
CRank: 5Score: 3370

In a perfect world that might be the case, but in reality once a group like that has been broken up its for good.

I very much agree with Cajun Chicken. A perfect example would be the Fallouts. The spirit of the original games was what made it great, the devs poured their heart and souls into it. Fallout 3 may of gotten all the atmosphere right, but it just doesn't have that same spirit.

5610d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

South Korean Nazis..... somewhere there is a nazi rolling in a shallow grave 0_0

5610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ThanatosDMC: You can use that beta code in the final version from the devs website... you prob already know this but some don't.

On Topic: True enough the graphics are pretty low-end, but the gameplay is very unique and the production values are good for a 2 person dev team. Also the mod scene for the game in huge... everything from realistic to LOTR to graphic overhauls. Well worth even the full price.

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Saw it released, waited for the price to drop real low, and it now sits on the bookshelf.... and this was all MONTHS ago!

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As primarily a PC gamer with a number of friends doing the same none of us have a Windows Live account or can be even bothered to get one. Steam and Xfire have more then enough options between them to make whatever Live(PC) is offering moot. Anything I buy though Steam supports the friends list/community pages minimum and Xfire picks up the rest of the games.

Live(PC) is just another attempt for Microsoft to control what the user plays/does and take a bit of profit at some point ...

5611d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that Microsoft won't be open source... and it does it will be kicking and screaming.

Linux might see some more users now that money is tight, but the economic troubles won't cause people who didn't know or care about it to switch over. I know of very few people who use it as their operating system, and only a few more who even know what it is. Maybe Dell/HP can inform more people as they buy PC's.

Also Linux being open source really saved their butts this tim...

5611d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. MS is pushing the "Games for Windows" at PC users with one hand and shutting down PC studios with the other. One can blame the economy for all of the shutdowns, but I feel like that just turned out as a good excuse for Microsoft to PC gaming studios down.

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is most unfortunate. MSFS was a very honed piece of software with a metric ton of add-ons for it.

I wonder who the hell Microsoft has in mind to develop the franchise if they are willing to get rid of the creative force behind it.... TBH I bet they just ignore the franchise or just port over that dumbed down crap.

Also I hope the company reforms and keeps creating flight sims. I know a lot of people who bought the last MSFS who would love to see another similar...

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't reinstall Diablo 2 (god help me to find those CD's) but I did end up picking up Titan Quest + Expansion on one of those Steam weekend deals. Great Diablo clone and diversion for a little while for anyone interested.

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DA:O Will sell fine, well over the mythical 1 mil sold. The game has a well known RPG dev, looks to be going back to the hardcore roots of RPG's, and has the Baldur's Gate lineage.

The Witcher managed to make it over 1 mil pretty easy and is still going strong.... and it is a Polish made RPG from a company very few westerners have heard of and had little advertising.

PC gaming is fine.

5616d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who cares if it is realistic? Devs will release games with whatever amount of realism they want to (GTA4). We have more then enough games today to pick and choose what we want.

Personally I've always liked realism in my games, but I'm certainly glad there are pure fun who-gives-a-damn games out for when I get bored.

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd have to agree. I got a lot of my games over Steam in 2008. I'm sure to the big western publishers they see these numbers and think "Yup, Dead" and react accordingly, but Eastern European devs/publishers seem to think PC gaming is fine and are making some amazing games that are PC exclusive.

edit: agreed with 1.0, not 1.1

5618d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

True enough, I overreacted. Hopefully they do improve the AI but as I said I've still been burned by AI claims before.

5620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've lost count of the number of times devs have said their AI is "The Best Ever" but only to be disappointed by standard crap AI.

Maybe Naughty Dog will pull it off, but I'll have to play it to believe it.

5621d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Maybe Killzone 2 will be better then HL 2, but really neither of us knows. I also hope your not stating that Killzone 2 will only be better then HL 2 based on the graphics, cause that road only leads to potential disappointment... a great story doesn't need great graphics which is part of the reason I still replay Fallout 2 and am on the lookout for the other great RPG's of the 90's.

Also very rarely I will or will not play a game based on the graphics (the only one I can think o...

5626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow they had better have something great backing their claim or those mega corporations and crack legal teams will chew them up and spit them out. Atleast the guys who went after MMOs were smart enough to pick on weak prey.....

5626d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting list. Things are looking good for the dead platform.

Also I'm currently enjoying the backwards compatibility of it.... Fallout 2 FTW.

5626d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well this is a pleasant surprise. I had a lot of fun with Stalker so I expect that I will be buying this too if everything works out.

Also the story sounds like it has a bit in common with Hellgate: London (Humans underground, need to explore and raid topside) which is a good thing since that was one of the better parts of that game.

5628d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good review of the game. I really like how they used Valves hardware survey stats (try looking at them next time R*/other devs).

TBH I don't think R* Toronto was or is upto the task of porting to the PC. They managed to messup Bully of the PC and now GTA4 PC. Hopefully someone from R* HQ is looking into this but I have my doubts.

5643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't help that word got out very quickly that the game has very high system requirements and even then it was having major issues with a considerable number of people. I know I was going to buy it a few days after release but all the issues/drm made me stop. I'll get it when I upgrade or if I find it cheap.

5643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment