
CRank: 5Score: 10430

All of these are common sense and if you cant figure them out by yourself youll never get good.

Also play on PC. promod is so much better than vanilla Cod 4. I cant imagine a sd match with 3x nades, noobtubes and UAV.

And Hardcore is MUCH easier than normal. It rewards sprayers and a good normal player will always kick a Hc players ass.

5416d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you made a good, factual video that easily shows the differences even in youtubes compressed world. Deserves some attention imho.
Good job

5470d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bethesda doesnt make RPGs anymore. Altough F3 was "more" rpg:ish than oblivion which was an adventure game.
And F3 is a joke roleplaying wise compared to the first to game.
Bethesda gets enourmous amounts of hype and when they release everyone goes apefeces. "OMG BESTEST GAME EVAR!"
Than after a few month people realise that meh, this isnt really as good as it looked when i first saw it, and stuff like this pops up. MAny of the mayor gaming...

5543d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

All console players are casual compared to people playing competative PC games...

5543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mouse and keyboard is for casual gamers?
That must be why Cod 4 games @ top lvl on console looks like a public noob fest compared to the cod 4 pros on PC.
TRUE hardcore gamers wont ever leave a superior controlling scheme.
Competative gaming on consoles is a joke.
And yes this must be BS. If its the same/an updated version of the cod 4 engine it will look better on PC. Higher res textures and better AA/AF.
My comp, that is lower high end ca...

5543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes it is below average. Just check the 3dmark scores for that card.

5698d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, your graphicscard is a non gaming card that performs like 2-3 gens old stationary gfx card.
Its below average, has a low amount of vram etv etc.

And to all the people complaing about the pictures and talking about TV setups etc. Are you retarded? These arent pictures taken with a camera. They are SCREENSHOTS. Your monitor settings doesnt affect the screenshot ffs.

5699d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahah the multiplayer on your little consoles are pathetic compared to PC gaming, Less players, no real servers and lousy pings.
Lrn 2 dedicate servers...

5785d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dont think PC needs an FF title. We got real RPGs. Not Railadventures...
Dragon age next year!

5797d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Isometric isnt viable?
Rts games? Sure some might have a 3d movable camera but who on earth has it in any other view the iso/top down?
One of the reasons for topdown/isometric is that no other view gives you the same overview and controll. Diablo 2 would be a f*cking mess in 3rd person. You got an massive amount of mobs and kiting etc just wouldnt work. It ESSENTIAL for some types of gameplay.
Real RPGs (japanese rpgs are adventure games in my book) still uses iso view to s...

5848d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

.. since its most likely from the leaked pre E3 07 beta.

5862d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...what EA would do if this game sells ~1.5 mil but only 250k ever activates it? Because IF im going to buy this game, which is doubtful, i will be playing a cracked version and never even open up my box...

5874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact that KZ 2 isnt due for release for another year doesnt mean anything to you? By then Crysis will be about 1½ year old and still be able to stand toe to toe.
And most FPS games on console run in 720p or lower, i cant even remember i ran a PC game WITHOUT AA in such a low resolution...

5876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aaah but you forget one thing my friend. The PC folk know how to compress. We dont use BMP when theres no visible difference from using JPEG, hence we dont need to fill our dvds/harddrives with oversized content like a certain console...

5876d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

imho truly hardcore players will never leave PC gaming.
No console game is customizeable enough to suit hardcore clans and pros.
Like playing Cod4 clanmatches with vanilla settings. Its just horrible.
I mean progaming on consoles is a joke compared to PC.

Ive always played on my consoles but gamed on my PCs. i cant see my self pouring down hour after hour on Cod4/halo 3 the same way ive played COD 4 on pc.
FPS is to slow. Real rts must be played with a mou...

5892d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guessing that was an answer to me even though you failed to use the reply system...

I DO own an xbox 360. I dont really like it. I just use it to play GH with my friends. Would have bought a ps3 if it was cheaper than the 360 and had bort GH2 and 3.
I GAME on my pc.
My main point was Fallout 2 is vastly superior to ANY rpg released to current gen consoles, not because of graphics, physics, raytracing etc etc but because of the Open world, where choices have consequenc...

5892d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Graphics are a joke compared to Fallout 2.
Graphics isnt everything you narrowminded fool...

5892d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PC version have HC for all gametypes, (i missread, you have TDM but ppl wanted Sab and other stuff)since its just a serverside command. Each server can be configured separatly and IW has nothing to do with that.
So im not sure i understand what you mean?

Alot of thing can be edited on a ranked server on PC
Also one of the most important things to change is the chopper properties. Standard suck, but when set at 75% of the player must be directly vi...

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... why the console versions have close to NO customizability(spelling?).
I mean i see people begging for TDM HC, something ive been playing from release on the PC version. It cant be THAT much harder to have a switch when you start a game that says "HC ON" can it? All it does is drop the player health down and remove the hud so i dont see the problem.
The PC version with dedicated servers, massive amount of settings and other stuff seems to be vastly superior to the con...

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

seems to be from 2004.
So its hard to say if this stuff have any real connection to KOTOR3 as it is know (if it exists) Could be Concept art for designdocuments etc that never made it to development. But damn i want another kotor...

5946d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment