
CRank: 6Score: 16120

17,322,664 < 17,596,029

That's not good that a console that's been out a full year is behind overall and only slowed the lead because of hardware updates (THIS IS WHY MS IS ABANDONING YOU FOR THE CASUALS!!!)... Keep twisting teh sales to fit your agenda though. It's still tablescraps compared to the wii/ds combo so why dwell on it?

@westy: remember Enslaved getting 80k overall wasn't that bad. But LittleBigPlanet getting 2 mil and Move ...

4972d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

and it will grant wishes and comes with a motherfuckin puppy! All for the price of about a G!

Sony said they don't want an expensive launch for PS4. so if ray-tracing is possible expect minimal results within the last two years of the PS4's life. (On the gun of a FPS avatar, better reflecting off the windsheild/mirrors of vehicles, pools of water... basically better looking examples of the games that do a little ray-tracing now: Killzone 3/GT5) Do not expect full wo...

4972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what exactly in what I saw/read was News for Gamers. Yeah this is great for casuals, but they kinda don't matter as they don't think for themselves. So... ? BigPappy, TX9, Omega...?

4972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reviewers are retarded, take a cue from fable 3 reviews "if you knew it wasn't gonna be good, give it an 8/10. because it's EXACTLY as you expect". Expect all Kinect games to score high just because the reviewers will be writing reviews to not speak of their impressions of how good the software/hardware is, but how well it will be recieved by the casuals. (IE:the reviews will be more like advertisements than reviews) I do give props to Nowgamer they gave this game a low scor...

4972d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

but they're interchangeable with non-gamers anyway...

4972d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

I can make a faulty game, but by the third entry it's faults won't matter anymore, and reviewers will give the game a higher score just because you expect it to be faulty? Is this how MW2 garnered so much praise? Every review they keep talking about how underwhelming or faulty or shallow this game is, yet they give it a high score because they KNEW IT WAS GOING TO BE UNDERWHELMING, FAULTY, AND SHALLOW! A 6/10 is still a 6/10, you don't give it an 8/10 because you expected it to be...

4972d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

In other words: gamers.

What Kinect games and 360 exclusives were you looking forward to in 2011 again?

4972d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

units sold take care of a 25 million dollar budget...

4972d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

fake review score for MS product that's get called out (victim complex, and lets hint that it's legit while we're at it)

fake review score for Sony product that gets called out ("terrible terrible Sony and their mean fans as usual", lets call this one questionable while we're at it)

both reviews are bullocks. Get over it.

4972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I own 5,000 square miles of uninhabitable swampland

see I can say things on the internet you cannot prove otherwise also.

Nevermind you joined 20 days ago, you're liable to say anything at such a young age.

4972d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Cole... because he's bald (kinda) is new?

4972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's been the voice of Sonic for some time...

4972d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the sony fanboys as always have been cheering on the good games, it's the 360 fanboys like yourself that are happy that wii-like shovelware is coming to your console... Keep playing the sales/victim game. All this means is next generation more people will be (as usual) looking to the Playstation brand for the games. MS will be stuck trying to figure out how to court the casuals to "win" and what they're going to do without 1st party devs and Sony will be grabbing up the GOTY...

4972d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the PS3 is focused on making shooters of this gen. Not sequels of a game that's only getting praise and sales because the first was better than Perfect Dark. Plenty of gamers have moved on (again Modern Warfare, regardless of how untested 2 was, is still an infinitely better game. Just see when Black Ops becomes Live most played game) Killzone 2 is a better shooter. (More balanced weapons, better mp level design, dedicated servers, etc.) Halo has been nothing more than the Super Smash Bro...

4972d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Buy this for your kids instead: http://n4g.com/news/635536/...

4972d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just like when I think gaming and video game news I instantly think of Kinect! But that didn't stop new articles about it from showing up every day.

If we're gonna entertain the idea that real gamers care about Kinect, then all crap shovelware aimed at small children should be covered.

4972d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

shut up and leave, you're not a gamer, this is news for gamers. not news for advertisement campaign fanboys

more your speed.

I don't think this will resonate well with Kinects "target audience" Look at this:

4972d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain, RUSE, MAG, RE5? It looks better than Kinects first year... oh wait 360 fanboys don't play games, they play sales and shovelware... silly me.

@ below: not as much as 360 fanboys. If a game sells 1 million we're pretty cool with it. 360 fanboys since the inception of Kinect has always been "how much it'll sell. Even if it doesn't work, it'll sell. Crap games? we don't care because it'll sell. Why didn't games like Alan Wake/For...

4972d ago 14 agree11 disagreeView comment

Just without the wii's first party exclusives (You know the only reason the wii is still relevant to gamers and non gamers...) But of course you refuse to accept this because you think MS can acheive what Sega, Capcom, Ubisoft, EA, etc couldn't with a 70 million install base...

Every day the 360 fanboys show they aren't gamers a little more.

4972d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Along with Duke Nukem Forever, Sony's Gran Turismo 5 has become one of the most delayed games of all time."


4973d ago 51 agree11 disagreeView comment