
CRank: 5Score: 10430

Wait. How would they know which ad or youtube video leads to account creation if the tracking software is in the client? How many dowloads the client and install, then clicks on an ad/link to create an account?
Only way to get this would be highly detailed usage data from your browser history and gee golly i just dont see ANY way that could go wrong!

2175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You missunderstand me, and this is exactly what i talked about. These people(New normative and the like( take up so much space, screams so loud and propagates that the only "good" solution is total inclusion in EVERY game.
What i meant was that more calm and collected voices gets grouped with them by default. I mean Having a player being able to choose to be black in a ww2 game is good(at least with allies). It fits with the narrative, choices are great.
Having the...

2381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This site is doing a huge disservice to those who want reasonable representation etc in games by shoveling crap like this from their high horses. Literally everything and everyone is fascist, racist lgbt haters and accusations are made based on little to nothing(almost all of their articles takes a game or related topic and tells you that's its bad because xyz) . This infuriates most readers and undermines writers with valid points on these topics as they are likely to brush it away as mo...

2381d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Scam site!
Their program somehow "magically" fixes the issues but they refuse to say what it does. Deletes any comments questioning their methods. DO NOT USE

3112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Site looks like pure bullshit. Obviously fake comments, no mention of what the "patches" does and no explanations when questioned.
Avoid like the plague

3285d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice. He removed my comment about him being unable to use steam cannot be caused by anything other than himself, also i corrected several inaccuracies regarding to regionlocking.
Horrible article.

4574d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Theres a sick amount of ppl taking this as the perfect moment to upgrade. On the swedish hardware site sweclockers.com 50% of the posts in hardware is about "Im going to buy this, will it run bf3?" "What should i upgrade for BF3?" etc etc.
Seriously Nvidia and ATI (and most hardware manufacturers) got to love this.

4622d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another argument in favor of PC gaming is:
If your game is broke, we will fucking fix it!

Look at dead island. Horrible at release, playable after patch but still far from the game most want to play. Some ppl in the Steamn forums start digging trough the gamefiles, fix what needs to be fixed, write guides how to do it, create programs that can do it for you.

If a developer dont provide the solutions we pc-gamers want, we will create them ourselves if ...

4629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop linking to closed forum post. Dont want to sign up to a forum to read something. Tards.

4642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait what?
You are serious aren't you?

To be able to aim with precision all acceleration should be OFF, since a 1:1 movement is much easier to calculate for a human than an exponentially increasing speed.
Check out any "protips", all across the board its no acell and generally low sens/high dpi

4720d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Non-linear? Try STALKER. SoC and CoP are two of the best games ie ever played. Alot of freedom, amazing atmosphere and not afraid to punish you with a quick death if youre not careful.

Played last night (CoP) and stalker is one of few games these days that can still make me jump out of my chair and really panic.
I had just cleared out the zombies @ the sawmill when i realized im really far away from any safezone, im all alone, its pitch black and i dont have any night...

4845d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was retarded.
Also you get way better competetion on the PC. Good players seem to gravitate towards servers with good admins and/or a community.
Also i can name aloooot of PC CoD players.

compare Stevy to any console "pro"...

4905d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Throw away Steady aim? How about NO?
Best perk for an SMG class. Also PRO version makes ADS faster...

4911d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well it doesnt really work like that. Any sens level will become a "sweetspot" if you play with it for a while.
If you want to get better start lowering your sens from what you are comfortable with and play with your new sense untill it feels good. Then lower it again.
its not easy to know when to stop but if it takes to long to get accustomed to the new sens you have probably reached your limit.

The reason i mention CS guides is because CS is even ...

4932d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You should always go for a high DPI mouse but lower your ingame sens waaay down. Lower sens will enable you to be faster and more precise (with training, youre going to suck at first).
Never heared of anyone actually trying to promote high sens in FPS games. Just go and read any random CS guide.

4932d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Obviously a troll or uneducated consoleplayer...
Dedicated servers makes ALOT of diference, playercount does not matter...

4939d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

DICE are swedish and thats a very "swedish" approach to something imho:)
If the problem is a user pressing a button that cant/shouldnt be pressed you explain how the user should behave to be ABLE to press that button and get the desired effect instead of just saying "no".
Sweden rules!

4971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Several of the new features looks retarded...
i mean:
New feature.... Deathstreaks. Once you die a few times, a perk kicks in. "Copycat", for example, lets you steal an opponent's class setup once they've killed you four times.

Wtf? Rewards for sucking? i f*cking hate when they give people who suck advantages. Learn to play, dont lean on game mechanics.
Luckily im going to play on PC so i guess ill just wait for promod...

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You have NOT seen any high lvl cod 4 players play.
Being able to do an near instantaneous 180 with enough control to still hit an enemy is essential. Just take a look at some fragmovies. Most of the moves they do wouldnt be possible with a controller.
http://www.youtube.com/watc... for example.
This is played on Promod (no perks, balanced weapons and graphic settings that even the playingfield). Awesom...

5363d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its nowhere near crysis. Sure its post-processing heavy and all but seriously, the game markets itself as an interactive movie-game.
Even if the graphics were close to crysis the fact that most of this game seems to consist of locked camera angles and confined quarters. The animation is GTA:esque with "solid" limbs were subtle movements are made with the entire limb instead of the hand, elsbow etc.
it cant really compare to the massive open world of crysis. Everything l...

5380d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment