
CRank: 5Score: 21650

Well Actually yes it does, Guitar Hero 3 controller for the xbox 360 is wireless, you should check you facts before you try some random attack to do damage control.

I agree with you that this is not Sony's fault but not on the rest. This is not good publicity as people who own both consoles might go for the 360 version if they already own a guitar hero controller since it will only on the 360 for now...

I don't think there will be an agreement before christmas as...

6004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes the way Sony work allowed Activision to do this but this is in no way Sony fault, Activision should just allow the patch.

6004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How does Activision abusing the PS3 users is greedy Bill's fault ? Please explain and specify if you are an Activision Fanboy or a PS3 fanboy (or a human, because humans hate B. Gates)

6004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is pissing me off. I buy a lot of video games and video games content. I avoid games like fight night 3 because of the ads in it.

Now lets say I want to watch a video preview of an upcoming game which is basically an ad to sell me that game. I paid for Xbox live, I'm watching an ad, and they could force me to first watch a 2 minutes message about how @#&%ing soft are the new Tampax tampons.

I usually get all my demo/video on the marketplace because PSN i...

6004d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know 4 dollars a month isn't hurting, but since we already paid for the service and for the game, I don't want to see those damn ads. Its ok to get ads in the game if it make it free (some news paper use ads to keep the publication free) like they did with the game Yaris, but not if I'm paying. You think its ok to have a little bit of ads in the game ? Well when there will be a little bit in every game, they are going to start start putting more and more until you get sick of ads.

6004d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I'm not going to run out and spend hundreds of dollars on games that I don't want"

Because they are no good games on the PS3 ? Because the good ones are on the 360 or Wii ?

In my opinion, Fight Night 3, Nhl 08, Madden 08 and COD 3 were worth it. Just admit it, you PS3 owners get your lunch money taken by the Dreamcast owners on your way to school so you have none left for games. You're afraid to go tell an adult because he going to say "Well thats...

6092d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"we "started a band" for playing RockBand the game, I cringe. You're not in a band, you're a couple of dorks pretending to be in a band playing a freakin video game!"

Translation : I worked very hard to be in an band, I feel treatened by the fact that people can form fake bands and have fun while I had to work so hard for it

"But you're missing out on sooooo much more enjoyment from the real thing."

Yes Just like drivi...

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are so sick of hearing about halo 3 that you click on halo 3 news and take the time not only to post a comment, but also to come back later and read the comments again so you can post a reply ? (4 post by you on this page already)

So then how much time do you spend on news related to game you are not sick of ? :)

6123d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I, like so many people, preordered Eternal Sonata so I wonder whats its doing in this list.

6128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can understand why ps3 owners are angry at EA, they get less for their money compare to 360 owners.

But I'm not sure if your boycott suggestion will have any effect at all on EA except maybe make them laught a little. People have been complaining for years about how crappy ea is getting, some even admit hating them and swear they'll never buy anything from them again. Still they making tons of money. So either very few gamers do follow the boycott or people avoiding EA were n...

6128d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Don't assume, just shut your mouth next time@

and next on 6.1 you wrote

@Don't talk ever again.@

So when you disagree with someone you main argument is @shut up@ ?

Anyway I don't think thoses rumours are made by desperates gamers who bought the wrong console and would like the games ported. This is wishfull thinking by fanboy.

By your abuse of the caplock you made it look like xbox users were desperate for sony games...

6138d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just like Bioshock, mass effect, Lost Planet, Dead Rissing... sorry I mean MSG4, DevilMay Cry, Final Fantasy.

6138d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

For the love of god Jin go buy yourself a fre@king a PS3 and shup ut already. We all know you hate the 360 and love the ps3, if it a hole big enough you would make love to it non stop day and night. Spend less time trolling, more gaming, you'll feel better.

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow you have a great setup, pcs, servers, 3 360, HDTVs. Where exactly do you live ? and when do you usually leave the house ?

6139d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Something is wrong with you.

Here's the Tourette Syndrome Association number :

Get help.

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this won't affect the PS3 version sales as those who preorder this game on ps3 did it because of the extra movie they include with it. Even if the game get delayed, the extra movie is still exclusive.

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree with you I think Halo 3 will move console. One of my colleague is still playing halo 2 on the original xbox and will move to nex gen when halo 3 get here so at worst it will move one console :)

I just don't understand why so many people think it won't (or wish it won't) when those same people keep saying just wait till MGS4, Final fantasy and PS3 will fly off shelves. If halo fans already bought a 360, then MGS fan already bought a PS3.

We call those g...

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"You're calling yourself alexander the great, but posting on GAMING websites"

You're right posting on gaming websites is for loosers, we should all change our names to reflect that reality. Do you have dibs on "Angry Toddler" ?

6139d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like HyperBear said : This is not a PS3 exclusive, so it does also belong under PC and 360. You must be confuse because of all the rumour about this game but we can't base the choose of channel on rumour of MGS4 and FF will also be listed under 360 and gears under PS3.

6196d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Remember that official statement about 4d graphics...

6196d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment