
CRank: 5Score: 11080

I think in your mom was being sarcastic, but hey, stranger things have happened.

5949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most people are far more impressed with my list of 170 HD movies hooked up to my 360 than my shelf of 600 DVD's NOT in HD. Now, those are just the experiences of my guests. I'm sure it varies.

5949d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

My guess is it will take quite a few years for BLU to pass up regular DVD. Downloads gain momentum by the year as well. I've also said this quite a bit but: as encoding technology improves, the size of these downloads will also be reduced. Hard copies will always exist, don't get me wrong. But I do believe downloads will be nearly as popular in the following years, which will hopefully drive down the cost of the physical copy, which will in turn drive down the cost of the download etc etc...

5949d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

most people download their music. Physical copies aren't going anywhere but it's nice to have options. @gloss green: I don't know where you are getting your music from but I cannot say my experience is the same as yours. Poorly encoded music will sound like garbage.
We are talking about movies as opposed to games as well.

I always seem to end up arguing the same thing about digital downloads here, but I always read the same articles so I guess I'll just spit it out agai...

5949d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

buy them all for exploding fanboy heads everywhere!

5949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanks for the reasonable conversation! They seem hard to come by at times here.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying a cheaper machine can't be built. Building your own machine will always be the least expensive way to get into a computer, so I cannot argue your point there. Building your own computer is fun. Nothing wrong with a do it yourself approach. I'm just getting lazy and don't want to have to bother anymore. I've built a lot of machines and its kind of lost its magic for...

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't agree. When I went to build a machine, feature for feature it came out to about the same price. Not only that but I had no warranty, AND no OS. I'm referring to the EXACT feature for feature list, not a close bet. Furthermore most companies I have worked with will not allow tech built machines because a 1K computer without a warranty they can lean on, is not a very secure asset. I will admit, my mac pro was not cheap. What I am attempting to do with it requires a very robust mac...

5952d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

whether they hold up a sony or ms flag. Both companies want nothing but your money and a sense of loyalty to either is just a sad ignorant byproduct. I don't even have to start talking about the blunders and outright lies MS has told, but do yourself a favor and read up on the Sony rootkit and tell me they deserve our money any more than MS. Ken Katuragi sounded like a damned facist when he was explaining about how the world was going to bend over backwards to buy their overpriced console:...

5952d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you mean the same mods who had to approve it? Ya they seem to be ALL OVER IT.

5953d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I havent read this article 12 times today in different forms, or yesterday, or the day before...

5953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

*head explodes*

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First, you shrug off the wii like it isn't outselling every console out there.
Now to apple: They sell more mp3 players than most other companies combined. They make one of the most powerful desktop solutions you can buy on the market, AND they were second only to blackberry in the smartphone biz.

Since you can now run windows on a mac (and I do) there isn't a single thing that your pc can do that my mac pro cannot, and for the money you couldn't build a more feature rich/...

5953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then please do your part and keep the same flaimbait repetitive articles from showing up. Or perhaps creating a "sticky" subsection where ALL of the same articles can be tacked up: Could be helpful for all the peeps that want to read the same article all over again.
Your stickies could be:
2008 for Sony
2008 for MS
2008 for wii
Surfer girl:
Your HD-DVD is dead reminder
Ridiculous exclusivity rumors

After that, I'd be glad to si...

5953d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

they went from selling 10 360's to selling 5. Not such big news. No one mentions 360 in japan because even MS is trying to forget they cant move a console out there for anything. This is not fanboy drivel, I own both a 360 and a ps3. This is a fact: MS couldn't have a much more difficult time moving consoles out there.

5953d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

43% is a HUGE decrease, even if during a week when no titles were released.

5953d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

if you have a 360 or ps3, theres A LOT you can do with downloadable movies. I have a 1 TB mybook plugged into one of the USB ports on my 360, and I have about 90 HD .wmv's all 720p or 1080p and they look great - AND I have room for about 60-70 more movies. You can also do realtime transcoding ala tversity or something similar from a windows pc to either the ps3 or the x360. I prefer the downloadable copies most of the time because I already have 600+ dvd's and I am running out of shelf sp...

5953d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

the ps3 is a great console, if only even as a blu ray player that wont get rendered obsolete by updates to the BR standard. I don't know that I disagree with your statement about the lack of games, but I mostly bought my for its BR capabilities anyway.

5953d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

R&D to make a new console costs BILLIONS. Games on the ipod sure, making a console? Probably not. Too much money to lose in it. Just ask anyone but Nintendo.

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously. This is ridiculous. Bring on the RRoD, surfer girl comments and my hd-dvd is still dead reminders and we'll have all the articles for the day/week/year.

Not only is this speculative but its the same stupid speculation we get to read every single day. Congrats to the dingus who went out of his way to submit the same crap we read every day. your e-penis has grown significantly while mine has softened from all the repetitive garbage.
News for lamers strike...

5953d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

It will be years before BD starts to outsell regular DVD's. By then, most people could be downloading movies - just my .02.

Before I get flamed by a bunch of guys saying "no way I'll always want to own my movies." Just consider music has already gone this way, TV shows are already going this way. Yes, ATM they are rather large downloads but that won't always be the case. Also - if you have comcast on-demand HD you are already streaming hd content to your living room...

5953d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment