
CRank: 5Score: 3370

This game is PC's AAA title. Interesting that the story's for it aren't bringing in the reply's the story's for other games are.

Anyone I know who has played the full game has been really sucked in. I'll be getting my copy this weekend.

5570d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Downloading when I get home for sure.

The public beta was great. The game felt like a far more realistic and micromanaged Company of Heroes. Worth trying if you liked CoH but wanted something more (or just liked it).

5587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interplay sold off most of their licenses including the Fallouts but kept the Fallout Online license assuming they actually made progress by certain deadlines. So you probably will something released, although I still think Interplay is boarderline dead.

5587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. These guys make an amazing strategy game, every release builds on the franchise and core gameplay, and they give the fans what they want (more of the same but better).

While I know the money is on consoles these days, I really hope the game is never shoehorned onto one at the expense of what has already been built. My 2 cents on the subject.

Also Empire: Total War is a day one purchase for me. Hell some of my friends are upgrading/building new computers jus...

5591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too bad the first Dead Rising didn't get released on PC, but I am interested in this one.

5594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really don't think your stupid enough to actually think thats how it works "atke car".... or atleast I really hope you don't.

I agree with Mint and Nick. Sometimes an amazing art style can be just as good, if not better, then the next game with uber realistic graphics.... take Psychonauts for example (That game really needs a Wii release).

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good list. Just playing Sins of a Solar Empire now.

I would add The Witcher: Enhanced Edition to that list though. Great RPG and the dev team had the balls fix the problems and release the game with a ton of extras.

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just picked up the game yesterday so I'll see if I can help you.

The is not a multiplay only RTS. It is true that it doesn't have a campaign mode (aka, no main story other then the backstory). It does have a multiplayer mode, but I haven't touched it.

The game itself is pretty much a skirmish against the AI. You pick your map (ranging from small with one star and a few planets to large with multiple stars and hundreds of planets), pick your race, the AI's race/diff...

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm, seems like someone failed at account switching.

The game looks good. I've seen so called "Next-Gen" games that look a lot worse then this one. The Wii plays to its strengths and if the gameplay is good you don't even notice the graphics after a while (good or bad... in any game).

Also might be time to get a Wii (for the family ofcourse ;D)

5598d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the heads up. I had cable in University and like you said it did seem to slow-down at peak times, but I was effectively getting it for free via my landlord so I couldn't complain (It was though Shaw btw). I'll have to take take a look at what is available in whatever area I end up getting a place in for DSL.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I already know my ISP is throttling me. I use Xplornet, a satellite internet provider. I pay for 512kb/s, but am lucky if I get 50 - 100kb/s. Also the rate is limted hourly based on the amount downloaded (download more and the more you get throttled.. right down to 5kb/s). I phoned them up about this and they said it they knew about it and really didn't care. Luckly I'm getting a new job and moving away from this BS... cable here I come!

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you were a hardcore fan of 1 and 2 then 3 probably left a sour taste in your mouth. Personally I like 1 and 2 more then 3 simply because 3 seems to try to do what they did, but never quite makes it leaving some half-baked ideas. I don't hate 3, and enjoyed my time with it though but I'm far more likely to go back and replay 2 again.

Also if you liked Fallout 3 and Fallout 2 is well worth the $5 and playtime. Graphics may not have aged well but the story is timeless.

5606d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was this game any good anyways? I remember hearing about it having some major issues....

5606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well whatever the franchise is it is probably going to be turned into a FPS/RPG since Beth loves their engine. I'll reserve judgment if that is a good thing till names are released.

5606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I thought all the Heaven trailers were not ingame and prerendered?!?

5606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats with all the THQ hate? They released the Company of Heroes series (with a second expansion on the way) along with all the Warhammer 40k Dawn of War series (it has what, 3 or 4 expansions?).

CoH is probably my favorite RTS of all time, so it is pretty silly to say they don't have or have ever released good games.

5606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks like a classic community map pack and not something IW has anything to do with or makes you install. PC IW games have been doing this since CoD1....

If they did port it to the consoles they would have to accept them as offical maps (and any reworking they feel is needed), plus Microsoft would make them charge $10-$20 as they like to do.

5607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Microsoft is cutting anything that doesn't fit with the mainstream crowd (prob not the right phrase, but you get what I mean).

The game would of made back its cost, but not right away. There are a lot of older gentlemen with lots of money who love to model/play with Trains (and spend a buttload of money to do so) who would of bought this game. Whenever I go into my local hobby shop guys are looking at/buying the sims they offer. Can't foget the Europeans who seem to like this...

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect was great. Turn off the subtitles, lean back in your chair, and let the story unfold.

Also The Witcher had a great story. Played it right after Mass Effect and was very happy with it.

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IE def won't come out on top, but it will be a long battle. A key turning point would be when computer distributors like Dell or HP decide to release it with each PC (similar to what Dell allows with Linux). The Geeks know Chrome and Firefox are better, but now the masses need to know.

Also I think Chrome is a great thing. It provides some competition for Firefox, and should make Microsoft squirm some more. Personally I'm still with Firefox cause of the addons and whatnot, but I...

5609d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment