Eat, sleep, game, repeat.


CRank: 6Score: 59210

If you truly want to push the boundaries of gaming, buy a PC; better graphics, bigger worlds, better modding community, more functionality, upgradable, and can also be inexpensive.

3783d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

See, I told you these fanboys were funny!

Actually that was pretty funny...but no, that isn't what I meant. But based off what we're told: heavy areas means it will drop below 60. Do you know how often? No? Have you ever played the game to know how many areas are considered "heavy"? No? Then making a claim that you know exactly what the frame rates are going to be is speculative, which is typical of every fanboy in this thread.

When the oppo...

3783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When he claims "see right here, its running at 60 fps", this could also mean at that particular moment, what the PS4 is currently rendering on screen is 60fps. It doesnt mean the entire game is running at 60fps. They even come back and say it dips below it.

PS4 fanboys telling others they don't know how to read, then interpret articles however they want, and after getting bent out of shape when someone disagrees with their claim, point the finger and say stop ge...

3784d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now if Microsoft would get a clue and offer free sub's to their services when purchasing their products. They should have been doing this from the beginning.

3786d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


How does requiring the gamer to pay Sony for a PS+ to play the free games guarantee the developer is seeing any extra money? Any idea what contracts are being made between the devs and either company, Sony or Microsoft?

Keeping the game for life, as long as you grab it during the download period, seems to be a much better deal for the gamer. If for some reason you take a break from Live and have the game on your console, you can still play it.

3786d ago 7 agree19 disagreeView comment


Some very valid points there. MS was betting on their last score to take them into the next innings, and while it did help their position, it caused them to push too far with their vision into the next generation and not focus solely on the poor gamer.

Sony had to suck it up and produce the console at a loss in order to help solidify the lead position. That $100 difference is helping them make more console sales, but if you noticed recently, software ...

3791d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yet another reason not to get a PS4, they tried to make it a PC and without the proper cooling overheats like one. PSFail.

3794d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

So many more people bought the cheaper console in countries outside the US? This is shocking news!

3796d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Too bad this isn't for PlayStation. All those lucky Xbox owners get all the fun.

This isn't fair! My console plays Ghost at 1080p and it can't even compete in a tournament. I should never have purchased a PlayStation.

3798d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

This. We are finally seeing the fresh fruits of EA buying Bioware. Swtor certainly spoiled the last batch and didn't help them.

3799d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not only that, but the Xbox is $100 more and with a slightly less powerful GPU. PlayStation fans have been dying to get into a new system, especially one more powerful than the Xbox. I would say this was expected at launch until new game engines can take advantage of the Xbox architecture and people begin to realize the potential Xbox has with Kinect, Live, and to a smaller extent, audio processing and reduced controller latency.

Exclusives will drive sales and neither consol...

3801d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

1.45 billion vs 1.56 billion. Xbox will be around for awhile.

3801d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"FreeSync", AMDs implementation is already written into the VESA standards, which means all an LCD manufacture would have to do is allow it to be used via firmware. This means you wouldn't have to buy a specific monitor where a manufacture, along with nVidia, are trying to make additional income off the new tech. This would also allow for broader support and drive down prices of this new feature.

Dual "Hawaii" AMDs, here I come, my body is ready!

3801d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know... a new API for developers to not only build faster games, but bigger with more objects due to the lower CPU overhead and better GPU management, freeing up power for AI, physics, etc is pretty significant as its effect will be felt from hardware manufacturing, to software development, to the end user experience.

This has a much larger impact on the gaming community than a 120hz 1440p monitor. I mean with advancements such as this, 120 FPS 1440p will be possi...

3801d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We wouldn't have had any games to play on the new consoles.

3804d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm talking about the folks who are whining about the Xbox having less power and now they are trying to justify their purchase. You guys are enjoying your console(s), as am I.

We enjoy the consoles which have the games we play. Not rant on about the PS4 being the only console that needs to exist. Competition is what makes manufactures compete for your money and in turn drives technology. If you find value in the Ones offering, great. If not, enjoy the PS4 exclusives.

3804d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You mean the developers of Peggle need to fix their program? You might be on to something...

3806d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Has anyone tried the head tracking in Forza 5 so you can look around your cockpit?

I do wish the Xbox wasn't 2/3rds as fast as the PS4, and could push a slightly higher resolution, but the inclusion of Kinect isn't so bad of a trade off. It brings so much to the system.

If you are going to compare the Kinect to a simple webcam, you might want to give up on understanding technology altogether.

3806d ago 13 agree12 disagreeView comment

This 10% likely comes from the 10% GPU allocation the Kinect had reserved.

Another way of stating the power difference is the Xbox One is 33% slower than the PS4, which is significant, but isn't significant enough to deter me from enjoying my first generation games on the One.

What is the age demographic of this site? Every article turns into an Xbox bashfest, and mostly by the folks who probably don't even own an Xbox.

3806d ago 28 agree17 disagreeView comment

A redesigned One with optical Thunderbolt port and an extra 7790 in an external enclosure for crossfire support, then a patch release for games to support higher res and AA.

3807d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment