
CRank: 5Score: 4420

I'm Sorry, are either SONY TROLLS,
or are people who have NO CLUE how to take care of electronic equipment.

These things aren't solid state like a NES or something. Anything with moving parts and fans are GONNA NEED AIR!!.

So give them air, don't put them on carpet, don't move them when they are spinning discs, etc. etc.

When i see people on their 3rd, 4th, or 5th, i either think, A. not true, nice try sony lover or B. why are you so retarded that...

5937d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

enclosing them in clear plastic cases like that would be the equivalent of me putting a bag on my head.

Someone poke a hole so they can breathe!!.. ALso, it's true, 360 is more associated with the hardcore gamer and with competitions. I would fall under that category i guess. PC gamer who defected to 360 after i got tired of upgrading twice a year. I think that has something to do with it. 360 and PC are much more closely matched and these kind of grew from the PC arena.

5937d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

and the destructable is done VERY well. The force of the explosion matches what gets taken out, and the particle effects look awesome (sparks, shrapnel, etc).

I'm going to get this, even if just for blowing stuff up.

5938d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because the entire article was an opinion piece, yet portrayed in the title as "the cold hard facts"

Fact is not equal to opinion.

Had they done a poll, then, yes, that would have much more ground to stand on, but, one guys opinion (which boiled down to he likes the PS3 controller better, so every game on PS3 must be better), is worth absolutely nothing.

Anyone who points to this article as any sort of reference or anything to be even considere...

5940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact that the PS3, even with a 5gig install and over a year extra dev time, can't run a FIRST generation xbox 360 game.

I'm sorry, but there's more to it than just capcom sucking. There's more sucking than just capcom here.

(cue sony boys telling us all about uncharted, and R&C, etc. etc., and the incredible graphics that they swear by of games that aren't even out yet that they've never even seen other than a few pictures in gamepro,,,,lol)..

5943d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

sorry, i just am amazed at some of these sony guys.

in 6 months time the PS3 is going to be close to the user base of the 360, are you serious??

Let's see...
Xbox 360 = 18 million consoles (microsoft said so at GDC, most likely a lowball number though)
PS3 = okay i'll give you 10 million (although it's more like 9, but so the math is easier for you to understand).

That's a difference of 8-9 MILLION consoles. The PS3 would have to sell clos...

5944d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

for reasons already stated.

1. Bigger user base than 2 years ago, by far.
2. it is a proven IP that is very well known (even the idiot i work with told me he wants to buy a 360 for gears of war, and he's a goof).
3. Epic has much to prove as their engine is in a more crowded space with other dev engines. So expect some impressive stuff, Epic are true masters.

Also, the 360 doesn't need saved.

Do sony boys realize that for the PS3 to catch the...

5944d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

and man those screenies, that is some good graphics imo. More than just nice..

Stupid article

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

there's more to towing a boat than just horsepower,

Actually, torque and gear ratios are what make it possible, so no, your hemi sedan would tow a boat for sh*t. Gear ratios in a car are way too high to tow anything. What's the tow rating on your sedan? My truck is 7500.

This is funny.

Basically, the article didn't say anything about anyone having "difficulties" with running the game on the 360, but they did say it about the PS3. So spin...

5947d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

you can't be serious, read it again...

you are taking what they are saying, and BELIEVING THE OPPOSITE TO BE TRUE... whaaa???

They are saying that it's easier to take from the PS3 to the 360. That the 360 can handle what the PS3 does, but the PS3 can't handle what the 360 does without much tender care and caressing.

You're not even thinking right. Just because devs say its more powerful would contradict everyone's real world experience to this point i...

5947d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I can haul my boat just fine with my truck, but when i try to haul it with my car, it won't go up hills. So, in order to tow my boat with my car first, i have to take out some weight from it (engine, seats), so that my car can tow it. But, my truck still hauls it just fine.

This must mean my car (PS3, for some of you class acts) is the better, more powerful machine...

5947d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

and whatever retard says the 360 can't render a HD frame, that is just pure stupidity. I can't even believe how misinformed some of you are.

I can post up a giant list of multiplat games where the 360 version either runs at a higher resolution than the PS3, or has better AA (2x or 4x MSAA). The list is MUCH bigger than you sony lovers would think.

5948d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

and so what if the guys is a PS3 fanboy, or a blogger trying to look like a review site, or whatever.

Fact is, it is a POS as far as build quality is concerned. Every day i turn mine on, i fear it will be its last. And that is a crappy feeling.

That being said, it's the most fun i've ever had with a games console/media center. So, FWIW...

If it was reliable, honestly, the 360 would be my perfect system, but in its current form, it is flawed. not for ...

5948d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

imagine the possibilities if i didn't stay up until 3 a.m. playin teh haloz, and ME, etc. etc...

I'd probably have my doctorate by now... heh
Long live 360, the most fun i've had on a game console. I'm glad MS gave us something to be excited about with all the positive Sony news lately.

It's gonna be even more interesting than last year i bet.... Good competition means we all win..

5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the soft body physics, it'd be cool if you could use the locust that you waste for "human shields". Pick them up and run behind them. would come in handy when fighting 100 or so of em.. And it'd look damn cool too as the shield your using gradually gets shot away from the riddling. Marcus and the boys are pretty strong looking, so i bet they could do it.

Would add a whole new dimension to the cover system...

5948d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok, yeah, we all know,

it would have been better, even if everything was the exact same, if it was shown on a PS3 right?

UE3 optimized for PS3 doesn't mean they make things better for PS3, it means they optimize the engine to get it to run as well. How quickly everyone forgets all the trouble EVERYONE had, including EPIC, getting UE3 to just run on PS3.

This was impressive. Gears of War 2 will be impressive. Gears 1 is probably my favorite game so far...

5949d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

since they used gears to display it, and it's already in the code, it'd be a real pisser if they were just teasing us.

I think it's safe to say this was a quick glimpse of the new gears.

5949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're funny,

you even say "not being fanboyish". lol..
If you don't like it, you don't have a 360, so it shouldn't even matter then right??

5949d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

in most of those shots, the character models (shading, etc.) look like they're from a completely different game. Like a different brightness and very washed out.

Everything looks so flat, no reflective surfaces, I hope they polish up some of the textures. From the look of it, they've tightened some things up, so maybe they still are..

5949d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
5950d ago