CRank: 5Score: 52490

I think you should randomly pick me as q winner

3811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love ff8. One of my favorites. I dont really hear much hate for it. The only thing i can think of is that it followed ff7

4126d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then don't get new MS console... that's pretty much most of what you're going to get. Oh, and kinect :-/

4203d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

From that list, I would like Spyro and Sora.

I would (selfishly) like to see Crash Bandicoot and Squall from FF8.

I'm assuming there are more characters to add.. with TGS and the release months away, they wouldn't show their hand this early. We'll see.

4293d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't see GOWIV announced at Gamescom. It's a big game, big series for sony. I know they announced R3 last year, but GOW is something sony wants to make a bigger splash. I can see some different title being announced. The Syphon Filter stuff makes sense.

4675d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Powerofcell I see you write these same comments every single time. Get some new material. You trolls have trouble with creativity? Or just with using your brain?

4706d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It was a good, short read. Normally i don't like these little personal tales, but this one hit it for me. I've never cared much for PC gaming, but I enjoy the things on the ps3 that the writer did.

I have always liked that the PS3 (intentional or not) treated me like an adult. It may just be in my mind or whatever, but I always felt that way.

4801d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

almost, by definition, means it didn't .. but was close. His statement obviously reflects that kz3 fell just short of outselling a multiplatform title. Maybe you are home schooled and reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

4833d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol @ this article. Gingerbread has been heavily rumored for months, has been heavily hinted at in recent months, and there was nothing hidden. Also, Android phones have had the greatest share growth in the least amount of time, and are nipping at the heels of Iphone. Iphone still leads the mobile phone gaming market, but there is a huge emphasis on Android by developers; especially since Android's OS has had the greatest market share the past few quarters and doesn't seem to let u...

4925d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

did anyone read the comments on the link to that Cuban website? They are some of the few left who are completely ignorant in Cuba. It's funny that Cuban "commentators" should complain about this, when they do not allow their own people to complain about anything. They have killed dissenters or kept dissenters "quiet" for 50 years and will use anything they can to deflect their own problems. Crappy Cuban government is still crappy.

4953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

opposed to an overpriced piece of hardware that has little games, some faults, and nothing else but a person jumping around?

To each their own. But don't rag on someone's decisions when yours may not be so great. I recall something about not casting stones...

4953d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

randomly select me, not so randomly ;-)

4962d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know you like acting like an idiot, but you can't be as dumb as you post. But just in case, let me clear up some things before your friends get a bit rowdy. The 360 slim sold LESS it's first month than the PS3 slim sold in it's first month in NA alone. It's been widely known that the ps3 has outsold the 360 by a healthy margin globally, so I don't know how you see the 360 increasing the lead. You even saw a jump in PS3 sales for June, which is the first month that the ...

5065d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

they may not be having shortages anymore, but that has been in the past month to month and a half. As of May, gamestop ceo in a meeting said they still had shortages, etc. So even if they don't have shortages any more, it is unreasonable to make a presumption for the whole year.

5085d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

there is no way to verify numbers, so in the end you have to take it or leave it

the only thing that is interesting about it, is that they wrote a subjective article underneath in which they stated that interest for the slim has dropped and may reached it's average floor. That is a bit unfair, since Sony, every head of major studios and the head of Gamestop all acknowledged severe shortages of the ps3 so I wouldn't be so quick to say that they hit their average floor...

5085d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like Kevin Butler.. like PirateThom said, he is a parody of gamers and what gamers think. It was a great idea of making a character who resembles a funny take of gamers a VP of everything. Cause in the end, we all think we could do the console maker's jobs .. but he's just funnier at it :-D

5089d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

you put anything next a graph, and people think it's legitimate. The graph accounts for number of posts where it is mentioned. The internet blew up with posts mocking MS conference and kinect (just look at all the gif's floating around), so the scale won't differentiate one post from the other. I guess Sony may have failed getting people to talk about it, maybe because it wasn't as poor a show as the MS show

5094d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS is trying desperately to create buzz; that is how they are basing their sales. Because all the reviews from people who have played have complained about it. Same thing for all motion. Get over MS, it failed. It all fails. How much longer will we have these articles

5098d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

because they were scared off by the reception they received by their poor performance. I think it was initially going to be priced at $150 (generally, big companies to not list prices for items and accept pre-orders without having any idea of the price), but they received a poor reception, so they waited for Sony's Move to be priced so they can adjust it accordingly.

5098d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

i doubt anyone who is using the ps3 as a super computer is logging into psn and updating their ps3's. The site must be needing some hits this month.

5140d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment