
CRank: 5Score: 42440

Wow, way to edit your original comment. Resistance was a solid FPS from a brilliant developer who had previously only done 1 FPS. The original Halo wasn't that hot either but it was a launch title for the Xbox which made it sell a lot. It was also one of the first FPS on console to offer co-op play which was a major plus. Play all the way through Resistance, and hop online and play for a while, and you will understand it is much more than numbers.

5897d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

Good one. I have already seen some people saying this is a ripoff of Halo 2. Sigh. I definitely see how a virus and a floating Halo have a lot in common...guns and strange creatures.

5897d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If that is using the game engine...drool.

5897d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

The man is a creative genius, and I am sure he has tons of grandiose ideas that he would love to implement. I remember reading about MGS3 how he wanted the game to recognize what kind of movies you watch and tailor the game experience to that genre. Think back to MGS1 and the Psycho Mantis battle and it is just a taste of his creativity. Every visionary has to make concessions to their art, and I think he is just teasing us at greater things to come.

5906d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate how flamebait articles like this are posted as ACTUAL news, and it stays on the front page because of all the wars it causes. This is not what I call NEWS 4 GAMERS, more like rancid meat that shouldn't even be posted.

They are actually going to start dissecting battery life? "OMG 360 controller lasts longer and the system uses less power?? I must go trade in my PS3 NOW!!! XB360 roxors!!"

Sigh...we all have our own systems, and we will be getting...

5911d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not everyone on the planet likes Halo. More people dislike it than like it, guaranteed. Don't call him a fanboy for not liking Halo 3, because if you go into your local game store, you will see tons traded in. You might be able to sweet talk an employee into giving you the phone number of everyone that trades in Halo 3 so you can call them fanboys too.

Halo 3 does suck btw.

5912d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am getting sick and tired of hearing that the PS3 has "inferior online capabilities." Can I play games with my friends? Yes. Do I have an online store? Yes. Do I have a friends list? Yes.

About the only thing that I do not have is the ability to message friends ingame, but there are games out there that I can. Last I checked, the same games that are online on XB360 are online on the PS3, I am just not stuck with optimatch and quickmatch options.

5916d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The title of this article is extremely misleading as it mentions NOTHING of new consoles. Is Microsoft and Sony both working on their next consoles? Of course, it's pretty obvious.

That article was more promoting Blu-Ray than anything, saying that distributing HD content is more sensible on a high capacity disc because too many countries have horrible broadband.

Please let this article sink into obscurity.

5920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just love how games that implemented "achievements" before the Xbox360 are conveniently left out of the argument.

Ratchet and Clank - Skill points
Jak and Daxter - same thing.

I would rather earn points to unlock in game cheats and items rather than hacve a number by my name telling others how much time I spend playing the same game over and over.

5932d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually, that is a terminable offense at Gamestop (ex manager here). If you ever see that going down, call and report their butt. They will have their ebay accounts checked and they will be fired if they have sold ANYTHING game related on their account. I have seen it happen a lot.

BTW, yes Gamestop sucks coming from a former employee. They pay minimum wage, give 50 cents for trade ins, offer little bonus incentives, but have profits every year of like $700 million which they ...

5933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the constant delays for quality purposes really put a damper on the whole thing. I am NOT a big fan of EA because I think the majority of their games suck the proverbial noots. I think this was just EA's attempt to cash in on the Gears of War coop frenzy and they could really care less about quality because they think it will sell millions.
The concept is very cool, but I am definitely waiting for some user reviews before picking it up. I only want it for the coop anyway.

5939d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yah I remember the original trailer. That had me going. The recent version of it, not so much. And yes, Ripten is becoming one of my favorite sites because of their honesty.

5941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the main reason why video games do not make great movies and movies do not make great video games has to do more with suspension of disbelief than storytelling.
We all agree that there are some absolutely amazing stories told in video games, but they are told in a completely different manner than a movie. We do not have any direct control in a movie, therefore the director guides us by the hand. For a movie, we pretty much shut down all faculties other than our eyes and ears an...

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I am one of the few people in America that just doesn't like Smash Brothers. Never have, never will. Maybe if I lived with 3 other guys that would play multiplayer all the time? It just doesn't do it for me. I stopped geeking out over mascots after games moved to 3D. Good review for Nintendo fans though. The adventure mode intrigues me, but I always thought the controls in SSB were a little sloppy.

5962d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, "ridiculously awesome" sounds a bit of a reach. I am looking forward to this game simply because they are going to reveal some things that you won't get if you just watch the show. The trailers have looked good, although the animation is a bit on the stiff side, much like a Nicholas Cage movie.
One thing I don't get, and this keeps it from being "ridiculously awesome" no matter how well it plays: YOU CAN'T GET THE ORIGINAL CAST VOICES??? WTF man, officially li...

5963d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Flooded? I was a manager at a Gamestop and the first 4-5 months of 2007, we were definitely not flooded. with 360s, yes, but not PS3s. YOu are foretting that in every territory but US, PS3 is dominant over 360. Even in America, PS3 is only about 700,000 units behind.

5967d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow, real bold statement there EA, considering that the PS3 outsold the 360 LAST year...bold words indeed.

5967d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have beaten every single game I listed, barring Warhawk of course. The point I was trying to get out is that there are tons of AAA titles out on PS3 and coming soon, while the only decent games I have played on Wii were Zelda, Mario, and Zack & Wiki. No More Heroes is decent as best, and if it came out on another system it wouldn't even sell a copy. But because of the lack of games on the Wii, and mature one at that, is the only reason people are even looking at this game.

5972d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

By the way, what are you playing on your beloved Wii right now? Because I am playing Rock Band, Call of Duty 4, Uncharted, Burnout Paradise, Warhawk, and getting ready for some Grand Theft Auto IV. What, still playing Mario or does your Wii have as much as dust on it as mine?

Being last in sales does not make a console bad, and being first in sales does not mean you have better games. Get a life and stop insulting other game players because of their choice of system.

5972d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have a PS3 and a Wii, and I picked up this game last week when I got Burnout Paradise. It's a very difficult game to give a score to, kind of like Assassin's Creed.
I understand why GI gave it a 6 because from a purely technical point of view, that is being gracious. Shoddy framerate, horrible graphics(I do like the style but it is very bland and jaggies galore), decent music, and very repetitive gameplay keep it from seeing its potential.

From a gamer's standpoint, th...

5972d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment