
CRank: 5Score: 4420

you have not heard of PS3 having trouble running ported games???
Where have you been, what cave?? My god ignorance must be bliss..

Oh yeah, i have resistance for PS3 and Gears of War for my 360, and, gears of war blows resistance away, cleanly, concisely and completely. there is no competition. I never even finished resistance, it is completely generic and the graphics are plain as could be. It's not even close. One of the main reasons i'm keeping my 360 after getting ...

5884d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

because i have it for PS3. And it is very good, if not a little cheap. Playing a game w/o damage after playing forza for a year was a big change though... But, don't get me wrong, it's an amazing game, but i do mostly play it for the graphics (i can read the wording on the headlight stalks for god's sake, incredible)...

Just saying, it most likely would NOT be a slideshow. The GPU in the 360 is just a better GPU. Simple as that.

5886d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a little bummed b/c i thought this might finally be the time PS3 mounts an attack to the 360's undefeated throne,, oh well.

I'm glad i don't JUST have a PS3, b/c i'd be pretty bummed about it. I don't think these are ever going to change. I honestly think the 360 is a more powerful machine for graphics (maybe not physics, AI, etc.). It just is. There's many times i'm playing PS3 games where i see textures and think that same texture would be higher res if it was on my 36...

5886d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's things like this why i keep my 360.

I've been PS3 full time lately, but this will never go away, so i'm glad i didn't sell the 360 b/c i think being a PS3 only owner would be so frustrating and depressing with stuff like this.

It will never stop. I'm really looking forward to force unleashed, but i think it'll be the same story all over again. Just too many games are started for 360 first and this will NEVER go away...

Get used to it...

5892d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i just got my PS3 running yesterday, bought an "as is" off of ebay for $160 bucks. Put in a new hard drive. GOOD AS NEW!!!.

Love the thing so far, maybe a bit more than the 360, but it is new.

as a long time 360 gamer who just joined PSN at 3 a.m. last night. I REALLY like the look and speed and feel of the PS store. The Gt5 prologue trailer was farking jaw dropping... How the hell do i get Gt5, it says "coming soon", but i thought it was out?...

5894d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

because it uses a completely different technology, like you said.

and you make normal mapping sound like no big deal..

It'd be comparing apples to oranges if you go by poly counts between games b/c where one game uses straight up polys for geometry, Gears uses a rather ingenious idea of wrapping a frame with a texture, or normal mapping. The whole point is to USE LESS POLYS so they can be used for somthing else, and it is one of the best techs i've seen so far as fa...

5897d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

1200 degrees by today i said, lol.

Gears 2 will still rock. God i can't wait. With both a 360 and PS3, i'd have to say Gears is my favorite next gen game i've played yet. It just gets too much right...

5897d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

If anything, judging by the reaction and how this will be upwards 1200 degrees by tomorrow, looks like Sony boys feel the overwhelming need to defend their choice.

Honestly, it's kind of like overcompensating for some sort of inferiority complex or something, it's pretty laughable and also kinda sad.

I could give 2 sh1ts, i have both PS3 and 360, and feel no need to defend either. I like them both for what they are...

to all the doubters though, you b...

5897d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

use in game assets like the first (which was one of the biggest things that blew me away when i played the first one, never saw that before)

I'm willing to bet they're in game b/c IT'S ALL IN GAME!!!! How hard is that for some people

5897d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

word, Very well put.

also, I have no doubt that Gears 2 will be something very special.

5897d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I really like it and i find myself playing it every night now.

The first day or two i thought it sucked and only got killed or tried to blow stuff up, only once i figured out the flow of the game did it get good.

Now i'm liking it more than COD4 to tell you the truth. I don't have COD4 the full game, but i did that beta too, and i'm having more fun with this one i think, or at least i'm playing it about the same.

I will say that the multiplayer dynamics...

5910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when i played all squad.
but last night i played OASIS and it was a lot of fun. I was owning with the howitzer till my a-hole teammate killed me just so he could get on it.

Tanks and helicopter are pretty fun. Give it time, it opens up a little more the more you play it..

5914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

of these posts is just astounding.

If you guys would rather watch "superior" films on your PS3, then why are you even posting here, what the hell does it matter to you? Just shut the hell up already. It's sad and if anything, it makes you guys look jealous, with the "so,,, so,,, whatever,,,, i can watch an even better movie than you can"... you guys sound like little Cartmans or something. Fact of the matter is, it's 3 a.m., and if i felt like watching a ...

5920d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

lemme know :-) (BOB, lol).

5921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

POS article. I'm sure the game will move plenty of BOTH systems. Especially if MS price drops, money talks and sh1t walks..

5921d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

I'm a 360 gamer, but i don't hate on any systems, i just like the one i got.

anyways, i do like the 360's textures better, and when i played my first "next gen" game (gears of war), the biggest thing that blew me away was HD textures for the first time, so i guess i may be a texture whore..

Lighting, honestly, i like the 360 lighting better b/c the char. models in most of the PS3 shots seem a bit too washed out or too high in contrast or something in the da...

5922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that movie owned my head for a couple days after i saw it.

I have a 360, no PS3. Never been big for GTA, only have it for PSP, usu get a couple missions done, then go driving around bashing cars around, that's usually as far as i get.

I guess i have too much ADD or ADHD to enjoy it, or something. Not a big deal to me either way,

If the reviews are real good, i'll get it for my 360, but i'd rather MS had just made a couple of new IP's w/ that money.

5929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I log onto N4G today, and pretty much every article involves the RROD in some form or another. Dug up from anywhere they can find it.

It's a slow day in game news, so lets post RROD articles...

Stop posting this SH1T!!. We all know already... We all know the xbox 360 breaks. It is well established fact.

5932d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

what was the point of your post?

lol... we all said wow, if it makes you feel any better.

How about this? I have a 4 year old Barton XP3000 with a X800 that i bios-hacked to 16pipes and i can play the game at 1280 x 1024 with everything set to high, and it actually runs pretty good and i'm always in the top 3 online and i can run shadows and everything... So, that's not saying a whole lot.

The game scales REALLY well!! Just a really good job of codin...

5935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's pretty obvious that the PS3 was overestimated on launch, and that the 360 was highly underestimated.

on every one of those games, the 360 version looks better. I remember back when i was a PC gamer and they'd compare ATI/Nvidia screen shots. They'd look practically exactly the same (except maybe ATI AA'd the opposite line than Nvidia did, etc. etc.) You had to nitpick to find anything, but the ATI picture/color quality was always better, no matter if the Nvidia card ran i...

5935d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment