
CRank: 5Score: 42440

I don't think that it's so much the exclusivity that people are upset about, it's the fact that it's the same 2 companies doing it over and over again. We all got the reason for DLC for Oblivion. It was orginally 360 exclusive, MS paid for it, so of course we had to wait. Last I checked, MS didn't fork the bill for this DLC, Oblivion sold well on both systems, yet Bethesda still took a paycheck for exclusivity.

From a business standpoint, I would do the sa...

4665d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hopefully their DLC will be better than Oblivion's. They were kinda "meh". Still surprised in this day and age that companies are doing timed-exclusive DLC. Must be a significant paycheck to make gamers have to wait for their system of choice.

4665d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Doh beat me to it! but at least the guy on the cover of Snake's Revenge looked like dude from Terminator hah!

Now, if only he will remake Snatcher and make a sequel...

4666d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm torn. I want it, I have it preordered, but $150 is a bit steep. That is the price of 3 games, and when you look at the games coming out right around then, I may have to make some sacrifices.

At least put in a voucher for all the DLC you know they're gonna put out for it.

4667d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

While the specifics might be off, Nintendo is notorious for releasing new versions of their hardware on almost an annual basis. Just look at the DS. The good thing is the new versions fix horrible deficiencies in the prior model. The bad thing is they are features that should have been implemented the first time around. At least offer customers an upgrade offer.

4669d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's a possibility. Kojima is doing the whole "transfarring" thing for the Vita, but who knows?

4673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've made 2 comments regarding horrible 3DS screenshots (this one and those horrible Tekken ones). I HAVE a 3DS if you would like me to take a picture of it. Right now, I am playing a little game called Zelda on it.

Most people (like me) are buying the 3DS for the Nintendo games like Zelda, Star Fox, Kid Icarus, and Mario. I highly doubt anyone is buying it just for MGS.

And those pics DO look worse than the PS2 version, pull your head out of your ass. I&...

4673d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh, yeah, that makes much more sense. Lets release screenshots that look worse than the real game, because that makes consumers want to buy our product.

4673d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks worse than the PS2 version.

So we have a system that looks worse than a 10 year old system but with 3D, and a system that looks on par with current gen consoles.

Luckily, people will buy the 3DS for the Nintendo games.

4673d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Ugh, not sure I would be bragging about those screenshots. Pixelated much? But hey, we can draw moustaches on characters so it balances out, right?

4673d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, nothing like a game whose teaser consists of concept art to be considered AAA.

Why do I get the feeling this is WarDevil all over again?

4674d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

EA probably wouldn't announce Vita stuff before Sony has their press conference. I am sure Sony would ask nicely for them to hold off on announcements so the megaton bomb all drops at once.

4675d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

OMG! Re: Revelations, Dead Space, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, RPG Maker (RPG MAKER!!!), Castlevania, Silent Hill, Metal Gear, ZOE, Any Level-5 game, Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts, GTA, Red Dead, XCOM, Ninja Gaiden, Saints Row, Assassin's Creed..

3DS what?

4675d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

The key word I used was "distractions". Alt-tabbing is still a distraction from playing. And I have 2 monitors because I work remote from home 2 days out of the week and I need them for work.

Not sure why I couldn't just edit my comment, weird.

4675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about because most gamers don't care about getting the definitive ultra mega super version? The choice of platform to play on is yours, quit trying to force it on others. I used to play predominantly on PC; now, it is easier and more enjoyable to play on my PS3.

There are more console exclusive games that I enjoy than PC games that I would enjoy. I still have a PC if I want to play one of them. Given the choice of playing a game on a console or PC, I will go console 1...

4675d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

PC-only users on this site are getting awfully pompous about their beloved choice of gaming.

It's the same game for everyone. 3 months after you are done, you aren't going to look back and go "hey remember that part with the nice AA and textures? yeah that was awesome!". You are going to say "That was sweet when Batman fought the Joker!" It's all about the game, not the graphics.

On a side note, it still looks damn good on cons...

4675d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well, the main problem is the redesign. A reboot is supposed to start over fresh, but in this case, nothing was wrong with Dante himself. People think he's cool; it's just that the games themselves were hit and miss. The fact that Dante now looks like one of the head guys at Ninja Theory isn't helping.

Secondly, I think people are worried about the game itself. Capcom hasn't showed it off much, and Ninja Theory, while I loved Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, isn&#...

4675d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

yeah online trophies suck. The only thing keeping me from my GTA platinum is to get rank 10, and i am not about to earn 5 million dollars at a rate of $10k per round if I am lucky when I have a TON of other games to play.

What I don't get is what do devs get out of making ridiculous online trophies like the 10k kills and stuff? They aren't making any money from online players, they are constantly having to update online when glitches and cheaters are found, and they ...

4681d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here is the unfortunate thing for you: 99% of games are made FOR consoles these days due to user base and lack of piracy. So even though you have a supercomputer than can launch a space shuttle, you're still bottlenecked by consoles. Sure, your graphics card will give you sharper textures, better AA, and more FPS, but in the end, the PC version is using the exact same information but just has the ability to handle it better.

In the end, the game is the SAME. You can get m...

4682d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

You can't have a game coming out on both PCs and consoles without talking about how much more awesome the PC version is. You must not have read the N4G terms of agreement?

Next up: Rage.

4682d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment