think you are garbage...Tekken has always been better than any VF game..I which you get the green Sh1t out of your eyes...It's like bill gates sat on you face and took a big sh1t and not you are blind and stupid...for letting someone sh1t on your face and now you can't see cause you have sh1t in your eyes....Grow up man...PS3 will dominate...NOBODY TOLD YOU TO JUMP IN and now you are stuck with a half azz xbox1.5

6077d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

xbots better start running...NO games on PS3 just masterpieces of art

6077d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was already expecting a delay, so it didn't surprise me at all..This game has to much riding on it to ship it with any kind of flaws...PS3 owns every genre except FPS and with new IP RFOM and KZ2 they have a good chance of pulling new fans...RFOM is a great title and it's a title that will continue to grow because of how really good it is...

6078d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Resistance is one game I was impress and angry as hell at the A.I....I have never been flank from behind so many times...You would be shooting a chemira and he takes cover you think he's still there hiding taking cover and next thing you know he's behind you doing a melee attack...impressive indeed....I think this gen is going to be physics and animation that has to do the most improvements because of how realistic the charactors look...If you look at uncharted, Drake looks so real and this i...

6078d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Multiplatform are going to be the same even if graphics might be a slight difference, it's made by the same people. So who cares? Exclusives is where the PS3 shines, there is no denying it's power..All you have to do is look at Uncharted on a 720p HDTV and it clearly show what the PS3 is capable off...Uncharted has the best graphics to date on any console....This game is just gorgeous, makes me feel like the first time I played gears of war on my 1080p HDTV...But uncharted is the game right n...

6078d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I was really looking forward til this game...I just hope socom delivers...Fall08 is a long time to go, This game is going to own everything when it comes out...1 year is a long time to polish up the graphics, A.I., framerate..I hope they take their time and really deliver...I'm sold on the story, gameplay and atmosphere it's up to GG to mess it up for me...PLAY B3YOND

Why did I get a disagree?

6078d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think we can all agree the price was the most important thing for them..There is alot of games coming out this holiday season and having a $400 PS3 is very important...

6078d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

FF manage to move 1 million PSP and didn't have the 100 million adverstising campaign. What do you think PSP is going to do when FF is release in the US and UK...What do you think FF13 and FFvs is going to do for the PS3 when it's release.....2 million PS3 for sure

6078d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Mgs will sell 4 million and increases sale by 2 million....Do you see the difference everyone that wanted to play halo already had a 360...People that want to play the next socom or mgs4 haven't bought the PS3....look what a system seller is PSP sold 1 million last month because of FF.....wait til it get's release in the us and Uk...You xbots don't know crap do you...

6078d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Of course xbots are not going to bring world wide numbers, because PS is outselling M$ consoles by 2 to 1 worldwide...Xbots are so blinded, i almost feel sorry for them....PSP sold 1 million consoles worldwide last month.....WHere is your Halo3 system seller now......xbots PSP,ps2,ps3 belong to sony a console sold is a dollar made.....remember brand recognition

6078d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

PS3 has the better games coming this holiday season, Rachet and clank, eye of judgement, UT3, Haze, Uncharted, SOCOM and all the multiplayer games.....360 doesn't have any good titles releaseing the rest of the year...Mazz effect looks like sh1t, and won't sell any consoles

6078d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Too many games, buying eye of judgement next week, Ratch and clank 30oct, cod4 12nov, Uncharted 23nov, Socom (hopefully) nov30 and Army of 2....Good time ahead that's for sure

6078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good job EA....

6078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You will have to buy a PS3 and play Heavenly sword and RnC to see what real nextgen is

6078d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

The way xbots were talking Halo3 was going to be a system seller, but the truth is like everyone else predicted Halo fans already have a 360. Selling an extra 100,000 console for 1 month doesn't scream system seller at all. Halo sold alot of copies that's for sure but even FF had a bigger impact on PSP than Halo on 360....Wait til FF gets release in the US and UK...

6078d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment