
CRank: 5Score: 24070

Do we though? I'd rather GoT from Sucker Punch than another infamous. Even if GoT flops I'd rather another new IP from them than another Infamous.

1600d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment


Or do whats right and just dont buy 3rd party games that are paid to be kept exclusives to one client over another? You don't have to boycott EVERYTHING on EGS because of paid exclusives. Just the games they pay for to show you don't support that practice. Was that too difficult for you? Or do we need you to link another channel with 2 subscribers?

1600d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

We should actually point out that what the article is claiming and what Superdata study says do not 100% line up. The author (and Superdata) have had to make a small leap to connect this to EGS. Their question in the study was "would you be willing to download a launcher to play a game you're anticipating?" and 9 out of 10 answered yes. That does not mean 9 out of 10 gamers dont care about EGS exclusives.

You can dislike the idea of EGS buying timed exclusive...

1600d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment


Can two companies go in different directions without condemning the other? Does Nintendo making a handheld mean they think home consoles are bad? Does Sony focusing on SP experiences mean they think multiplayer is bad? Or is it possible you're just being a snowflake and taking offence at everything?

Gamer: Likes something that doesn't mention Sony
Fanboys: The fuck you just say about Sony!?!??

1600d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

"just cling to that tuft of grass"

You're smart for a gerbil, but that's still dumb by human standards <3

1600d ago 10 agree26 disagreeView comment

Except this actually happened with the Switch. The earliest releases on the Switch, like BotW and MK8, were all available on the previous system. When it comes to the launch period this move isnt going to have much in the way of drawbacks when it comes hardware sales.

1600d ago 6 agree25 disagreeView comment


I'm seeing a lot of projection right now. You accuse MS of being dishonest and then go out of your way to be extremely dishonest in your argument. That 10k player count number? Only counted Steam users. Try harder.

Also your source is limited to the UK. So if the game struggles in the UK that's now proof of it failing worldwide? Once again, try harder to veil your dishonesty.

1600d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


"Wow so your source is MS who didnt release any figures? So I guess we just have to take their word for it."

Yes. A drastically better source than a youtuber that you describe as a "fanboy". If your best retaliation is that Microsoft are lying then why would you trust sales figures from them? They can lie about those too so why are you so obsessed with those if you think MS is going to lie anyway? You see how dumb your position i...

1601d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Except you haven't provided evidence for that. I'm going to need a source buddy.

"And fyi, Crapgamer is one of MS biggest fanboys or at least he used to be."

Wow, so a fanboy is your source? LOL. Your counter to a direct statement from MS is a fanboy? Are you being serious?

1601d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

"We already saw this with gears5 which has sold poorly at retail"

It's going to backfire except when it doesn't:

1601d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

So what you're saying is that MS are providing one of the best deals in gaming and taking a loss for it? That's pretty generous of them. Are you trying to make them look good, or are you playing 4D chess with yourself?

1601d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment


"There is no excitment in a 10-20 min full of indie titles."

Speak for yourself. I'd take an hour of indie titles of that's what they want to show off.

This generation: Indies > AAA

1601d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment


This conversation is about the responses to E3 attendance. Nintendo got criticism just for not having an on-stage conference. @isarai tried to suggest that Sony is being treated worse than Nintendo for the same thing and that's just flat out false in this instance.

Just having a brief look at the comments on this site for some of those articles shows the striking difference in reactions for Nintendo and Sony from the users. Nintendo...

1601d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

Did you just forget that Nintendo had its fair share of "Nintendo is doomed" articles?

1601d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment

Depends on what you refer to when you say E3. EA doesn't attend E3 but still holds an event during the same time period as E3. Is that E3? Officially, no. It does, however, show that the industry sees this time as a good period to market upcoming releases and, broadly speaking, calling that E3 is the easiest way to communicate what's going on.

As to whether it's right to attend or skip. You never know until after the fact. Marketing is one of these things where ...

1601d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yes only little group that doesnt number past single digits. Quite the narrative to write an article about.

1601d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

Who is saying they were?

"according to some enthusiasts."

I can't see anywhere that has this narrative gaining traction.

1602d ago 48 agree11 disagreeView comment

Or buy those games too? Or am I for some reason forced to choose between XGPU and all those other games you mentioned?

In fact whats stopping me from using the money saved because of XGPU and putting them towards those new games?

1603d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

"Remember when developers were trying to force gamers to pay up for buying used games? $5 here. $10 there? Gamers were not having it. Remember when Microsoft tried to control who you sold games to and where? And tie your games to an always online service? Where you can't trade games, lend to a friend, etc? Remember when EA, the most greedy company, created Access to make money off of their old games in response to not getting their way with retail and partnering with Microsoft? Remem...

1603d ago 14 agree11 disagreeView comment


***I have no problem with E3 but chanting doom on a company because is not attending is very ridiculous.***

You're on a gaming forum that screams about impending doom over anything. This is to be expected at this point.

1604d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment